In This Issue
Future Events
Next Meeting
President's Message
News of Note
Goal Met!
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Future Events

October 17th meeting

Primo's South


 November 14th Vendors Expo and Associates Award presentation

Primo's South


Our Officers

Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


1st Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


2nd Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing

Join Our Mailing List
What You Missed... 
If you haven't been to a GIPHCC meeting, October's meeting will be an excellent time to get back into the practice.  The GIPHCC luncheons are a good way to catch up on industry topics and network with others.  Please plan to be an active member of GIPHCC in 2012-2013. 

 October GIPHCC Luncheon Meeting

Wed., Oct. 17th, Primo's South

11:30 registration

12 noon lunch

12:30 Speaker: Ken Armstrong

Topic:  Energizing Indiana Plan

C & I Prescriptive Rebate program, Energy Star-related plumbing and specialty products.  Rebate program.  How to participate and the time frame of the project.

SkyTrak 2013:  After the regular meeting, those interested in participating in 2013 SkyTrak, please stay for a brief update and sign up.


Sign up by Fri., Oct. 12 to attend the luncheon meeting  by faxing Ann at 577-4574 or emailing her at

Message From The President
Dave Nance
The Indiana PHCC state convention was held recently and was educational, informative, and fun.  Thank you again to sponsors, convention committee, and Brenda and Susie.  Feedback is important to the success of this annual convention, so please tell someone on the convention committee what you liked or disliked about this year's convention.
I recently had my year-end review with my Federated Insurance marketing representative and discovered that I have "Personal Executive Coverage" built into my liability insurance.  It was explained to me that this could cover me personally if I were injured in a criminal activity.  In recent news a local jeweler was robbed at home and shot twice; if he had Federated Insurance, he would be covered for medical bills and time off work as I understand the coverage.  If someone doesn't have this, what insurance would pay?  Homeowners?  Health?  Does the robber have liability insurance?  Please look into this for yourself.  I know we are "insurance poor" at times, but we need insurance and the insurance companies keep finding loopholes to avoid paying claims.
We have not had a monthly lunch meeting for a while, so please sign up and I'll see you at Primo's on Oct. 17th.
Nov. 14th  Vendors Expo (Please note: this is the 2nd Wed. of month, not 3rd).
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit. -- Harry S. Truman
Dave Nance,
GIPHCC President
November 14th Vendors Expo
On November 14th the annual GIPHCC Vendors Expo will be held at Primo's South. This annual event is an opportunity for associates to display their product lines and new products to contractors. 
 The cost will be $50 a table for associates, and $10 extra for additional helpers.  The cost for contractors will be 3 canned goods or $10 per person to attend.  The canned goods will go to a local food bank; this drive is to take the place of the coat drive which we have held for Wheeler Mission in past years. Participation in the coat drive has dwindled in recent years, and the need for canned goods at local distribution centers remains high--particularly in light of the upcoming holiday season.   (Associates: please feel free to bring canned goods as well, although the $50 table charge etc. still stands.)
The annual Associates Esprit de Corps Award will be presented at the Vendors Expo as well.  This year's recipients will be Fritz Steck, Joe Pindell, Fred Munds, and Dennis Bauman.
News of Note


Welcome  back to new contractor, Heffner Plumbing, David Heffner, 8050 Winterset Circle, Indpls. 46214, phone 248-9668, fax 247-6572,

SkyTrak 2013 Interest: Those interested in participating in 2013 SkyTrak and its benefits, please stay after the Oct. 17th luncheon meeting for a brief update from Eugene Schuler.  This program has helped advance the GIPHCC recognition locally, resulted in Channel 13 sting operation, and helped make the public aware of "Use a Licensed Plumber; It's the Law" in addition to giving participants advertising on On Demand movies. 

Also, Check out our web site at; there is ad space available for a very reasonable rate.  Contact either Kevin O'Kane or Eugene Schuler for more details on this opportunity. 



 Oct. 17--GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo South

Nov. 14th--Vendors Expo, Primo South, 2nd Wed. of month rather than 3rd due to Thanksgiving.

2012 Goal: Met & Exceeded! 
In October of 2011 we set goals for the coming year.  One of those goals was 5 new contractor members and 5 new associate members.  We already have signed up 11 new contractors since Oct.--Deem, Gills Plumbing, McNeely Owned , Mann Plumbing, Inc. and True Energy Integrity Construction, LLC, Mister Qik Home Services, Wahl's Custom Plumbing LLC, Hope Plumbing, LLC, and Paul Henderson Plumbing..  In addition we've added 9 associates-- RL Sales, Mercer Belanger, Morgan Stanley, Action Coach, 1-800 Water Damage, Mike Albert Fleet Solutions, Penwell Insurance, Spears Mfg., and Amerestore, America's Restnoration Team.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid).  Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch.
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!   
Save $25 
If you bring a potential member to the GIPHCC meeting in October you and your guest are FREE!  You can help us exceed our membership goal of getting 5 new contractor and 5 new associate members in 2012.  Your guest will see what a great chapter we have and you can share what you gain from your PHCC membership over a free lunch!   
To Take Advantage of the Offer: Contact Ann Booth with your name and the name of your guest.