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March 2008
We have sent you this e-newsletter to keep you updated on the very latest in elder law news headlines and provide you with some important information on elder law.  Littman Krooks LLP is a law firm dedicated to serving the needs of seniors and those individuals with special needs.
Bernard A. Krooks was a guest on Weekend Chamber Sunrise Radio Show with Charlie North. The focus of the discussion was elder law. He also co-authored an article titled Asset Protection Planning: Medicaid and Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for the CPA Journal.
Littman Krooks LLP will be offering free seminars throughout the year.  This month's topic will be Estate Planning for the Younger Couple. Amy O'Hara, Esq. will be speaking on this topic on March 26, 2008 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm at our White Plains office.  For more information and reservations please email [email protected].  For a complete listing of seminars, visit our website at
As always, your comments and questions are important to us. You may send them to [email protected].
Seniors Need to File Tax Return to Get Rebate Check
Seniors can benefit from the economic stimulus law enacted on February 13, 2008, but they need to file an income tax return, even if they do not have any tax liability. Click here to read more
Why Not Just Use an Off-the-Shelf Power of Attorney Form?
A durable power of attorney is one of the most important estate planning documents you can have. There are many do-it-yourself power of attorney forms available; however, it is a good idea to have an attorney draft the form for you. There are many issues to consider and one size does not fit all. Click here to read more
my life  
Book Review: My Life Book
When a loved one dies, family members have a lot to do -- from calling family and friends to sorting through household finances -- and My Life Book can make their life easier. Written by a financial advisor who works with caregivers, this book helps you organize your personal information, wishes, and desires in a way that your family can access them. Click here to read more
In This Issue
Seniors Need to File Tax Return to Get Rebate Check
Why Not Just Use an Off-the-Shelf Power of Attorney Form?
Book Review: My Life Book
Is It Better to Remarry or Just Live Together?
Is It Better to Remarry or Just Live Together? 

Finding love later in life may be unexpected and exciting, but should it lead to marriage? The considerations are much different for an older couple with adult children and retirement plans than for a young couple just starting out. Click here to read more

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Interested in having an Attorney from Littman Krooks LLP speak to your group?  Please contact Nicole Garcia at 914-684-2100 or email us at [email protected].