Future Events |
Indiana PHCC
Golf Outing
Trophy Club Lebanon Sept 20
Indiana PHCC
Convention Omni Indianapolis Sept 21 | |
Our Officers |
President Dave Nance,
Nance Plumbing
Vice President
Brian Lebo
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 2nd Vice President Bill Fite
Fite Plumbing |
What You Missed... If you weren't at our May golf outing, you missed a great time of fun, fellowship, and golf. This event is our major fund raising endeavor for the year. It helps sponsor or meetings and other programs. Thank you for your continued support. |
The Next Event: Indiana PHCC Convention: Schedule of Events
Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012--IN PHCC Golf Outing at The Trophy Club, Lebanon, IN.
Registration--11 am
Lunch will be served on the course as you make the turn.
Friday, Sept. 21, 2012--Convention
9:30 am--coffee, conversation, and collaboration
Omni Severin Hotel, downtown Indy, Severin Lobby
10:00 am --annual meeting of members, Severin Ballroom
Updates on licensing, codes, legislation
11:30 am--Keynote Luncheon, Severin Lobby
Andrea Morehead, Channel 13 anchor
The plumbing sting she spearheaded on unlicensed contractors.
1:30-3 pm Collaborative Teams Seminars
Speaker: Lou Russell
7-10 pm--President's Dinner & Auction |
President's Letter

Summer officially arrived a few days ago...is it me or does it feel like summer has been here for 2 or 3 months already? I see a lot of people watering their grass; I personally think this is a waste of water. Take this as an opportunity to educate your customers about water conservation. Water is a finite natural resource.
We had a good turnout at Indiana Downs for horse racing and very good food as well. Thank you, Vicki, for all your efforts.
Don't forget to sign up for IAPHCC golf outing and convention in September; that's where all of the best contractors will be.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. --Thomas Jefferson
Dave Nance
GIPHCC President
Indiana Downs
 GIPHCC members enjoyed a fun-filled evening at Indiana Downs on June 20th.
News of Note
Welcome our new contractor member: McNeely Owned Inc., Jenny Maxwell, 3607 Orchard Ave., Indpls. 46218,phone 926-2411, fax 926-6666.
Our condolences go out to Vicki Garrett and her family on the loss of her step-daughter and her father-in-law recently.
Condolences also to the family of Steve Sexton, who died last month. Contributions may be sent in his memory to -- BPOE Elks Lodge 1818, 40 N Water St., Franklin, IN 46131 to their Cancer Fund; the Community Church of Franklin, 2005 Upper Shelbyville Rd., Franklin 46131, or to Rock Steady Boxing, 5026 E. 62nd St., Indpls. 46220.
Also, Check out our web site at www.giphcc.com. There is ad space available for a very reasonable rate. Contact either Kevin O'Kane or Eugene Schuler for more details on this opportunity.
Thank you--This is correction of an omission in last month's newsletter. A big thank you to Citizens Energy which donated a gas grill to the golf outing as a raffle prize.
Plumbers Supply is pleased to announce that Matt Henning has joined their Indianapolis team as an outside salesperson. Matt has many years of experience in the industry.
No meetings in July or August. Hope to see you in September at the Convention. |
Goals & Recruitment
In October of 2011 we set goals for the coming year. One of those goals was 5 new contractor members and 5 new associate members. We already have signed up 4 new contractors since Oct.--Deem, Gills Plumbing, True Energy, and McNeely Owned Inc. In addition we've added 9 associates-- RL Sales, Mercer Belanger, Morgan Stanley, Action Coach, 1-800 Water Damage, Mike Albert Fleet Solutions, Penwell Insurance, Kersey Insurance, and Amerestore.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch. |