Hello GardenShare Friends,
I introduce GardenShare's new bimonthly e-newsletter with mixed emotions. Our quarterly print newsletter has a lot of loyal readers, but the cost of printing and mailing to 2,000-plus subscribers is overwhelming for our small nonprofit, and those resources could better serve our community invested in our programs. We will still mail our Local Food Guide, and a fun-filled annual report. The rest of our news will be sent via six e-newsletters, and we'll need your help.We don't have everybody's email address. If you enjoy this newsletter, please pass it along to your friends, neighbors, others in your household, and other people that you know are interested in building a robust, equitable and environmentally sound local food system. As always, we welcome your feedback.
Sincerely,Aviva Gold
Executive Director
Farm Bill Forum and Town Hall Meeting With Rep. Owens: February 25
Many people do not realize that Farm Bill covers food assistance programs, including food stamps. One in seven Americans receives Food Stamp benefits.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Farm Bill Forum: 9-10:30am; Learn about Farm Bill and why it matters. Coffee and tea provided.
Town Hall Meeting with Representative Owens: 11am-12 noon Let your Congressional Representative know what's important to you.
The League of Women Voters hosts Rep. Bill Owens for a Farm Bill Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, February 25 at 11am in the Barben Rooms at the Cheel Arena on the Clarkson University Campus in Potsdam.
Directly before the Town Hall Meeting, at 9am, join us to learn about Farm Bill issues, how they affect you, what you can do about it, and prepare to meet our Congressional Representative. There is plenty of parking and everyone is welcome at this event.
The Farm Bill determines what is grown, whether our food is healthy for us and the environment, and what kinds of food assistance we offer to those in need.
The current Farm Bill is set to expire in September 2012, and your voice is needed to ensure that the needs of North Country producers and eaters alike are represented fairly.
If you eat food, the Farm Bill affects you.
To make sure that you hear more about this event as details are finalized, sign up for Farm Bill Action Alerts from GardenShare by emailing info@gardenshare.org.
GardenShare Honored by NOFA-NY
The Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York recognized work in the area of "food justice" for the first time ever at their annual Winter Conference on January 21. GardenShare was proud to share the spotlight with the venerable Just Food of NYC as the first recipients of this honor. The fact that NOFA-NY chose to recognize both of these organizations, from such different contexts, underscores the fact that in all of our communities, big and small, rural and urban, and everything in between, everyone deserves access to fresh, healthy, delicious food. And while there are a lot of people struggling to put food on the table, there is also a huge movement working to build a food system that is equitable and just.
Your tax-deductible donations are always welcome.
Click here to support a North Country where everyone has enough to eat and enough to share - where our food choices are healthy for ourselves, our community and the environment. Thank you.
 Small Farms Rising at Canton Winterfest
GardenShare is hosting a free showing of Small Farm Rising, on Thursday, February 16th at 7pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Join us for a reception after the movie, and meet some local CSA farmers as well. Details here.
Dig In!: A Food Project Conference
The Health Initiatve presents Dig In! on March 19 at Clarkson University. A full day of inspiration and resources to develop food-based projects at the organizational level.
Local Food Guide Deadline: March 12 Deadlines to get into this year's Local Food Guide are approaching!
Send in your listing form! If you are a farm or business that sells local food and you didn't get a form in the mail, call us so we can get you in there. 315-261-8054.
Don't miss these opportunities to be in St. Lawrence County's most comprehensive guide to local food, farmstands, farmers' markets and food assistance programs!
Wholesale Success Workshop March 5
GardenShare presents a Wholesale Success workshop for farmers considering adding a wholesale component to their marketing mix. This FREE workshop covers planning, post-harvest handling, the food safety needs of wholesale buyers, a Meet the Buyers networking session and a panel discussion. More information is available here. To register, email info@gardenshare.org.