Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School is looking...

for students who are ages 16-20 and can take advantage of:
* Community based educational experience * Puerto Rican centric high school experience * Small and caring school community * Childcare, if needed, while you finish your education
If this is you, do not hesitate, apply at www.pedroalbizucamposhs.org now!
La Voz needs You to Volunteer!
La Voz del Paseo Boricua is looking for volunteers to help with the following:
- Layout and design
- Translations
- Proofreading in Spanish and English
- Distribution
- Writing articles
If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering or would like more information, please call our office at 773.227.7794 or email Juanita at juanitag@prcc-chgo.org.
Picture of the Week Identify the picture this week and win a poster! Email your answer to news@prcc-chgo.org |
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos HS (Over 13,000 pics!)
Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
Chicago, IL - El Rescate, Vida/SIDA's supportive independent living program for homeless LGBTQ and HIV-positive youth, is set to open its doors on March 3, 2012. El Rescate will provide culturally appropriate, identity-affirming housing for eight to ten currently homeless young adults ages 18-24. The program will also provide residents with prevention case management, employment and educational resources and independent living skills training.
 Housing services for homeless youth in Chicago are extremely limited, and of the services that do exist, few are specifically designed for LGBTQ and HIV-positive youth. El Rescate will provide housing and services that address the unique needs of these young people. Additionally, El Rescate aims to encourage self-efficacy and community building through collective living and civic engagement. Residents will participate in weekly house meetings, and share household duties such as meal preparation and daily cleaning.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for El Rescate will take place on Saturday, March 3rd at 12 pm, during the annual 100x35+4 open house event held by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center at 2703 West Division Street in Humboldt Park. Our invited special guests will include Juanita Irizarry, Program Officer at the Chicago Community Trust; State Senator Willie Delgado; 4th District State Representative Cynthia Soto; 39th District State Representative Maria Toni Berrios; and Rick García.
Two Peoples, One Struggle
On January 14th, Batey Urbano and Existence Is Resistance hosted the Occupied Lands, Scattered Diasporas film series. With 120 individuals from both the Palestinian and Puerto Rican communities, the event was a symbol of solidarity. Colonialism has been the reality of Palestinians and Puerto Rican communities for decades. The occupation of both lands has resulted in the death of thousands; poverty has become a reality for most, and countless artifacts of culture have been destroyed. In the struggle for freedom, these harsh conditions have created political movements, activists, and revolutionaries that fighting for a common cause. The documentaries "Hip Hop is Bigger than the Occupation" and "For Those Who Struggle," a documentary about the campaign to free Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, who this year will have served his 31st year in federal custody, were shown and invited panelists led a discussion around occupation and what it would take for our lands to be unoccupied.

Did you know that 1 in 4 children in Humboldt Park have asthma?
If you know a child who suffers from both asthma and weight problems, contact Project CURA at 312-942-9980 today to learn about local services. Click here for more info.
ICAT lobbies for Anti-Torture Resolution
On January 12, 2012, the Illinois Coalition Against Torture (ICAT) held a press conference at Chicago City Hall in support of the anti-torture resolution. Alderman Joe Moore convened hearings that same day to hear testimony opposing the practice of torture by the Chicago police, in Illinois state prisons, and by the U.S. government. The resolution passed unanimously on January 18.  As Melinda Power, attorney and co-coordinator of the Illinois Coalition Against Torture (ICAT) stated, "I hope that this will be included in the press work around events of today since, as we all know, torture is mainly used against Black and Latino people by the Chicago Police Department, in Illinois prisons and by the US government. This resolution is a good opportunity to deepen our opposition to the US governmental use of torture on those that are designated as "the other", be they in Chicago, Illlinois or Guantanamo. |
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