Humboldt Park
18th Annual Three Kings Day
Winter Festival & Parade!
Friday, Jan 6, 2012 Starts at 3:30pm, Roberto Clemente HS
(Athletic Building) 1147 N. Western Ave
WEST TOWN BIKES/ CICLO URBANO will give a bicycle away to the first 40 participants who register for the parade-under 12 years old only.
Toys given to kids ages 0-12!
Free event for the family!
All children must register in order to receive a gift.
For more info, contact Eduardo at earocho@dsbda.org
Community Celebration of Oscar López Rivera's B-day Sun., Jan 8!
Join La Capilla del Barrio and the National Boricua Human Rights Network as we celebrate Oscar López Rivera's 69th birthday!
Come and eat birthday cake, hear original performances by the Batey Urbano, La Capilla youth and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School on Oscar López Rivera and an update on the campaign to free him.
Sunday, January 8, 2012 La Capilla del Barrio, 3054 W. Armitage Ave 11:00am Below: one of the latest paintings by Oscar (prints available for purchase here)
Picture of the Week Identify the picture this week and win a poster! Email your answer to news@prcc-chgo.org
Video of OLR mural in Puerto Rico
From December 23 - 26, 2011 the Vanguardia Artística Revolucionaria collective created a mural for Oscar López Rivera, the longest held political prisoner in the West. View the video by clicking on the image below.  | A mural for Oscar López Rivera |
Occupied Lands, Scattered Diasporas: Film Series in Chicago
Café Teatro Batey Urbano in conjunction with Lah Tere & Existence is Resistance presents a film series that is meant to educate our communities about the political and artistic struggles of these two nations and their diasporas in their calls for freedom and unoccupation.

Documentaries: Hip Hop is Bigger than the Occupation by Nana Dankwa Aquellos by Alberto Roldán For Those Who Struggle by Matt McCanna
Saturday, January 14th, 2012 @5pm Cafe Teatro Batey Urbano - 2620 W. Division Refreshments & Food will be served! $10 Admission Fee
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos HS (Over 13,000 pics!)
Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
New Year's Message from José E. López, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Feliz Día de los Reyes from the PRCC!
On behalf of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC), I want to wish all of you who have supported our work the best of the New Year. 2012 marks three very important anniversaries, the 40th anniversary of the publication of Que Ondee Sola, the longest most consistent Puerto Rican student publication in the United States, the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School and the 10th anniversary of our youth space, Batey Urbano. We in the cultural center are extremely proud of these three major landmarks. The presence and persistence of these two institutions are framed within the principles that have also guided the PRCC as it enters its 39th year of existence. 2011 was filled with problems and possibilities. We were able to sponsor our traditional major community events, including the 17th Three Kings Day celebration, the 33rd Peoples Day Parade and the 18th Fiesta Boricua, as well as the annual Haunted Paseo Boricua. These events directly impacted thousands of people in our community.  | CIC children wish Oscar López a Happy Three Kings Day |
Programmatically, we were able to advance our urban agriculture initiative by opening the first rooftop greenhouse on Paseo Boricua as well as our fresh produce market, La Cosecha. While Batey and our publication La Voz del Paseo Boricua face some serious economic challenges, we were able to continue to push forward. Additionally, both Vida/SIDA and the Centro Infantil grew their capacity to serve the community. We helped to grow the Community of Wellness, the 72 Block by Block Diabetes Initiative as well as the CURA Asthma project. We were able to successfully manage IPRAC, inaugurating its first major presentation, "Un Año de Martorell en Chicago," and helped to raise nearly $100,000 dollars to sustain the museum and its programs. We continue to work with IRPAC's board to make it a museum in the park. One of the most successful endeavors in terms of educational praxis in the Humboldt Park community was the ushering in this year of the Community as a Campus concept, which the PRCC has played a significant role in. With the National Boricua Human Right Network (NBHRN), we have engaged in the campaign to free the Puerto Rican patriot, Oscar López Rivera (OLR), as well as other Puerto Rican political prisoners. While we suffer a major setback in the parole hearings, there has been a noticeable surge of support, particularly in Puerto Rico, where on December 22nd more than 1,000 people gathered to celebrate the adoption of the Puerto Rican flag in front of the Ateneo, and Oscar López Rivera's presence was felt everywhere, from the posters on the walls to an aerial banner proclaiming OLR's release to Congressman Luis Gutiérrez's call for a unified effort to see Oscar free.  | Latin@ Coalition activists wishing Oscar López a Happy Birthday! |
As we enter 2012, I am appealing to our supporters and friends to multiply their efforts to support the work of the PRCC as well as NBHRN. We hope that you can make a tax-deductible contribution in this coming period, particularly on March 3, 2012, when we will celebrate our open house and annual fundraiser, the 100x35 plus 4. Felicidades en el año Nuevo.
Volunteers Needed!
La Voz del Paseo Boricua is looking for volunteers to help with the following:
- Layout and design
- Translations
- Proofreading in Spanish and English
- Distribution
- Writing articles
If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering or would like more information, please call our office at 773.227.7794 or email Juanita at juanitag@prcc-chgo.org.
Message from Oscar López Rivera
Why Do We Celebrate Three Kings Day?
We often hear the comment that Puerto Ricans are up for celebrating just about anything. There are celebrations upon celebrations. The celebration of Three Kings Day is part of our culture and traditions - so it is not just another festive moment in lieu of nothing better to celebrate. For Christians, it's the day of the Epiphany - the day commemorating the manifestation of the infant Jesus to the Gentiles by the Magi (the Three Wise Men) - but in the Puerto Rican tradition, it has become a day to celebrate the sharing spirit manifested by parents sharing with their children. That sharing spirit also manifests itself in the community. The sharing can take the form of gifts or special treats. At the community level, it can take the form of music and food.
UPR Students Gift Mural to Oscar López Rivera; Dedication on Three Kings Day!
The first event of the New Year in favor of Oscar López Rivera's Freedom, the dedication of a new mural painted by the University of Puerto Rico students, will take place Friday, January 6, 2012 at the law offices of Nazario and Santiago. Father Pedro will lead a reflection and Clarisa López, Oscar's daughter and Abdiel Arenas, the artist will dedicate the mural and a birthday cake to Oscar, who will turn 69 years old that day.
There will be a live transmission of the event over the internet-Let's begin 2012 reaffirming our conviction in the freedom of Oscar López Rivera!
Chicago City Council Hearings on Anti-Torture Resolution to be held January 12, 2012
Ald. Moore of the 49th ward will hold hearings on the Illinois Coalition against Torture's (ICAT) resolution against torture in the City of Chicago, the State of Illinois and by the U.S. government.
At 9:00 am on 1/12/12 there will be a press conference on the 2nd floor of City Hall with U.S. Congressman Danny Davis, Attorney Flint Taylor, representatives from Amnesty International and the Kovler Center among others.
At 10:00 am hearings sponsored by Ald. Moore will begin in the City Council chambers. Ald. Moore plans to introduce the anti-torture resolution, which opposes torture in Chicago (i.e. the police), the state (i.e. prisons) and internationally (i.e. the US government, Guantanamo) into the City Council on 1/18/12.
Come to the press conference and the hearings to show your opposition to torture!