Slate of Officers--2012-2013
Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing Co., Inc.--President
Brian Lebo, Ben Franklin--Vice President
Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing--2nd Vice President
Vicki Garrett, honorary member--Sec./Treas.
Laura Ciriello-Benedict, Ciriello Plumbing--Past President
Board Members
Eugene Schuler, Schuler Plumbing
*Brad Isley, Isley Plumbing
*Jamie Carter, Carter Mech./My Plumber
*Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing
Frank Bruggner, Viega
Shane Christopher, Wolverine Brass
*Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply
* Mark Fasal, Fishers Inspector
* new members, to be sworn in at the April 18th luncheon.
Our heart-felt thanks to outgoing board members: Dan Canter, Heath McDaniel, Kevin O'Kane, Ron Stokes, and Mark Helm for their years of service.