Upcoming Events
"This is Our Humboldt Park" Photography Exhibition The Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center, in partnership with the University of Illinois-Chicago Institute of Policy and Civic Engagement and School of Public Health cordially invite you to attend a celebration for the 12 Latina/o youth who participated as co-researchers in an educational project designed to provide a voice to the diverse experiences and expressions of the Humboldt Park community. The event, located in the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, will include an original photography exhibition of the youth's work. We believe that this is an important opportunity to recognize the young people who, through their efforts, are seeking to improve the well-being of this community.
Where: Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture 3015 W. Division St., Chicago, Illinois 60622
When: Friday, December 16, 2011, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
**Free off street parking on site. Refreshments and comida criolla will be served.
This event is free and open to the public
Three Kings Winterfest & Parade
Friday, January 6, 2012
18th Annual Three Kings Day Winter Festival & Parade Starts at 3:30pm, Roberto Clemente High School (Athletic Building)
Friday, January 6, 2012 viernes, 6 de enero 2012
Toys given to kids ages 0-12! Free event for the whole family! Be part of the parade/parranda! Come and see the Three Kings!
 Sponsored by:
Alderman Roberto Maldonado (26th Ward) Division Street Business Development Association Latin American Motorcycle Association The Puerto Rican Cultural Center of Chicago Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School The Chicago Park District (Humboldt Park) West Town Bikes COMCAST Extra Newspaper La Kalle 106.7 FM CHICAGOLAND TOYS FOR TOTS
For more information call/para más información llama a: DSBDA 773.782.0454
La Capilla del Barrio and NBHRN plan Community Celebration of Oscar López Rivera's Birthday Jan 8!
Join La Capilla del Barrio and the National Boricua Human Rights Network as we celebrate Oscar López Rivera's 69th birthday!
Come and eat birthday cake, hear original performances by the Batey Urbano, La Capilla youth and Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School students on Oscar López Rivera and an update on the campaign to free him. Date: Sunday, January 8, 2011 Place: La Capilla del Barrio, 3054 W. Armitage Ave Time: 11:00am Below: one of the latest paintings by Oscar (prints available for purchase here) 
Noche de Libertad II

Let Carlos Alberto Torres help you find the perfect gift
Complete your holiday shopping with a few clicks at cemiceramica.com
El mejor regalo se consigue con Carlos Alberto Torres
Muevete para la mejor selección de regalos con solo un click con cemiceramica.com
¡Adquiérela ahora!
¿Quien Mató a Pinto Gandía?
(Who killed Pinto Gandía?)
A novel by writer and poet Carlos Quiles, based on the disappearance of the Puerto Rican Nationalist leader Julio Pinto Gandía in 1976. Precio de venta $10.00. Spanish edition only.
Information: tallerdelpueblo@gmail.com 787-614-0088

Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 juliou@prcc-chgo.org 773-342-8023 (main)
Program News
3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert Brings Best of Puerto Rican Jazz to the Community
Over 400 guests celebrated the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture's (IPRAC) Third Annual Navi-Jazz concert on December 10th. This year's event featured Latin Grammy Award wining artist, Paoli Mejias and Edgar Abraham and his Latin Project. Navi-Jazz brings some of the most talented musicians from throughout the Puerto Rican diaspora to Chicago to perform the eclectic rhythms of Latin Jazz music.
IPRAC is devoted to the promotion, integration and advancement of Puerto Rican arts and culture by presenting exhibitions and programing created to enhance the visibility and importance of the rich Puerto Rican arts tradition.
For more information on future IPRAC events, call 773-486-8345 or email info@IPRAC.org.
View the pictures of the event here. Video coming soon!  |
18th Annual Pancake & Waffle Breakfast/Artisans Holiday Bazaar Raises $2000 for Puerto Rican Poltical Prisoners!
 More than $2000.00 was raised at the 18th Annual Pancake Waffle Breakfast on Sunday, December 11, 2011. Since 1994, thousands of dollars have been raised and sent to Puerto Rican political prisoners."We started by raising $300.00 and then made $500.00 a goal, then $800.00 and $1000.00 and now look!" said Dr. Margaret Power, who was part of the original breakfast crew.
At Sunday's event, over 100 people ate delicious pancakes (vegan and non-vegan), fruit salad and coffee and juice. "We've raised enough money to send commissary to Oscar, Avelino and Norberto" added Michelle Morales, co-coordinator of the NBHRN. The attendees also shopped at the 8 community artisans tables and purchased their holiday gifts. A big thank you to all who attended and donated for the breakfast, as well as to the volunteers and NBHRN who set up, cooked and cleaned up! View pictures of the event here. |
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School Faculty and Staff present at Policy Forum
Led by Vice-Principal Carlos DeJesús, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School students Jason Jiménez and Jessica Iman attended the Enrolling Out of School Youth: A State, County & City Action Blueprint policy forum on Wednesday, December 7. ASPIRA's Antonia Pantoja High School and Youth Connection Charter School's (YCCS) West Town Academy also had students and teachers attend. In addition, ASPIRA's Chief Strategic Officer Dr. Marybeth Welch, Director of Government & Community Relations, Sonia Sánchez, and Katie Mitchell, graduate intern, were present.
 YCCS' Board President Linda Hannah, introduced by the Alternative Schools Network's (ASN) Executive Director Jack Wuest, opened the day by welcoming the over 300 participants to the forum, (View her opening remarks here) stressing the seriousness of the task before them. Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard & Illinois State Board of Education Chairman Gery Chico were the forum's keynote speakers. The policy forum took place at The Union League Club of Chicago. Speakers and participants included: * Gery Chico, Chairman, Illinois State Board of Education * Toni Preckwinkle, President, Cook County Board * Jean-Claude Brizard, CEO, Chicago Public Schools * Claudio Sanchez, Education Correspondent, National Public Radio * Dr. Andrew Sum, Professor of Economics, Northeastern University * Jesse Ruiz, Chair, Illinois Council on Re-Enrolling Students * Andrea Zopp, President & CEO, Chicago Urban League * Sheila Venson, Executive Director, Youth Connection Charter School * Jack Wuest, Executive Director, Alternative Schools Network * Linda Lenz, Publisher, Catalyst Chicago - Panel Moderator * Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford * Illinois State Senator Heather Steans * Illinois State Representative Cynthia Soto * Cook County Commissioner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia * Cook County Commissioner Robert Steele * City of Chicago Alderman Latasha Thomas A new report on dropouts based on U.S. Census data entitled "High School Dropouts in Chicago and Illinois: The Growing Labor Market, Income, Civic, Social and Fiscal Costs of Dropping Out of High School" was also released at the forum. The study was commissioned by the ASN, and conducted by Dr. Andrew Sum and the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University, Boston, Mass. Convening co sponsors included the Chicago Urban League, the Illinois State Council on Re-Enrolling Students Who Dropped Out of School, the Chicago Department of Family Support Services, New Schools For Chicago, Illinois Network of Charter Schools, and YCCS. More than 300 education, civic, business and community leaders attended presentations by the key speakers and a moderated panel discussion with elected officials.
New Carlos Alberto Torres interview online!
On Monday, December 12, KPFA radio interviewed former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Carlos Alberto Torres by phone. Walter Turner, host of Africa Today, asked Carlos Alberto to update his listeners on the status of the campaign to free Oscar; on his current ceramics work; and the general state of Puerto Rican civil society for close to 25 minutes. |
December 22 Ateneo to dedicate flag-raising to Oscar López Rivera
On December 22, the Puerto Rican Ateneo will dedicate its solemn act of raising the Puerto Rican flag to Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera. The activity will take place, as it does every year, at noon in front of the historical headquarters in Old San Juan.
The family, including his brother José López, Democratic congressman from Illinois Luis V. Gutiérrez, and René Pérez, member of the renowned group Calle 13, are expected to attend the activity honoring the flag and López Rivera. A statue of the illustrious Ramón Emeterio Betances will be unveiled.
Claridad will livestream the activity at www.claridadpuertorico.com.
The occasion represents an appeal to the attention and conscience of all Puerto Ricans to renew their patriotic commitment to struggle for the freedom of this Puerto Rican brother who this year marked the 30th anniversary of his cruel and unjust imprisonment.
The dedication of the activity also takes place almost a year after the awful January 5, 2011 denial of López Rivera's parole by the Parole Commission of the United States Department of Justice. As denounced at the time of the proceedings conducted by Mark Tarnner [sic], it was arbitrary and contaminated. Reade the full article here..
Additionally, activists will also be hiring a plane to fly over the Ateneo for 2 hours with a 7-ft tall banner proclaiming (in Spanish): "Oscar López Rivera: Freedom Now" followed by a giant Puerto Rican flag (image below).For emore information on the event contact Edwin Cortés at: libertad44@choicecable.net
Puerto Rico, Latin America and Calle 13
Under the pouring rain and the sounds of Venezuela's youth orchestra, the lyrics of Calle 13's Grammy award winning song "Latinoamerica" were chanted by thousands present for the closing ceremony of the first summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). Held in Caracas, Venezuela on December 2 and 3, the CELAC represents the formation of a new political and economic regional bloc that unites thirty-three countries from across Latin America and the Caribbean, but which does not include the United States and Canada. This song, one of Calle 13's most recent, has become the international anthem throughout the Spanish-speaking Americas. Not only does it poetically describe experiences of historical injustice, poverty and the ruthless operations carried in Latin America by the United States and its allies, but also it has reinserted Puerto Rico and its colonial situation on the Latin American and international stage.
Prior to CELAC summit, Bolivian President Evo Morales made an acknowledgement of Calle 13, stating that "their songs, their interpretations, represent the people of, not only Bolivia, but of Latin America as well." Historically, Calle 13 has distinguished itself from other performers by giving voice to the voiceless, just as they did just on the last day of the summit. Among the 33 nations invited to CELAC, Puerto Rico's absence was the most felt. The absence of Puerto Rico is due to the fact that Puerto Rico is a colonial possession of the United States. Since the signing of the "Treaty of Paris" on December 10, 1898, which concluded the so-called Spanish American War, the fate of Puerto Rico and its people have been determined by the U.S. Congress.