Future Events |
Annual Business Meeting GIPHCC Contractor of the Year Primo's South
April 18
GIPHCC Golf Outing
May 17 Royal Oaks GC
Indiana PHCC
Golf Outing
Trophy Club Lebanon Sept 20
Indiana PHCC
Convention Omni Indianapolis Sept 21 | |
Our Officers |
President Laura Ciriello-Benedict
Ciriello Plumbing
Vice President Dave Nance
Nance Plumbing
2nd Vice President Brian Lebo
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
What You Missed... If you weren't at our March meeting you missed a great table top from Plumbers Supply with new info on Specified Technologies and Lochinvar. Especially compelling was the video shown by Federated Insurance on Distracted Driving. Those in attendance will definitely think twice about texting and driving. Thanks to Lee Martin for a great presentation!
Our Next Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Primo's South
2615 E. National
11:30 a.m. - Registration
Noon - Lunch
12:30 - Speaker
Cost: $25
Guest speaker is Travis Dunn, TSI Thermo Scan. Travis will speak on the new Indiana Residential Energy Code that goes into effect on April 5th. Travis is well versed in the Code and has been with Thermo Scan since 1993. This code will definitely affect your business! Bring your technicians!
This is also the annual business meeting and installation of new board members.
To reserve your spot:
Call Ann at 579-5040
Or email her at mabooth@att.net
Deadline for reservations: Friday, April 13. |
Message From The President
Dear Friends:
This is my last letter as President of the GIPHCC. It has truly been an honor to serve this great organization. I brag about the closeness of this group, about how if you need anything you can turn to a fellow contractor. I do believe that this is where the best of the best belong. I would like to thank our board for all their hard work and dedication. I would like to thank Ann Booth, Brenda Dant, and Susie McFarland for working all the time to make this organization professional and current. Our association members are outstanding, always willing to help and to go the extra mile. I say it all the time; support those who support our industry.
Get involved. You make this association great. We need great leaders. You have what it takes, you obviously care about our industry and want to make it better. Step up and don't be afraid. We all make time for the things that are important to us.
Come to the golf outing on May 17th and the Indiana Convention on September 21st to connect with your fellow contractors and those wonderful associate members. Take time to network, to learn, and to have fun.
Signing off,
Laura Ciriello-Benedict,
GIPHCC President
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln |
Slate of Officers--2012-2013
Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing Co., Inc.--President
Brian Lebo, Ben Franklin--Vice President
Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing--2nd Vice President
Vicki Garrett, honorary member--Sec./Treas.
Laura Ciriello-Benedict, Ciriello Plumbing--Past President
Board Members
Eugene Schuler, Schuler Plumbing
*Brad Isley, Isley Plumbing
*Jamie Carter, Carter Mech./My Plumber
*Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing
Frank Bruggner, Viega
Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass
*Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply
* Mark Fasal, Fishers Inspector
* new members, to be sworn in at the April 18th luncheon.
Our heart-felt thanks to outgoing board members: Dan Canter, Heath McDaniel, Kevin O'Kane, Ron Stokes, and Mark Helm for their years of service.
News of Note
Welcome to new associate, Penwell Insurance, Craig Penwell, P.O. Box 828, Cicero, IN 46034, phone 984-3300 ex. 2, fax 984-3338, cpenwell@penwellins.com.
Thank you to Federated Insurance for pinch hitting at the March meeting when our scheduled speaker had an emergency. Thank you also to Plumber Supply for sponsoring the tabletop speakers, Joe Butler from Lochivar and Heather Byers from STI.
Condolences to the family of Max Metzler who died March 11, 2012. Max was GIPHCC president in 1966-67 and founder of Metzler Plumbing in 1946. He leaves a plumbing legacy which includes 4 of his sons and 1 granddaughter. Contributions may be made in Max's memory to the Pike Township Lions Club, Bethel United Methodist Church or to the Alzheimer's Association.
Don't forget: Bill Ciriello has office space which is available for rent. Contact Bill for more details.
Also, Check out our web site at www.giphcc.com; there is ad space available for a very reasonable rate. Contact either Kevin O'Kane or Eugene Schuler for more details on this opportunity.
May 17th, GIPHCC Golf Outing, Royal Oaks, Greenwood.
Goals & Recruitment
In October of 2011 we set goals for the coming year. One of those goals was 5 new contractor members and 5 new associate members. We already have signed up 3 new contractors since Oct.--Deem, Gills Plumbing, and True Energy. In addition we've added 7 associates-- RL Sales, Mercer Belanger, Morgan Stanley, Action Coach, 1-800 Water Damage, Mike Albert Fleet Solutions, and Penwell Insurance.
We adhere to the KISS philosophy (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Red name tags for prospective new members at meetings, information booklets, greeters, and the first free lunch. |