In This Issue
Future Events
Next Meeting
President's Message
Slate of Officers
News of Note
New Energy Code
Quick Links
Future Events

Annual Business Meeting
GIPHCC Contractor of the Year
Primo's South

April 18 


GIPHCC Golf Outing

May 17
Royal Oaks GC


Indiana PHCC 

Golf Outing

Trophy Club
Sept 20


Indiana PHCC  

Omni Indianapolis
Sept 21
Our Officers

Laura Ciriello-Benedict

Ciriello Plumbing


Vice President
Dave Nance

Nance Plumbing


2nd Vice President
Brian Lebo

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing


Join Our Mailing List
Welcome To The New Ventstack Online 
From now on you will be getting monthly news from your GIPHCC chapter in this format.  We hope you like it!  In case you miss anything you can always get our back issues at our website:
Our Next Chapter Meeting 

Jewell DeBonis


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Primo's South

2615 E. National


11:30 a.m. - Registration

Noon - Lunch

12:30 - Speaker

Cost:  $25


Guest speaker is Jewell DeBonis, Lewis & Kappes Governmental Affairs Group.  Jewell is a veteran lobbyist and has been a presence in Indiana politics for over 25 years.  She represents a diverse client base before the Indiana General Assembly and state government agencies.  She will give an update on this year's session and what to expect in the coming months.


To reserve your spot:

Call Ann at 579-5040

Or email her at


Deadline for reservations:  Friday,  March 17.

Message From The President
Laura Ciriello-BenedictI'm a sports fan.  I know that even the best players have to have a great team around them to get things done.  The PHCC is lucky to have so many wonderful associate members to support the contractor and finish out your team.  Do you support them?  Do you buy from those associates work hard to make the PHCC great?  You should!  Buying from those who support your industry is just smart business.  Those associates are connected to what is going on in the industry, they are loyal to the contractor and they want to see the industry grow. They want you to succeed and your team to win.
Come to the golf outing on May 17th and the Indiana Convention on September 21st to connect with your fellow contractors and those wonderful associate members.  Take time to network, learn, and have fun.  You will be so glad that you did.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Laura Ciriello-Benedict,
GIPHCC President 


Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success. HENRY FORD  

Slate of Officers--2012-2013


Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing Co., Inc.--President

Brian Lebo, Ben Franklin--Vice President

Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing--2nd Vice President 

Vicki Garrett, honorary member--Sec./Treas.

 Laura Ciriello-Benedict, Ciriello Plumbing--Past President

Board Members

Eugene Schuler, Schuler Plumbing

*Brad Isley, Isley Plumbing

*Jamie Carter, Carter Mech./My Plumber

*Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing

Frank Bruggner, Viega

Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass

*Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply

* Mark Fasal, Fishers Inspector

* new members, to be sworn in at the April 18th luncheon.

Our heart-felt thanks to outgoing board members: Dan Canter, Heath McDaniel, Kevin O'Kane, Ron Stokes, and Mark Helm for their years of service.


News of Note



Welcome to our newest associate:  Mike Albert Fleet Solutions, Don Nau, 8133 Pleasant Valley Road, Florence, KY 41042, phone 800-886-5828 ext. 22849, fax 859-525-0194,


Thank you to Bob Hayden, Vectren, for the highly informative Feb. tabletop and to Character First for the very thought-provoking meeting topic--business soft skills.


Condolences to the family of Richard Krumwied, a former Indiana Gas company Director of Marketing.  Mr. Krumweid died Feb. 7, 2012; memorial contributions may be made to St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, 1525 Mulberry St., Zionsville, IN 46077.



May 17th, GIPHCC Golf Outing, Royal Oaks, Greenwood.


Check your membership lists.  If any of your information is in correct, please let Ann know and changes will be duly noted in the April Ventstack. 



New Energy Code



The new Indiana Energy Code goes into effect April 5, 2012.  The Town of Fishers is having a Contractor Meeting on March 7 at the Fishers Town Hall from 9 am to noon.  A presentation of the new code will take place.  The meeting is free but requires pre-registration by calling Wanda Crouch at 317-595-3480.

Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!   
Save $25 
If you bring a potential member to the GIPHCC meeting in March you and your guest are FREE!  You can help us reach our membership goal of getting 5 new contractor and 5 new associate members in 2012.  Your guest will see what a great chapter we have and you can share what you gain from your PHCC membership over a free lunch!   
To Take Advantage of the Offer: Contact Ann Booth with your name and the name of your guest.