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May 2007
Spring has sprung! We have sent you this e-newsletter to keep you updated on the very latest in elder news headlines and provide you with some important information on elder law. Littman Krooks LLP is a firm dedicated to serving the needs of seniors and those individuals with special needs. Our attorneys specialize in elder law, estate planning, estate administration, Medicaid planning, special needs planning, special education advocacy and guardianship.

May is Older Americans Month.  This is the time to honor older people in our community and acknowledge their contributions.


When Older Americans Month was established in 1963, only 17 million living Americans had reached their 65th birthdays (that number has more than doubled since). About a third of those over 65 lived in poverty and there were few programs that addressed their needs. However, interest in older Americans and their concerns has grown. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy designated May as Senior Citizens Month (later changed to Older Americans Month), and every President since then has issued a formal proclamation in early May asking the entire nation to pay tribute in some way to older people in their communities.


Now is the time to find out if an older American in your life has the proper planning in place.  We encourage you to take a few minutes to inquire if your senior has a power of attorney, health care proxy, living will or a last will and testament.  Planning now can avoid complications later!

Tailoring a Will and Power of Attorney for Multiple States
If you own property - whether houses, bank accounts, or vehicles - in more than one state, do you need estate planning documents for each state? 
Click here to read more
How To Choose A Nursing Home
Few things are more stressful than finding a nursing home for a loved one. Everyone has heard nursing home horror stories and no one wants that to happen to their loved ones. While there is no way to guarantee that nothing will go wrong, some careful research and planning can help reassure you.Click here to read more
In This Issue
Tailoring a Will and Pwer of Attorney for Multiple States
How To Choose A Nursing Home?
Nursing Home Room Now Averages $75K a Year, Survey Finds
Nursing Home Room Now Averages $75K a Year, Survey Finds
Nursing home costs have increased almost 15 percent since 2004, according to a new survey by Genworth Financial. A private room in a nursing home now averages nearly $75,000 a year. Click here to read more. 
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