We are giving away 2 more tickets to this event this week! First to email us wins! First come, first serve!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Excalibur Night Club - Tickets only $30!
632 N. Dearborn Ave., Chgo, IL
For more information or to purchase tickets, call 773.296.7157.
Proceeds benefit the Hispanocare Scholarship Fund. Scholarships awarded Saturday, December 1, 2012 at the 24th Annual Gala
"Nuestro Compromiso"
Our Commitment at the Chicago Downtown Marriott Hotel.
Get Well Soon, Stan!
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School wish a speedy recovery to Stanley Kustra, owner of Joe's Hardware. We encourage everyone to please stop in with your well wishes.
Picture of the Week  Guess the year and occasion of the event above and win a Luis Rosa print! Email your answer to news@prcc-chgo.org |
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos HS (Over 13,000 pics!)
Update on the OLR Kickstarter Project
As of Wednesday, February 29, the Kickstarter Project to fund the publication of the English translation of Oscar Lopez Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance has raised $1275.00 out of $3500.00 needed to publish. Please go to the Kickstarter site (link at the end of the story) and donate what you can today. We must raise all of the money or we receive none of it. Between Torture and Resistance is the story of one of Latin America's longest-held political prisoners, a Puerto Rican pro-independence activist who was convicted of the political "crime" of seditious conspiracy, not of harming anyone. Lavishly illustrated with photos of his life and artwork (he has become a painter during his now over thirty years behind bars), the book is an easily accessible introduction to U.S.-Puerto Rico relations and contemporary prison issues.
Read more and DONATE at the Kickstarter site... |
Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
Poetry Nights at Batey Urbano Rekindled
On February 24, the long anticipated Noche de Libertad 2 took place. The open mic started at 7pm and for a Saturday night, Batey was filled with over 40 people, the majority being college students and some young progressive poets. The poets' pieces were all unique and one could describe the vibe in the room as lively and meaningful.

8th Gathering: "Forging Nets for Demilitarization and Genuine Security"
Passes Resolution on Freedom for Oscar
The 8th Gathering of the International Women's Network Against Militarism, that occurred on February 19-25, 2012, reunited 26 women representing 8 countries gathered in Puerto Rico. Delegates from the Philippines, Guahan (Guam), Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, Hawaii, and the US joined their counterparts in Puerto Rico to evaluate the growing military threat and develop strategies to counter the impact of militarism, military contamination, imperialism and systems of oppression and exploitation based on gender, race, class, nationality and sexual orientation. They passed the following resolution:
* We oppose the repression and incarceration of people who fight for genuine peace and human rights. We call on President Barak Obama to order the immediate release of Oscar Lopez Rivera who has been unjustly imprisoned for over 31 years. The U.S. Parole Commission recently denied his application for parole and ordered that he serve an additional 15 years in prison. By that time, he would be 83 years old and would have been incarcerated for 45 years for politically motivated offenses where no one was hurt. We condemn the inequity in his treatment, compared to his co-defendants. He is now the only one of the 1980's pro-independence prisoners still in prison.
100x35 Annual Event
Puerto Rican Cultural Center to Showcase Programs and Initiatives this Saturday
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center would like to extend an invitation to join us in what has become an annual event where we showcase all the achievements and initiatives of our programs. To be held Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 beginning at 1pm at Vida/SIDA 2703 W. Division St. We have titled this event 100x35+4, a play on the dimensions of the island of Puerto Rico, which is 100 miles by 35 miles, which seeks to celebrate the birthday of Puerto Rican Patriot and poet Juan Antonio Corretjer, whose name our center carries, as well as, to commemorate the founding of the PRCC.
The above event has a three fold purpose: to raise consciousness of Juan Antonio's life and contributions, to provide an open house for the public to get an appreciation of the breadth and scope of the PRCC's programs, and as a fundraising initiative for our newest addition to our many projects, El Rescate LGBTQ Latino youth homeless shelter. It will start with the grand opening of this initiative at 1 pm, followed by a tour of our programs and culminating with a reception at IPRAC to celebrate the opening of El Rescate.
We hope you will accept this invitation and be part of the development of the historical legacy which the PRCC started 39 years ago. Please RSVP by contacting Julio Urrutia, 773-486-8345 or via email juliou@prcc-chgo.org.
Humboldt Park Residents and Businesses Defend Their Community
Humboldt Park community residents and business owners came out in large numbers to call for a boycott of TipsyCake, a local bakery whose owner claimed that she moved her bakery's distribution center since there were "too many bullet holes" in her cakes. During the press conference, held on Thursday, February 23 on the sidewalk outside the bakery, business owners like Jesse Sierra of Sabor Latino, José Allende of COCO's, and Gino Patagglia of California Clipper (to name a few), spoke on not only how their businesses are successful and continue to thrive in their beloved Humboldt Park but on how they do NOT share the sentiments of Naomi Levine. Aldermen Roberto Maldonado, 26th Ward, and Joe "Proco" Moreno, 1st Ward, also shared their discontent and fervently encouraged community residents to support other bakeries in the neighborhood.
Community residents demanded a public apology and the changing of the name of a pastry called "Humboldt Crack." Naomi Levine posted an apology to her "fans" on Facebook the next day. Humboldt Park community residents did not get the apology they deserve and will continue to purchase their baked goods elsewhere.
PACHS Performs Powerful Poetry at Louder Than a Bomb
Amidst pain and poverty lies possibilities, and the poets of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School have proven that they have what it takes to persevere. In the 12th annual Louder Than a Bomb spoken word slam festival, the students told stories of death, life, Humboldt Park, revolution and family, all of which formed them into the creative beings that they are today. "Campos gave me a reason to get up and speak, because I refuse to give up my freedom of speech. Louder Than a Bomb lets go of stereotypical identities and looks at me as an individual," said Brigitte Hurt, a performance poet.
With different difficulties getting in their way, Roberto Collazo, Stanton Howard, Brigitte Hurt, Lorraine Melecio, Wilberto Morales and Hecmarie Rodríguez took second place in their first bout, missing the first place mark by only a tenth of a point. In their second bout they placed in fourth, but left with high spirits and a rigorous resolve to continue sharing their words with the world. Joel Jiménez, a senior at PACHS, made it to the Louder Than a Bomb college finals, which takes place on Saturday, March 3rd in the Chicago Cultural Center (78 E. Washington) at 8pm. In a poetry competition that one poet compared to the feeling of "love for the first time", and in a forum another detailed as their safe space to finally set their soul, words and emotions free, the poets of PACHS were able to travel outside of themselves in rhythmic verse, and represented Paseo Boricua righteously.
Urban Agriculture and Community Food Production on Café Society Urban agriculture and community food production was the topic of a Café Society event hosted by the Humboldt Park Bureau of WBEZ Chicago Public Radio. Carlos R. DeJesús, Director of Urban Agriculture of the collaborative in community food production by Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School (PACHS) and the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. Carlos is also an Assistant Principal of PACHS.
The event was well attended by community residents and service professionals interested in discussing innovative ways to address the community's designation as a food desert and the resultant health disparities. Humboldt Park and parts of West Town have an exceedingly high prevalence of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Carlos highlighted the work the PACHS/PRCC collaborative has been engaged in to address the issues, including the expansion of rooftop greenhouses in the community to ensure year-round food production, the increase in community space that is being used for farming, and the multi-generational engagement of community residents in producing fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. The community is invited to tour the greenhouse and engage in producing its own food.
For more information, contact Carlos at carlosdj@pedroalbizucamposhs.org |
Deepest Condolences
 The Puerto Rican Cultural Center Board of Directors and staff wish to extend out deepest condolences to Dr. Marisa Alicea on the passing of her father, Manuel Alicea in Puerto Rico on February 23.
Enjoy "Don Oscar" Coffee available at La Cosecha and IPRAC
 Café Don Oscar can be purchased for $5.99 at: La Cosecha: 2703 W. Division St. IPRAC: 3015 W. Division St., 773-486-8345 |
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