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Fifty-Sixth Edition - March 2012   
The Bridge

Finishers Project 
PO Box 12649 Chandler, AZ 85248 

PH. 480.584.5448
Fax 480.584.5336

Contact Our Staff: 

Chief Innovation Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Agency Relations 
Partner Support Coordinator 
Ele Parrott 
Partner Meeting Coordinator
Colleen Erdmann
Web Site Development     
National Forums Director
Chief Story Teller
Web Assistant
The Journey Deepens Director
MissionNext Director


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 Coming Events
Click on these links to find more information about each event
Portland, OR
Philadelphia, PA
Des Moines, IA

A Great Resource  
Don's Book Cover

 Follow Your Calling - Cover

Both of these books are great resources that belong in your peronal library! 

Click on the covers to order!

Affiliate Organizations

Click on the logo to go to our partners website.

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 Missio Nexus  




Ask A Missionary


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The Bridge is provided to keep you abreast of news pertaining to Finishers Project.  We trust that you will find this helpful and informative!
How Baby Boomers Think

      In an article titled, "How Baby Boomers Think", from the website, the following eight points were listed regarding how our minds change as we mature.  Points 1 through 8 are from the article and the questions are mine.  How would you answer them?
Eight Progressive Changes in How Older Minds Process Informaton:
1. Less reliance on reason to determine what is of interest, and more on intuition (which is cued by emotional responses).
How do you determine if something is of interest to you?
2. First impressions (which are always emotionally based) are more durable and more difficult to reverse than for younger adults.      
What kind of first impression do you make on people?
3. After a matter qualifies for interest and further attention, baby boomers tend to want more information than do younger consumers.
If you were interested in a new opportunity for ministry, what additional information would be important to you?
4. Decreasing speed in rational processing of objective information.
Think of a time when information seemed to be coming too fast.  What was it and why did it feel too fast?
5. More resistant to absolute propositions.
What kind of presentations create a feeling of resistance in you?
6. More sensitive to metaphorical meanings, nuances and subtleties.
Reflect on a TV commercial that you enjoyed, regardless of the product.  What made it enjoyable?
7. More receptive to narrative-styled presentations of information, less responsive to information presented in expository style.
What would have the greatest impact on your thinking, a "story" or "the plain facts?"
8. Perceptions are more holistic.
If you were asked to participate in a new ministry initiative, would you mostly consider how it would affect your whole life, or how your skill-set might be used?
      The purpose of including this article and the questions was to help us know ourselves a little better and thereby sharpen our thought processes as we seek ways to invest our lives for our Lord.    

Opportunities to Discover Ways to Impact Your World 


Finishers Forum in Des Moines, Iowa - October 26-27, 2012
Interact with local, U.S based, and international ministry opportunities.  Connect with others on the same journey.  Hear responses to the significant questions you bring.

The Journey Deepens - Portland, OR - April 20-22, or Philadelphia, PA. - May 18-20.

Considering cross-cultural work and living?  Interact with experienced cross-cultural workers during this retreat-style weekend.

Sneak Preview

The church is in the process of confirming the date so this is not yet confirmed...but...Lord willing, we'll be holding a Finishers Forum, June 22-23 in the Denver, CO area.  Full information next month.

Would You Help? 

      With a few clicks on the Giving Of Life website, you can place a vote for Finishers and help qualify us to receive a $10,000 grant.  What's more...since we are raising funds for a matching grant, the $10,000 would actually become $20,000!  
      I know it would require a minute or two on your part....but it would be a wonderful gift of your time to us.  Click on this link and it will take you where you can cast a vote for us. 
      If you have an extra minute, let others know because the most votes in the category qualifies for the grant.  THANK YOU!

Significant Living Magazine 
Thanks for your interest in Finishers Project!
We'd love to hear how God is working in your life
and how we can pray for you! 
                                                                                           Don's pic    

   Don Parrott
   CEO, Finishers Project