Trinity Church E-Pistle August 27, 2009
Help us market this product
Trinity Newcomer packet cover

The product is Trinity Church.
Sarah Kinney Gaventa has created a beautiful, full-color guide for visitors and new members, and now we need your help
in distributing the guide around Princeton, Montgomery, Belle Mead, Skillman and Mercer County in general.
If you can help, please email Alison Roth at [email protected]
Worship & Education
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
(Proper 17)
Click here for this Sunday's Lessons
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
(Traditional Language, no choir)

Sunday morning childcare, for infants to 3-year olds, is available upstairs in the Nursery in Room 202 from 9:45 a.m. until the conclusion of the 10:00 a.m. service.

10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
(Contemporary Language with summer choir)

Please meet and greet one another in fellowship and enjoy God's wondrous creation--otherwise known as summer! 
Enjoy ice tea and lemonade in in the parish reception area or in front of the church entrance after BOTH the 8am and 10am  services.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
12:10 p.m. Holy Eucharist with homily.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
5:30p.m.  Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing

The church is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekdays for meditation and prayer.

Worship Leaders
August 30th
8:00 a.m.
Reader: Bill Hackett
Chalicists: Nancy Metcalf, Guy Pierson, Anne Zultner
Ushers: Lewie Kingsford, Guy Pierson
Acolyte: Sarah Parker
10 a.m.
Reader: Beverly Leach
Intercessor: Don Mann
Verger: Lily Leonard
Ushers: Dan Haughton, Rob Hearne, Costa  Papastephanou, Patrick Rulon-Miller,
Chalicists:  Dorothy  Moote, Jim Phillips, Sylvia Temmer, Bev Scollay
Acolytes: Brad States, Dan States, Lucy Nalen
Audio: Art Martin

September 6th
8:00 a.m.
Reader: Tim Munoz
Acolyte: Irving Newlin
Chalicists: Curtis Hoberman, Nancy Metcalf, Bruce Woodger
Ushers: Barbara Banks, Jonathan Craig
10 a.m.
Reader: Leighton Laughlin
Intercessor: Louise Dunham
Verger: James Scott
Ushers: John Burns, Joseh Greer, Brian Saunders, Michael Unger
Chalicists: Ildiko Antal, Mary Cullen, Maureen McCormick, Phil Unetic
Acolytes: Ann Laughlin, Kadri Kallikorm-Rhodes, Julia Saltsman
Audio: Marc Sibilia

Paul Jeanes leads Men's Retreat September 25th-27 at
Haynes Farm in Pennsylvania 
red barn

Please sign up now for the Men's Retreat to be held at Bill Haynes farm in northeastern Pennsylvania  the weekend of Sept. 25th.  People will be going up on Friday afternoon (for those who can leave early) and the program will start that evening.  Dinner will be served but people can come anytime that evening.  The retreat will be given by Paul Jeanes and will conclude after lunch on Sunday.  The farm is about a 2 and a half hour to 3 hour drive from Trinity.  Cost will be approximately $60 to cover cost of food, etc.  Space is limited.  For those interested, please respond by email to Bill Haynes at [email protected]  Directions, details and a rough guide as to the program in the past will be sent to those who sign up. 

Okay, so this isn't exactly Bill and Aline Haynes's red barn in Pennsylvania, but it looks like it.
Our invitation to join singles
from Nassau Presbyterian
 canoe canal photo
Are you single, divorced or widowed?  The Singles group at Nassau Presbyterian Church has graciously invited us to  participate in their activities!  Join us as we make new friends and participate in the fun activities listed below.  Please contact Trinity parishioner Joanne Crain if you would like to participate: [email protected]  or (609)712-3485.
The first event is:
CANOE/KAYAK ALONG THE  Delaware and Raritan CANAL (please r.s.v.p by 9/10)
Saturday, September 12
12 - 2 pm (Rain date - Sunday, September 13)
September 20th 12:30 p.m. Nassau Singles lunch meeting at Nassau Inn
October 10th Bike ride to Frenchtown for lunch
(Please contact Joanne Crain for the details on the bike ride to Frenchtown)
October 14th 12:30 p.m. Nassau Singles lunch meeting (location tba)
November 11th   12:30 p.m. Nassau Singles lunch meeting (location tba)
November 14th Wine & cheese
December 6th 12:30 p.m.Nassau Singles lunch meeting (location to be determined)
December Pro Musica concert at the Trenton War Memorial with Frances Slade

Office closed on Labor Day,
September 7th
Labor Day Rosie

But the church is open
for prayers and mediatation
from 8 am to 8 pm.
Retreat with Dick and Juliana at Kirkridge October 30-November 1

Scripture repeatedly calls us to various kinds of awakening.  However, along the pathways to spiritual transformation we inevitably meet some impediments, be they blindness, anxiety, doubt, hardness of heart, or despair. During this retreat, we will explore resources from Holy Scripture, from poetry, art, dreams and personal experience
to guide us beyond these impediments toward faith and thanksgiving.
Each one of five sessions will include worship and conversation. In addition to our time together, we will spend time apart in silence for solitary reflection.
We hope that our time away will be a 'homecoming' rather than a retreat as we awaken more readily to the presence of God in our daily lives.
Everyone is welcome! To register for this retreat, please contact our registrar, Janet. You may email her at [email protected] or call her at 610-599-4602.  She is usually there from 9:00AM to 3:00PM weekdays. Thank you for your interest.
                                                                            Dick and Juliana McIntyre Fenn
Farewell and good luck to
Trinity families on the move
Kay Roberts, Vince & the Fuller the dog
Farewell and good luck to a number of Trinity families leaving Princeton for retirement, new jobs, new lives! We will miss you but we are excited for you as you turn to the next chapter  in your life. Remember that you need a letter of transfer from Trinity when you find your new parish; please email Annie Thomas  ([email protected]) after September 8th to make this happen.

The Rev. Peter and Mary Funk moved to New Hampshire  to be closer to their families.

Gay and Ken Bitter relocated to Virgina, with Gay finding a new job and Ken, having left Wall Street and discovered road biking, now contemplating a new venture involving spokes and wheels.

Finally, Kay Roberts and Vince Menzel send along this farewell: 

Vince Menzel, Kay Roberts,(photo) and Fuller (the Lab that assists Kay) are moving and want to say "Thank You and Adios" to Trinity clergy, staff and community.  The past 15 years at Trinity have been truly  wonderful - a feast for our souls and our hearts.  Kay and Fuller will continue to volunteer for the Trenton After School Program.  Our new address is:  7 Alma Road, High Bar Harbor, New Jersey,  08008.  Our email address is [email protected] and [email protected]

Sign up for your free photo
in our new parish directory
family portrait photoMrs. Metcalf, I'm ready for my close-up now.

Nancy Metcalf has agreed to oversee the team of volunteers who will meet and greet parishioners and remind them to arrive for their photo session to create our new Trinity Parish Directory, which will be published in January of 2010.

Thank you, Nancy.
And thank you to the team: Betty Ayers, Carol Blunt, Wendy Bond, Judy Burks, Martha Lashbrook, Diane Paulsell, Bruce Woodger, Petie Duncan, Connie Garber, Bill Hackett, May Papastephanou, Lockie Proctor, Bev Scollay, Ruth Scott, Jim Phillips, and Grant Fraser.

All participating Trinity members will receive a free 8x10 portrait (the same photo used in the directory) and a copy of the new directory. Ambient Light, our publisher,  will also donate to Trinity 10% of the total sales of extra family portraits ordered from parishioners.
Signing up for the picture taking will begin at the Parish Homecoming Picnic after the conclusion of the 10am service on September 13th. Parishioners will also be able to register for a photo session online, beginning on September 5th. Ambient has agreed to schedule taking pictures into the Thanksgiving weekend of November 27th-29th, which allows our families to include students home from college and grandparents visiting for the holiday. Photography can be scheduled weekdays from 2pm-9pm, Saturday from noon- 7pm, or Sunday noon-6pm.  
After you have your photo snapped, Ambient will show you the photos on a computer monitor so you can instantly choose the image you wish for the directory. Parishioners can order extra photos in time to create Christmas gifts. Ambient also allows family members who are not members of Trinity to appear in the photo, as well as the use of props, such as family prayer books, or wearing your choir or acolyte robes. Clothing tips from Ambient are available in the parish office.
Trinity Church has not published a parishioner photo directory since 2002. For more information about the church photo directory, please call (924-2277) or email Annie Thomas at
[email protected] beginning September 9th.

No, this isn't a Trinity family, but Ambient does suggest we all wear dark clothing  without busy patterns, just like this mystery family.

Train for Education for Ministry
with Sarah Gaventa, Steve Isham
and Diane Paulsell
We are all called to Christ's ministry at our baptism. Education for Ministry (EFM) is a program designed to support Christian lay people in carrying out their ministries in daily life.  Sponsored by the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, EFM aims to provide participants with a theological education that focuses on learning to think theologically, understanding our Christian heritage, deepening our faith, and developing a Christian community.
Participants commit to participating in the program for one year at time; completion of the entire program takes four years. Participants study the Old Testament in their first year, and the New Testament in their second year. The third year covers church history, and the fourth year examines contemporary theological choices and issues. In addition, participants engage in a series of common lessons and weekly worship. For more information about the program, go the EFM website (
EFM is carried out in a seminar group consisting of six to twelve participants and led by accredited EFM mentors.  At Trinity Church, an evening group meets on Thursdays, 7:00 to 9:30, from mid-September through May. The mentors are Steven Isham and Diane Paulsell. We have 1 or 2 spaces open for the 2009-2010 program year. For more information contact Diane Paulsell (279-1584, [email protected]) or Steven Isham (609-890-1602; [email protected]).
Sarah Gaventa is interested in starting a day time EFM group this year. Please contact Sarah if you are interested at

[email protected].
Hey kids! Hey parents!
Activity bags on
 September 6th

Trinity activity bag
Welcome back to Sunday School - we've got a surprise for you!
Beginning September 6th, look for Activity Bags in church!
Activity Bags, filled with paper, crayons, lace up cards, and magnet books will be available for our youngest members beginning Sunday, September 6th.  Children can pick up a bag in the narthex or side entrance to the church and use it to amuse themselves during the service.  These bags are to stay within the church, they are not for taking home.  We hope these Activity Bags help our youngest members (and their parents!) have a pleasant experience in church.
-Rev. Sarah Kinney Gaventa

Send in your photos for consideration for the new parish directory
Paul Jeanes at Installation

We'll need a photo for the cover of our new parish directory, and we'd love it if it was taken by a parishioner.
Actually, our directory will have 16 pages of copy and photographs devoted to all aspects of parish life, so we do encourage everyone to start clicking those digital buttons. We need scenes of everyday worship, community outreach, Sunday School, the choir, weddings, baptisms, our clergy, pastoral visits, and generally all aspects of parish life here at Trinity. If you have already submitted photos to Alison Roth in the past, you do not need to send in the same photo again.
But please do take some new photos.
Parishioners are encouraged to email their photos in jpeg files asap to Alison Roth at [email protected]

This photo from the installation of Paul Jeanes (with acolyte Brad States) was taken by Robbie Ellsworth
Sign up for the Volunteer
Activities Fair at our Homecoming Picnic on September 13th

Choir queued up before church
 Please email Alison Roth if you would like a sign and table space.
[email protected]

Remember to visit the choir table at the fair.
Welcome  back!
Summer is almost over,
so find that calendar...

Homecoming Picnic
and Volunteer Activities Fair
September 13th
following the 10am service

Women at the Well
September 16th

Sunday School Starts,

Return to 3 Services
September 20th
8am, 9am, 11am (new time!)

Blessing of the Animals
October 3rd
Saturday, 11am

Sunday, October 4th
4pm (new time!)

Harvest for Home
Sunday, October 18th
Housing Initiatives of Princeton
annual benefit
Please call Ruth Scott for ticket information at

Let's talk turkey
Almost time to
  Turkey Trot
Turkey Trot start in 2008
We had 200 runners and walkers in our inaugural Turkey Trot last Thanksgiving morning, and with your help, we'd like to double?, triple?  that number. Benefitting the Crisis Ministry of Princeton and Trenton, the Turkey Trot raised $2,000 last year, and  it also attracted many new faces - and twice as many bare legs - into our church. 
We'll have more news on the Trot (new course! new finish line!) in upcoming weeks, but now we need your creativity in building the excitement, getting the juices going, for the 2009 Turkey Trot.
Here's how you can help:
  • Give us email addresses to send the race forms
  • Identify high school track team coaches and Girl Scout and Boy Scout leaders to help distribute race forms
  • Hand out race forms to your co-workers
  • Pin race forms to bulletin boards in your town library
  • Ask your fitness center to display race forms and become sponsors for the race
  • Ask your doctors to leave forms in their patients' lobby
  • Give forms to your neighbors; ask them "What are you doing on Thanksgiving morning?"
  • Tell us here at Trinity how many race forms you'll need to distribute
  • If you think you'll be the
    eldest participant, for either running or walking, please let us know; we'd like to acknowledge that accomplishment
  • Try to top Judy and Bill Burks record of having 18 members of their family participate in the 2008 Trot !
Run with the Rector
on Wednesday mornings
at 9:30am
running shoes
Paul's back and we've got him!
He would love for you to join his Trinity running group; they buzz around the neighborhood, about 3 miles, ladies and gentlemen.  STUDENTS, where are you?!? Hurry, before school starts.
Please stop in the parish  office when you arrive as everyone gathers before they trot off.

Could you lead our Children's Worship?
Sunday School children creating new banners

Children's Worship at Trinity  During the 9:00 service, Trinity has special children's worship in the children's chapel.  We are looking for volunteers either to lead worship (We have outlines, prayers, sermons and organists to do the music) or to be assistants to help the leaders.  If you are interested, please contact Sarah Kinney Gaventa at 
  [email protected].

Summer Office Hours
are Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm and
Friday, 9am - 3pm
beach scene
Summer Changes at Trinity!

  • Remember-church is at 8am & 10am on Sunday! Ice tea and lemonade are served in front of the church entrance after both services beginning June 14th
  • The office is on summer schedule: Monday - Thursday, 9am to 4pm; Friday, 9am to 3pm. Our desk volunteers are in from 1pm - 3pm, and staff will answer phones in the morning.
And yet, one thing does not change: you can always reach our clergy in an emergency by calling them on their cell phones:

Paul Jeanes

Anne Marie Richards 609-651-3217

Sarah Kinney Gaventa

Would You Like a
Trinity Name Tag?
Trinity logo
Please wear your name tag during church (all services, so we can recognize you and  remember you at  Evensong and Compline, as well as Sunday morning services. Please email parish administrator Annie Thomas ([email protected])
if you would like to have a Trinity name tag!
Deadline for the Next E-Pistle  and Service Leaflet is WEDNESDAY,
10 Am
Look for your next issue of E-Pistle on THURSDAY.  Please keep sending your news for E-Pistle to Alison Roth at [email protected]
Not sure if your news goes into E-Pistle? No problem! Send everything to Alison, who will direct your information to the proper person, and keep reading E-Pistle to follow the parish life of Trinity Church,
33 Mercer Street,
 Princeton, New Jersey.
Telephone 609-924-2277
Fax 609-924-9140

To Receive E-Pistle,
Annie Thomas Needs Your E-Mail Address

Why not have it sent to a friend?  Please send the email address to  [email protected]