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May 2008
We have sent you this e-newsletter to keep you updated on the very latest in elder law news headlines and provide you with some important information on elder law.  Littman Krooks LLP is a law firm dedicated to serving the needs of seniors and those individuals with special needs.
Congratulations to Ellyn S. Kravitz on becoming a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA). Her certification in elder law will provide a measure of assurance to the public that she has an in-depth working knowledge of the legal issues that impact the senior community.
We are proud to announce the launching of our new website,, where you will find extensive information about Littman Krooks LLP in addition to a wide array of pertinent information and useful resources for seniors and their advocates.
As always, your comments and questions are important to us. You may send them to [email protected].
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Protecting Your House After You Move Into A Nursing Home
While you generally do not have to sell your home in order to qualify for Medicaid coverage of nursing home care, the state might be able to file a claim against your house after you die. If possible, you should consult with an attorney before entering a nursing home, or as soon as possible afterwards, in order to discuss ways to protect your home. Click here to read more.
social security benefits
Taking a Second Look at Your Social Security Benefits
Did you elect to take Social Security benefits before your full retirement age? If you did and are now looking for extra income, there may be an answer. Once you reach full retirement age, you can pay back the money you have received and reapply for full retirement benefits. Click here to read more.
Book Review: Mom Minus Dad
When one parent dies, the children have to quickly learn to deal with their own grief as well as to assist their surviving parent. This book is packed with information that will help families provide support to a newly widowed parent. Click here to read more
In This Issue
Protecting Your House After You Move Into A Nursing Home
Taking A Second Look At Your Social Security Benefits
Book Review: Mom Minus Dad
Federal Nursing Home Site Now Notes Troubled Facilities
Federal Nursing Home Site Now Notes Troubled Facilities

The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that its Web site comparing nursing homes will now identify facilities that are on its list of those that have a history of poor performance.

From now on, the agency's Nursing Home Compare site will point out nursing homes that it calls Special Focus Facilities -- those that have repeated violations of state and federal health and safety rules and that rank in the worst 5 percent to 10 percent for inspection results in a given state. CMS released the names of the 131 SFF facilities earlier this year, but this is the first time they will be included on the Nursing Home Compare site. (See " Feds Finally Release Complete List of Deficient Nursing Homes,")

The troubled facilities are identified by a small "2" in superscript next to a facility's name.

A Wall Street Journal article on the CMS decision notes that "consumer groups and nursing home officials warn, however, that nothing can substitute for visiting a nursing home in person." The article also highlights a free Web site, that features easy-to-read, color-coded assessments of nursing homes nationwide.

The Journal article observes that CMS began making some of the information about problematic nursing homes public last fall after pressure from Sens. Herb Kohl (D-WI) and Charles Grassley (R-IA). The senators are sponsoring a bill that would force CMS to reveal even more data about nursing homes and Grassley is trying to get the provisions added to a Medicare-related bill expected to pass Congress by July 1.


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Interested in having an Attorney from Littman Krooks LLP speak to your group?  Please contact Nicole Garcia at 914-684-2100 or email us at [email protected].