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Forty Third Edition - February 2011 
The Bridge

Finishers Project 
PO Box 12649 Chandler, AZ 85248 

PH. 480.584.5448
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Ele Parrott 
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The Journey Deepens

Fayetteville, AK

 Corbett, OR

Bellevue, WA

Dayton, IA



        May 20-21, 2011
         Seattle, WA

 Registration is

 now open!

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The Bridge is provided to keep you abreast of news pertaining to Finishers Project.  We trust that you will find this helpful and informative!

Second Career Happiness!.

Since the first official "baby boomer" turned 65 on January 1, we are seeing a plethora of articles and reports on how boomers are stepping into what used to be called "retirement."

This one, taken from a Jan. 29 article in USA Today, states, "With 77 million Baby Boomers ages 46-65 moving toward traditional retirement, more than 5 million Americans have already entered second careers.  About 1 in 4 people older than 50 moves into a new line of work, but the attraction usually is fewer hours and responsibilities. What binds many older workers together is the desire to work directly with people after careers that were more impersonal."

We think this bodes well for all of us in the Finishers world...those of us looking for possible second careers, and those ministry groups with great opportunities to work directly with people.

The Wall Street Journal, on December 28 of 2010 stated, "The quality of our relationships is the single biggest predictor of our happiness."

The insights from these two articles translate into a great "win-win" combination:  Boomers who want to work more directly with people, i.e., "relationships" and, having good relationships contributes to our personal happiness!

So here we are in February...Valentines...loving relationships, bringing happiness, thinking about people who touch our lives in good ways, thinking about how we can touch lives in significant ways - ways that bring us happiness and ways that make a difference in their lives.

If you are one of the 3.47 million turning 65 this year, I encourage you to be intentional in finding a way to make a difference in the lives of others.  It may be close to may be far away.  Whichever it is, the Lord has been purposefully preparing you for this time in your life.  Fervently ask him to open the right doors, and then embrace the faith and spiritual courage to literally have the time of your life!

Been to a Forum?.

Many of you receiving this letter have attended a Finishers Forum.  If you're in that category, let your family and friends in the Northwest know about the upcoming Forum, May 20-21 in Bellevue, WA.  They can get additional info and register on our website:

Others of you have not been able to attend a Forum, but we know you would greatly benefit.  Join us this May.  In the Events Tab on our website, click on Finishers Forums, then check out the Benefits and Who Attends links.     

Considering Cross-Cultural Living??? 

What's it really like to live overseas...not just visit?  Should we take our children overseas?  What about their education?  How can I leave my aging parents?  What does it cost and how would it be funded?  Do I have to learn a language?  How would my past experience prepare me for overseas ministry?

If you would like answers to questions like these, The Journey Deepens weekend could be a great experience for you.  These Friday-Sunday retreats are facilitated by experienced cross-cultural workers who are there to listen to your situation and offer helpful guidance, as people who have walked this road before you.

Check out the four upcoming retreats and go to the website for additional information and to register.  Some of the locations have limited rooms, so early registration can be important. then to Events and The Journey Deepens.

God's Valentine Gift


God's Valentine gift of love to us
Was not a bunch of flowers;
It wasn't candy, or a book
To while away the hours.


His gift was to become a man,
So He could freely give
His sacrificial love for us,
So you and I could live.


He gave us sweet salvation, and
Instruction, good and true--
To love our friends and enemies
And love our Savior, too.


So as we give our Valentines,
Let's thank our Lord and King;
The reason we have love to give
Is that He gave everything.



By Joanna Fuchs 


Finishers Forum - Seattle


May 20-21, 2011                        Westminster Chapel


Westminster Chapel
13646 NE 24th St
Bellevue, Washington 98005


These conferences are especially appropriate for you if you're in your 40's or 50's. Boomers are the healthiest and best-educated generation at mid-life in history. At 50 you're only halfway through your adult years. Come explore new ways to offer your time and talent to the Lord.


A Finishers Forum will also challenge you if you're in your 20's or 30's. See how you can serve in the Great Commission now, and how you can plan your life so that you will be ready to serve in missions full time during your second-half.


Over 60? This conference will show you how to make connections so that you can serve and play a role for the Lord among the nations with your lifetime of experience.


If single or single again, you will discover opportunities that fit your flexibility.


If a couple, you will find a fit for each of you among the thousands of options available.


If you serve on a Missions Committee, this conference will equip you to help others find a place to serve - from short-term assignments to a full time ministry. Time with agency reps will also provide insights from the mission agency perspective and ideas on how you can serve your missionaries better.


Your biggest risk is to not take the risk to explore.


CLICK HERE for more information!

Thanks for your interest in Finishers Project!
We'd love to hear how God is working in your life
and how we can pray for you! 
                                                                                           Don's pic    

   Don Parrott
   CEO, Finishers Project