NAVI-Arts Fest!
Sat & Sun 12/2-12/3 * Navi-Arts 11-8pm * "Pasto y Maleza" book-signing -3pm * ¡Parranda! Gather 4:00pm
Support IPRAC and Community Artisans!
Buy Your Holiday Gifts Now!
Holiday Arts, Crafts and Music... for the entire family! Saturday, December 3, 11-8pm
Sunday, December 4, 11-5pm
Saturday, December 3, 2011
11am-8 p.m. - Gallery 1 & Art Room Holiday Art and Crafts Sale IPRAC Café will be open with Puerto Rican succulent treats.
12 Noon La Trova del 31-Tropical music presentation
3-4 p.m. - IPRAC Theatre Adolfo Colon Book Presentation Pasto y Maleza; El Hombre Montana
4:30 p.m. Grupo Buya-Bomba Music Presentation
4-5:30 PM Parranda Navideña Humboldt Park NO SE VENDE From Teresa Roldan Apartments ending at IPRAC Also joining us from Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center their TRAVELING PARRANDA
Sunday, December 4th, 2011
11am-5 p.m. - Gallery 1 & Art Room Holiday Art and Crafts Sale IPRAC's Café will be open with Puerto Rican succulent treats.
1-2:00p.m. - Art Room Children's Holiday Stories from Puerto Rico (English and Spanish)
3:00 p.m. - Art Room Happy Kids Chicago presentation
4-6:00p.m. - Art Room Children's Holiday CRAFTS from Puerto Rico
2p.m. -6:00 p.m. - IPRAC Theatre 1st Annual Afro Latin Record Collector's Fair
Sale items to include hand-made jewelry, paintings, figuras or ceramics, books, photographs, dolls, and other artisan works. For more info: brendat@pedroalbizucamposhs.org
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture
3015 W. Division St.
For more information, 773-486-8345
or visit: http://www.iprac.org
Reading & Reception for "Pasto y Maleza: El Hombre Montaña" by author Adolfo Colón
Reading, Poetry & Reception for "Pasto y Maleza: El Hombre Montaña" by author Adolfo Colón

Paseo Boricua Parranda Puertorriqueña Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:00pm
Begins at at Teresa Roldán Apartments on Paseo Boricua, 1154 North Campbell Ave on the corner of Division and Campbell and will end at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, where the Navi-ART Fest will be open.
IPRAC "Navi-Jazz" Concert
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) presents the 3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert featuring Edgar Abraham & His Latin Jazz Project (Endel Dueño, Paoli Mejias, y Antonio Quijano). Saturday, December 10, 2011 * @7pm doors open at 6:00pm * Club Mambo 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave. * Tickets $25.00. More info and tickets here.

SPONSORED BY: Baker & McKenzie * Southwest Airlines * Verizon * Hoy * Third Fifth Bank * FV Plumbing
¡Adquiérela ahora!
¿Quien Mató a Pinto Gandía?
(Who killed Pinto Gandía?)
A novel by writer and poet Carlos Quiles, based on the disappearance of the Puerto Rican Nationalist leader Julio Pinto Gandía in 1976. Precio de venta $10.00. Spanish edition only.
Information: tallerdelpueblo@gmail.com 787-614-0088

Annual Pancake & Waffle Breakfast and Artisans Holiday Bazaar

To Benefit the Campaign to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Holiday Commissary Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:30am -12:30 pm Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California For more info contact Miguel at miguelm@boricuahumanrights.org

Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 juliou@prcc-chgo.org 773-342-8023 (main)
Soft Opening/ Gran Apertura
La Cosecha
Thursday, December 1, 2011 * 12noon
La Cosecha on Paseo Boricua 2701 W. Division A Community Response to theFresh Produce Desert in Greater Humboldt Park/Una respuesta comunitaria al desierto de productos frescos en Humboldt Park
Low prices, quality fresh produce and deli daily Smoothies and Juice Bar
Join us as we create a non-for profit/for profit venture to serve the needs of our community!

World AIDS Day 2011
2011 Theme " What will you do this World AIDS Day? Thursday, December 1, 2011
Vida/SIDA invites you to join us for one or all of the below events: * Altars & Candlelight Vigil, 2625 W. Division St, 5:00-5:30pm, FREE * Community Reception,Clemente High School, 1147 North Western Ave, Chgo, IL, FREE, 6:00-8:00pm FREE
For more information please call Zenaida Lopez at Zenaidal@prcc-chgo.org or 773-278-6737
Director, Vida/SIDA appointed to Illinois Statewide Latin@ Advisory Council
Our State Representative Maria Antonia "Toni" Berrios, is proud to announce the initiation of the Illinois Statewide Latin@ Advisory Council. The advisory council will tackle three health initiatives that have the most disparate impact on the Latin@ community, i.e. HIV, diabetes and asthma. Additionally, the Council will address the needs of the Latin@ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) community across the state of Illinois. The Advisory Council will identify critical priorities in prevention and care and promote the circulation of culturally and linguistically effective interventions for the Latino population of Illinois. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Healthy Chicago, and Sinai Urban Health Institute reports will be a guide to draft our priorities and annual recommendations given to me to be shared with my colleagues of the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus. Moreover, the Advisory Council will also provide advocacy, policy and funding recommendations to the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus. The new advisory council will include the following people:
1. Mireya Hurtado, IDPH*
2. Rick Ortiz, Chicago Department of Public Health* 3. Vacant, Cook County Department of Public Health* 4. Vacant, Illinois Department of Human Rights* 5. Juan Calderon, Vida/SIDA- Puerto Rican Cultural Center* 6. Vacant, LGBTQ Community Based Organization* 7. Rick Garcia, Community Activist* * Subject to Change
Childcare Open Registration!
Quality Child Care and Head Start Full Day Program for children 15 months to 5 years.
For more information, call María Bezares or Xochitl Ramírez at 773-342-8866  
Pasteles for Human Rights
Raises Commissary for Oscar, Avelino and Norberto!
A big thank you to everyone who purchased pasteles for the thanksgiving holidays from the National Boricua Human Rights Network. We raised $1500 which will be sent to the compañeros as holiday commissary. Shout outs also go to all who helped, including the students and staff of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School, the Latin@ Coalition, and Batey Urbano! More pictures here!
On Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 7:00pm at UIC's Pavilion, the Union for Puerto Rican invited Batey Urbano to their annual Talento del Barrio event. On behalf of Batey, artists Jessie Fuentes, Nito Morales, Malachi Church Ill, and Pinky Ring performed against other talented UIC artists. Each artist shared past experiences they had with Batey Urbano. DePaul's OYE P.R organization was present to support their fellow Latina/o Coalition members. UIC was gracious enough to have all proceeds go towards Batey Urbano. Alyssa Villegas, Secretary of Que Ondee Sola, Treasure of Union for Puerto Rican Students, and member of the Batey Collective. 
"This is Our Humboldt Park" Photography Exhibition The Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center, in partnership with the University of Illinois-Chicago Institute of Policy and Civic Engagement and School of Public Health cordially invite you to attend a celebration for the 12 Latina/o youth who participated as co-researchers in an educational project designed to provide a voice to the diverse experiences and expressions of the Humboldt Park community. The event, located in the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, will include an original photography exhibition of the youth's work. We believe that this is an important opportunity to recognize the young people who, through their efforts, are seeking to improve the well-being of this community.
Where: Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture 3015 W. Division St., Chicago, Illinois 60622 When: Friday, December 16, 2011, 6:00 - 7:30 pm **Free off street parking on site. Refreshments (comida criolla) will be served.
This event is free and open to the public
Let Carlos Alberto Torres help you find the perfect gift
Complete your holiday shopping with a few clicks at cemiceramica.com
El mejor regalo se consigue con Carlos Alberto Torres
Muevete para la mejor selección de regalos con solo un click con cemiceramica.com