Special Tribute to
Dr. Antonia Pantoja Founder of ASPIRA and Boricua College June 1, 2012
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC)
The Legacy Project, ASPIRA of Illinois, ALMA, Amigas Latinas Unidos, La Casa Norte, Puerto Rican Agenda, and Primera Iglesia Congregacional de Chicago ask that you set aside Friday, June 1, 2012 for a special tribute to the legendary Puerto Rican educator and activist Dr. Antonia Pantoja. She will be the 2012 Inductee to the Legacy Walk. For more information, please email Sonia Sánchez at: ssanchez@aspirail.org

Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos HS (Over 13,000 pics!)
IPRAC to Hold Planning Meeting for Barrio Arts Fest Saturday June 2
This year, IPRAC will sponsor its annual Barrio Arts Fest which showcases the work of Puerto Rican artists and artisans, whose work will be available for sale. There will also be a series of performances during the weekend of September 15th and 16th. Brenda Torres, who has served as IPRAC's volunteer curator, is coordinating this event. For more information on the planning meeting as well as the Fest itself, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345 or email Brenda at brendat@iprac.org
You're invited to IPRAC's 1st Annual Family Day!
Architreasures and IPRAC have collaborated with master artists Antonio Martorell, Beto Torrens, Anabel Vázquez-Rodríguez and John Vergara to inspire you to create a mural with your family. This will be a fun activity for all. The murals will be displayed along the fence at IPRAC for the 34th Annual Puerto Rican People's Parade & Fiestas Patronales. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, June 3rd from 11am - 3pm!
Please register below and share with your family and friends. For more information call Architreasures at 773.772.4416.
Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
"31 Days for 31 Years"
Culminating Event for Oscar López Rivera
Join artist Antonio Martorell, Minister Abel Muhammad of the Nation of Islam and family, friends, activists and community members who have spent the last 31 days in the makeshift cell as part of the interactive exhibition "31 Days for 31 Years".
The ambitious joint effort of the Latin@ Coalition, Batey Urbano, and NBHRN will culminate in a major event commemorating Oscar's arrest and 31 years of imprisonment on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 6pm at Batey Urbano (2620 W. Division), preceded by a press conference at 5:30 pm.
The program will feature reflections by Martorell, Minister Muhammad and family, as well as various "prisoners" and other participants. Also featured is 30 years of literature and posters from campaigns to free various Puerto Rican political prisoners. In addition, there is an exhibition of Oscar's artwork and a letter writing station for visitors.
 One can the find 31-second videos of each "prisoner's" reflection and photos on NBHRN's youtube and flickr sites, respectively. Both sites are updated regularly. Save the date! For more information or to schedule an interview with a member of Oscar's family or a representative from one of the sponsoring organizations, please contact Laura Ruth Johnson at (773) 505-2490 or laurarj@boricuahumanrights.org.
PRCC Licensed Childcare Serves 50 Children 15 months to 6 years Apply Now for Your Child!
Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's childcare, is now fully licensed by the Illinois Department of Family Services to service 50 children, ages 15 months to 6 years old. This increases the PRCC's capacity to serve more infant and toddlers in our community.
Founded in 1980, the Consuelo Lee Corretjer Day Care Center is a full day bilingual program offering quality childcare services for children 15 months to 5-years-of-age. The Center was founded in response to the need for bilingual-bicultural programs in the community. We place special emphasis on Puerto Rican, Mexican and Latin American cultures. The program is designed to help ease the child's transition to elementary school and aims to provide services primarily to working and student's families.
We offer: * Full day care for children 15 months to 3 years * Full day Head Start for children 3 to 5 years in collaboration with El Valor * Research based curriculum * Family involvement * Nutritional Meals * Parent workshops WE ACCEPT: * Action for Children * DCFS * Private slots are available Required Forms and Documents: * Admission application * Statement of Earnings * Child's current physical examination signed by physician * Copy of child's birth certificate * Copy of child's social security card * Dental examination
For more info contact Xóchitl Ramírez at: xochitlr@prcc-chgo.org
NBHRN Marches for Oscar, Against NATO
On Sunday, May 20, the National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) led the Humboldt Park contingent downtown to the protest organized by the Coalition Against NATO and the G8 (CANG8). The Coalition organized a march of over 15,000 to demonstrate against the NATO summit. Over 60 people met at Batey Urbano with flags, noisemakers, buttons, signs and Oscar t-shirts and marched to the Division Blue Line station. After arriving downtown the Humboldt Park contingent marched to the Grant Park rally, where Michelle Morales, NBHRN co-coordinator gave a rousing speech on Oscar López Rivera and our solidarity work. The NBHRN and their supporters marched alongside the Palestinians and other Arabs peoples, Filipinos and the CANG8 Palestine Solidarity Working Group as well as the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, the Committee Against Political Repression, and the Coalition to Protect People's Rights.  As well as protesting NATO, we called for: 1) Freedom for Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rican political prisoner, who has been in U.S. jails for over 30 years. 2) An end to the investigation of the 23 anti-war and international solidarity organizers and activists who were raided and/or subpoenaed to a federal grand jury at the end of 2010; 3) The dropping of all charges against Carlos Montes. Carlos took time out of his busy schedule to visit the Batey the next day and chatted with the young people, asking question about Oscar and then sharing details about his case.
 | NBHRN at the anti-NATO March |
Following is Oscar's message to the participants of the protest: "Greetings with much love and respect to all of you who dare to protest and struggle against the G-8 and NATO. They are the forces that represent hatred, fear, corruption, havoc, wars, exploitation and oppression. What they have done and continue doing in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Palestine and Egypt clearly represent what they are capable of doing in order perpetuate their control and hegemony. You, on the other hand, represent love, hope, compassion and courage. As long as you don't allow them to stop you, you can stop them. A better and more just world is possible. Let's dare to struggle to make it a reality. Dare to struggle and dare to win. En resistencia y lucha, OLR."
 For more info: info@boricuahumanrights.org
Senior Portfolio Dinner Promises Diverse Community Panelists for Defense of Graduation
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School celebrated the 10th anniversary of the senior portfolio process with a vibrant panelist dinner at Coco's Restaurant on Division on Friday, May 18. All students who graduate from the high school are required to complete a senior portfolio, as a graduation benchmark, to offer a fuller sense of student achievements and abilities rather than measuring their success by a test score. Each year, panelists from diverse professional backgrounds are invited to become active participants in the senior portfolio presentations by evaluating student binders and their participatory democracy project presentations. With great excitement, over 40 panelist and our senior portfolio educators came together to discuss the evaluation process and community based direction of the presentations.

Available at La Cosecha and IPRAC
"Don Oscar" Coffee, Paseo Boricua Edition
 Café Don Oscar can be purchased for $5.99 at: La Cosecha: 2703 W. Division St. or IPRAC: 3015 W. Division St., 773-486-8345 |