High Holy Days 2011



The Rabbis, Board and Staff of TAO wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Abundant New Year - 5772. May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for this year.

L'Shana Tovah!


 High Holy Days


ShofarRosh Hashanah 5772
10 am - Thursday, Sept. 29
10 am - Friday, Sept. 30

Yom Kippur 5772 
6:30 pm - Friday, Oct. 07
10:30 am - Saturday, Oct. 08

Westin Cypress Creek
East of I-95 on Cypress Creek Rd.

Register Now Online or by mail: Members · Non-Members

Your name tag is your ticket. Before you enter the sanctuary, please register at the registration desk. For security purposes, please display your name tag upon entry to the services.

Baby Sitting 
Is available on Rosh Hashanah on Thursday and Friday, Kol Nidre night, and Yom Kippur on Saturday. Please go to the second
floor to sign in your child.
Click here to see what the kids did last year during Yom Kippur.


Children are Welcome
We are a child friendly congregation and love that you bring your children to temple on High Holy Days!
Children are welcome to pray, sing and dance with us. When we're sitting, please have children sit with you in a seat and not on the floor in the aisles due to safety regulations.


We have also become aware that Yizkor and the Rabbi's sermon do not enhance your children's experiences. To assure everyone has the most connected holy day, please step outside with your young children or take them to the babysitting room during Yizkor and sermons. Doors are closed during sermons, so please enter and leave prior to or following the sermon.

Tzedakah and Mitzvot 
At this most holy of days and Teshuvah, show your concern for those less fortunate by bringing gently used clothes or canned food to each High Holy Day Service. There will be a drop-off area near the registration desks. God Bless you for helping those less able to help themselves.

Break-the-Fast Dinner Dance
Join us for our annual Break-the-Fast Dinner Dance Saturday, October 8 at the conclusion of services. Tickets are not available on site! Register now
  • Attendance is limited to 150
  • Seats available on first come basis
  • Register early to guarantee your seat  
  • Adults: $44 · Children 6-12: $23

Pre-Yom Kippur Buffet

FRIDAY, October 7- 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Alfiere Mediterranean Bistro, hotel lobby

$23 plus tax and tip (paid to the restaurant, not TAO)


Reservations required 954-351-2434 (Ask for Mark or Chris. Please do not ask for return call for confirmation... your message is all that is required.


TAO will cover your parking in the general parking lot. (Not valet) Please stop by the registration desk to receive your parking sticker each day for free parking.
Stay warm!
You might want to bring a sweater , jacket or shawl to Services so you don't get chilly from the air conditioning.
It does get cool in the room, so please come prepared.
Non-Member Special
  • Adults: $159
  • Students (13-21): $54
  • Children (6-12): $18
Members Guests
  • Adult guests: $139
  • Students (13-21): $50
  • Children (6-12): $18
High Holy Day tickets are included at no charge with TAO memberships
  • Single memberships include one ticket
  • Family Memberships include two adult and up to two student tickets
Additionally, members enjoy many other free Services and Programs and uniquely meaningful Jewish Renewal experiences with our warm congregation. Click here for TAO membership package options


L'Shana Tovah!


Saturday, October 15- Sukkot Havdallah
Members Only Event


7pm -Rabbi Marc and Paulina's home


Celebrate the "Season of Rejoicing" TAO style. Join TAO as we experience a communion with nature and commemorate the divine protection that we received after the departure from Egypt. As we sit communally in the Sukkah we are grateful for the abundance of the land and the harvest. We feel our vulnerability, yet we feel safe because we sense God's surrounding presence. We celebrate the simplicity of life's joys and experience intimacy, fun and mystical awakening as we come to recognize that the most important possession we must acquire and earn during our brief time on earth is the connection to God. Please bring a parve or vegetarian dish. RSVP to TAO office - 954-888-1408

Fri, Oct 21 - Simchas Torah Friday Service

7:15 - Cantorial Chants


7:30 - Service Begins


Bring a friend, your children and grandchildren

Share the joy as we unfurl the Torah and study the sentence that is sacred to you.



ArtServe, 1350 East Sunrise Blvd, Ft. Lauderdale. Click here for Directions.

Welcome to TAO
At TAO, you find joyful Judaism, meaningful ritual & universal truths rooted in Torah, Kabbalah and other traditional Jewish sources and draw deeply on our inner truths, communal wisdom and spiritual traditions in accordance with the ongoing process of the living Torah.

Meditation, dance, chanting, song and music, present in Judaism throughout the ages, is an integral part of our services.

Join us and embark on a spiritual journey into your Jewish soul!
Yahrtzeit Plaque
Yahrtzeit Plaque

Jewish tradition externalizes our beloved departed by honoring the blessed memory of family members who passed on (parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, children). The Yahrtzeit Plaque is a permanent memorial to your loved ones.

Add your loved one to the Yahrtzeit Plaque.
To sponsoring the Yahrtzeit Plaque, please contact the office.

Photo by Elyn Zerfas.
Tree of Life
Tree of Life

Express the unique spiritual grace and energy that reflects our loving Oneness. That's our Tree of Life.

Gift a leaf as to your loved ones. Each honors a person or couple. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, births, marriages... life!  Order a leaf and show someone how much you love them... forever.

Thanks to Sharon Raddock  and Sandy King for sponsoring a Tree of Life Plaque. We thank you so much for this eternal gift.

Photo by Elyn Zerfas.

Member Benefits

Free Member Events & Member Only (MO) Events

Mark your calendars!

Sukkot Havdallah (MO)
Shabbat Retreats (MO)
Wisdom Classes
Women's Spirituality Group (MO)
Men's Spirituality Group (MO)
Sunday Salon (MO)
Shabbat Services - Twice a Month (Free)
Saturday Shabbat Service at Rabbi's house (MO)
New Year's Day Shabbos for 2010 (MO)

Join TAO now!