Farm Bill Wrangling Heating Up
Farm Bill 2012 continues to snake its way through the legislative process, and it still looks like we will have a new policy before the November elections. We've been getting a lot questions about how to sort through the news about this massive piece of legislation.
There is so much at stake, especially for us in the North Country, because we are a high poverty, rural, agricultural area. What this policy looks like will determine what we all eat for the next five years or more. Please take the time to be informed about the issues that most concern you. Sign up for alerts and take action!
If hunger in our communities, and making healthy food choices more accessible are burning issues for you, you can follow Farm Bill activity through Hunger Action Network of New York State.
If it is protection for small farms, concerns about corporate consolidation, and conservation that drive your Farm Bill thinking, consider Food and Water Watch a great resource.
Sustainable agriculture issues are covered well by the National Sustainable Ag Coalition, and, more regionally by the Northeast Sustainable Ag Working Group.
For dairy issues, seek guidance from your local dairy farmers about the ways they think federal policy should be directed.
Our senators and representatives in D.C. want and need to hear from you. Give them a call or drop them a line. It's easy to find their contact information by typing your zip code in here.
Local policy is important too. Maintaining the rural character of our villages, and agriculture-friendly zoning are vital parts of a community-based food system. Be sure your local representatives on the various village, town and county boards hear your voice.
Food Stamp Dollars Stretched at Canton and Potsdam Farmers' Markets
 Once again this season, GardenShare is making it possible to use Food Stamp benefits at the Canton and Potsdam Farmers' Markets. But this year, there's a new twist.
For every $10 in food stamps, recipients will receive $15 in tokens to spend at the markets all season! Additionally, EBT clients who make it to the market five times this season will receive an additional $20 to spend at the market.
Not only does this help low-income families get the freshest, tastiest food around at great prices, and help develop new markets for our local producers, but it helps our local economy as well by keeping those dollars circulating here in our own community.
Also new this season, Potsdam, Canton and Ogdensburg tokens may all be redeemed at any of those three markets.
Funding for the food stamp boost is provided by local GardenShare supporters, and the New York State Fresh Connect Farmers' Market program.
Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome.
Click here to support a North Country where everyone has enough to eat and enough to share - where our food choices are healthy for ourselves, our community and the environment. Thank you.
GardenShare Benefit Dinner, June 14
Please join us for an evening of great music, great food, and great company, at the 1844 House. A few seats are still available! More details
CSA Bonus Bucks Closed for the Season
GardenShare's CSA Bonus Bucks got a great response this year, serving 75 families across St. Lawrence County! If you'd like to be notified when when the 2013 season begins, just email us at
SLC Local Food Guide
2012 St. Lawrence County Local Food Guides are available for free. Just email or call 315-261-8054, and we'll put one in the mail for you. Of course the information is always up-to-date and available on our website as well.
_______________________ Volunteer!
The GardenShare EBT booths at the Potsdam and Canton Farmers' Markets are staffed with volunteers. If you are available during market hours and want to help with this valuable community service, please call our office for more information. 315-261-8054.
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