Working to Increase EBT Sales at Markets

Yes! EBT/Food Stamp benefits work at the Canton and Potsdam Farmers' Markets. GardenShare has been making this service available in Canton since 2006 and in Potsdam since last summer. EBT service is also available at the Ogdensburg Green Market.
Farmers' Markets are a cost-effective way to get healthy, fresh, seasonal food into a household, but many low-income households are not familiar with the benefits of market shopping. Additionally, EBT sales can make up ten percent or more of a farmer's market income. A win-win situation!
GardenShare hopes to increase EBT sales at the Farmers' Markets this year by increasing the value of food stamp dollars at the market. Beginning in July, for every ten food stamp dollars spent at the market, we will match with an additional five, and throw in an additional bonus for making maret shopping part of your regular routine.
If you use food stamps, you can get more for those dollars at the markets this year, while at the same time helping to support our local food system!
In some cases, it may be possible to use EBT benefits to pay for CSA as well. If you are interested in this option, please call us for details. 315-261-8054.
Free Wholesale Success Manuals Available
In order to help grow our community-based food system we held a workshop in March for farmers wishing to sell wholesale. Everyone at that Wholesale Success Workshop received a 225 page Wholesale Success Manual which includes sections on as buyer relationships, return on investment and food safety. It also includes 103 crop profiles that give specific harvesting, cooling, storage, and packing information.
You can get this manual for $50 at, or you can get it FREE from GardenShare. Email for more information.
Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome.
Click here to support a North Country where everyone has enough to eat and enough to share - where our food choices are healthy for ourselves, our community and the environment. Thank you.
 CSA Bonus Bucks Available Now
GardenShare's CSA Bonus Bucks make Community Supported Agriculture affordable for people with limited incomes by offering a $150 discount off the cost of a share from the participating CSA farm of your choice. More information is available here.
WE NEED YOU To Volunteer!
The GardenShare EBT booths are staffed with volunteers, and we have other volunteer opportunities as well. If you are interested in volunteering at the EBT booth for either the Canton or Potsdam Farmers' Market, join us for our annual volunteer orientation. More information at 315-261-8054 or email
Volunteer Orientation Wedensday, May 30 7:00 pm ESL House at SLU Call for more info
_______________________  Markets Opening!
It's not here yet, but St. Lawrence County farmers' markets all open mid-May! Our online Local Food Guide lists all the markets in the county, where they're located, and when they're open.You'll also find a listing of all the direct market farms, CSAs, food assistance programs and more. Watch for the print version in late May!
We're on FacebookKeep up with local sustainable food happenings, national campaigns, and fun food facts. Like us if you are on Facebook! 
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