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A weekly kick-off e-message from Katherine Eitel 
to breathe life back into your practice, your team, and you!
Jun 28, 2010
Perfect Imperfection
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Wouldn't it be great if we lived in a perfect world?  We'd have everything we ever wanted.  We'd never get mad or sad or frustrated or lost.  We'd never struggle.  It would be great, right?  Or would it?  I wonder. 
garbage can growthIn the moments of knowing what I don't want... I see clearly what I do.  In the not having something... the wanting of it fuels my innovation, creating new skill sets and producing new ideas.  And when I do get what I want... pretty quickly, I'm usually on to my next desire.
Contrast is what fuels our yearning for something different and from that yearning we create, we stretch, we innovate.  In the contrast of what we don't like, don't enjoy and doesn't feel good, we see more clearly what our hearts desire. 
This week, as you and your team encounter people, things, and experiences that you do not want and do not like... consider that the contrast against what you do want is perfect, helpful, and clarifying... and fueling your most clever ideas and quite possibly your best life yet!
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sticker shock
"Can't you just bill me?" 
"Do you take payments?"
                    "I had no idea it would be this much!"
Tired of being the "Money Lady"
patients try to avoid? 
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"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
~ Helen Keller

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lioness layingAffirmation:
I view all experience of what I don't want as a gift of contrast and clarity as to what I do want and for which I would be willing to work hard and fight long. 

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JK sitting healthySTRETCH...
with Pilates Instructor, author, speaker, & educator,
Juli Kagan. 
This Week's Video:  Sitting Healthier 
Learn more about Juli and view her Video Library at:  

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