NAVI-Arts Fest * Navi-Arts Jazz 11-8pm * "Pasto y Maleza" book-signing -3pm * ¡Parranda! 4:30pm
Support IPRAC and Community Artisans!
Buy Your Holiday Gifts Now!
Holiday Arts, Crafts and Music... for the entire family! Saturday, December 3, 11-4pm
Sunday, Deceember 4, 12-5pm
Sale items to include hand-made jewelry, paintings, figuras or ceramics, books, photographs, dolls, and other artisan works. The Navi-ART Fest will also be open on Sunday, December 4, 2011 from 11am - 8pm. For more info:
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture
3015 W. Division St.
Fore more information, 773-486-8345
or visit:
Reading & Reception for "Pasto y Maleza: El Hombre Montaña" by author Adolfo Colón
Reading, Poetry & Reception for "Pasto y Maleza: El Hombre Montaña" by author Adolfo Colón

Paseo Boricua Parranda Puertorriqueña Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:30pm
Begins at at Teresa Roldán Apartments on Paseo Boricua, 1154 North Campbell Ave on the corner of Division and Campbell and will end at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, where the Navi-ART Fest will be open.
IPRAC "Navi-Jazz" Concert
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) presents the 3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert featuring Edgar Abraham & His Latin Jazz Project (Endel Dueño, Paoli Mejias, y Antonio Quijano). Saturday, December 10, 2011 * @7pm/doors open at 6:00pm * Club Mambo 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave. * Tickets $25.00. More info and tickets here.

SPONSORED BY: Baker & McKenzie * Southwest Airlines * Verizon * Hoy * Third Fifth Bank * FV Plumbing
¡Adquiérela ahora!
¿Quien Mato a Pinto Gandía?
(Who killed Pinto Gandía?)
A novel by writer and poet Carlos Quiles, based on the disappearance of the Puerto Rican Nationalist leader Julio Pinto Gandía in 1976. Precio de venta $10.00. Spanish edition only.
Information: 787-614-0088

Annual Pancake & Waffle Breakfast and Artisans Holiday Bazaar

To Benefit the Campaign to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Holiday Commissary Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:30am -12:30 pm Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California For more info contact Michelle at

Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 773-342-8023 (main)
New Book presentation in Puerto Rico
"Lares en su Historia"
Del autor: "Les adjunto invitación para la presentación del libro de la historia de Lares. Será una gran alegría poderles ver y compartir con ustedes la noche del 30 de noviembre." FECHA: Miércoles 30 de noviembre, 7:30pm SITIO: Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico, Miramar, Santurce LIBRO: Lares en su historia (Spanish only) AUTOR: Che Paralitici
Los Tequis del Barrio Culminating Class
Last Saturday, Nov. 19, the Puerto Rican Cultural Centerand Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School held the culminating event for Los Tequis del Barrio, a multimedia tech class taught by Abraham Velázquez Tello. The class, which met every Saturday for 8 weeks, was composed of 4 PACHS students and 3 youth from the Batey Urbano, included web-design, audio and video editing components.
Over the past eight weeks I've learned a few things in this tech class. I learned how to set up a website based off of blog sites such as Tumblr and WordPress. I also got a basic idea on how to use GarageBand to edit audio for a podcast. When I first signed up for the class I thought it was going to be something that you can just breeze through and be done with but it didn't turn out that way. This class had something to be done every week so there was never enough time to get lazy.
One thing I noticed was that when I went to the first class everything seemed really complicated but it wasn't. My favorite part about the class was learning how to cut up audio and piece it together. A part that I wasn't too happy about was doing the podcasts because one of them had to be done in front of a camera and I'm not used to being on camera let alone speaking with a microphone so this is something I had to get used to fairly quickly. Overall the class was cool, it helped me learn how to work a few programs and websites that I had no idea how to use before.

18 Noviembre 201- El Nuevo Día
Oscar López Rivera es un preso político. En un libro, Luis Nieves Falcón, describe su lucha por liberar a Puerto Rico y su encarcelamiento por más de treinta años en prisiones de los Estados Unidos.
Lo acusaron de "conspiración sediciosa" para derrocar al gobierno yanki, como si el pepiniano llevara en sus bolsillos par de bombas atómicas. Sus manos se ensangrentaron solamente cuando, en el uniforme de los imperialistas, disparara contra los vietnamitas en aquella horrible y antipática guerra en la indonesia. Lo hizo tan y tan bien que lo condecoraron con la Medalla de Bronce, la del valor. Como bien relata el boricua en una carta: "Entonces era un buen puertorriqueño".
Se convirtió en un mal puertorriqueño cuando repudió la política de guerra de Estados Unidos en Vietnam y al arrepentirse de haberle hecho daño a gente que ningún daño le habían hecho a él o a Puerto Rico.
Grand Opening/Gran Apertura
Thursday, December 1, 2011 * 12noon
La Cosecha on Paseo Boricua 2701 W. Division A Community Response to theFresh Produce Desert in Greater Humboldt Park/Una respuesta comunitaria al desierto de productos frescos en Humboldt Park
Low prices, quality fresh produce and deli daily Smoothies and Juice Bar
Join us as we create a non-for profit/for profit venture to serve the needs of our community!

Sunday November 27, 2011 from 12pm- 2pm
LAMA Motorcycle Caravan hopes to inspire Toy Donations for the children of Humboldt Park
10th Annual Latin American Motorcycle Association (L.A.M.A) Toy Run will take place Sunday November 27, 2011 from 12pm- 2pm in Humboldt Park. This year's theme is "Teach Your Child How To Give"!
The Toy Run will begin at will begin at the L.A.M.A. headquarters at 3519 W. Fullerton Avenue where a caravan of motorcycles will carry toys to the Institute for Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) located at 3015 W. Division St. Avenue. The TOY RUN will travel through some of the main avenues of Humboldt Park like Fullerton, Western, Armitage, Kostner and Division Street. L.A.M.A and CHICAGOLAND TOYS For TOTS run gathers toys donated to the Annual Three Kings Parade, which will be held January 6, 2012. Those interested in joining the caravan on motorcycles and cars are asked to bring toy donations to the L.A.M.A headquarters by noon prior to the ride on Sunday. The organization strongly suggests no stuffed animals, only new unwrapped gifts for boys and girls ages 0 to 12 years old. |
World AIDS Day 2011
2011 Theme " What will you do this World AIDS Day? Thursday, December 1, 2011
Vida/SIDA invites you to join us for one or all of the below events: * Altars & Candlelight Vigil, 2625 W. Division St, 5:00-5:30pm, FREE * Community Reception,Clemente High School, 1147 North Western Ave, Chgo, IL, FREE, 6:00-8:00pm FREE
For more information please call Zenaida Lopez at or 773-278-6737
On the excellent findings by the SchoolWorks evaluation team! Congratulations to Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School
From one of it's founders, Oscar López Rivera "I would like to congratulate all the people involved in the school - staff, students, parents and members of the community. Let's hope the school keeps on getting better and growing. i believe now the same i believed when the school was founded that it could serve as an alternative model not only for Puerto Ricans but for Latinos in general and others in the u.s. and in Puerto Rico. Let's not forget that work produces fruits and the better the work the better the product...." Take care, stay strong, Oscar López Rivera
At Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School
Excellent Attendence by Parents for Report Card Pickup Day!
On November 18, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School (PACHS) celebrated its first report card pick up. Over 70 parents/guardians engaged their students' teachers as well as the staff. As part of PACHS Literacy Initiative, over 100 fiction and nonfiction books were given away to families. A big shout out goes out to the 14 students who made the Principal's List having earned a 3.5 or higher GPA (grade point average). Those students are Guadalupe Miranda, Adam Rivera, Jason Jiménez, Lisette Rodríguez, Justin Claudio, Joel Anaya, Verónica Romero, Krystal Rodríguez, Jeremy Medina, Janeth Sánchez, Gabriela Cabassa Muñoz, Jakita Barnett and Nathon Pérez. 
Pipeline to Health Careers program culminates
A big shout out to the PACHS students that have been a part of the Pipeline to Health Careers program, which had it's final paid internship day last week! The Pipeline to Health Careers program began in April, 2011, providing local youth with college and ACT preparation and experience within the field of public health. Students focused on critical health issues in their community and conducted research on a chosen topic, focusing on the elevated rates of asthma, diabetes, depression and obesity in the Humboldt Park community. The program also serves as a link to undergraduate public health programs at UIC and Wright College. Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School will definitely continue the program as an after school/weekend program and has obtained funding to continue to provide stipends.
PACHS Pipeline students:
Angelina Cruz Jazmine Bradford Eveliz Roman - PACHS grad Alexandra Mendoza Gabriela Cabassa Munoz Rachel Arias Nick Murphy Mary Davila Ashley Santiago Bleusette Morris

At Elmhurst College
"Jose Lopez uncovers roots of racism"
Elmhurst College, IL-Last Friday, Nov 18, in a response to the hate crime that occurred on campus last month, Jose E. López, executive director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center and instructor at UIC, brought a Latino perspective on racism in the President's Dining Room, Nov. 18. Sophomore Kevin Garcia invited López for a project for his cultural class and also as a response to the hate crime. However, his speech opened Garcia up to a historical perspective on racism. Read more here...
 | ecLeader photo by Peter Flockencier |
Calendar of Events
THUR DEC 1, 2011 - World AIDS Day Vigil and Program. Vigil begins at 5:30pm at La Casita de Don Pedro. The program begins at 6pm at the Diabetes Center, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 3, 2011 - Book signing of Poetry Book, Pasto y Maleza; El Hombre Montaña by Adolfo Colon (in Spanish only). IPRAC Theatre Room, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN DEC 3/4 - Navi Craft Sale, A Puerto Rican artisanry Christmas sale. Support IPRAC and your local Puerto Rican artisans, buy your Christmas gifts at the craft sale! IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 10 - Navi Jazz Concert - 6pm. Come enjoy an unforgettable night of Latin Jazz music with your family. Club Mambo, 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave.
SUN DEC 11, 2011 - National Boricua Human Rights Network Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Prisoner Commissary - 9:30am to 12:30pm. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave. (sliding scale of $10-$25)
New 2012 Puerto Rican Agenda on Sale Now!
Try using stories, recent events, or examples of how your organization has made an impact to your cause and community. Include materials from the news, area experts, supporters or people that have been touched by your work
Vida/SIDA and Calor host a Community Reception for the United States Conference on AIDS 2011
Two of Chicago's HIV/AIDS social service agencies, Vida/SIDA and Calor, co-hosted an event at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, 3015 W. Division St., on Nov. 12 in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. Both agencies, located on the West Side of Chicago, serve the surrounding predominantly Latino community.
Director of Vida/SIDA Juan Calderon welcomed out-of-town attendees who were in Chicago participating at the U.S. Conference on AIDS.
Guest speaker Dr. Teresa Garate, assistant director at the Illinois Department of Public Health, spoke briefly about the high number of HIV cases among Latino and African Americans in Illinois. "This is not a race, this is not a place where we want to be first," said Garate. She said Illinois has the seventh highest number of AIDS cases in the nation.
 While the evening exuded a festive spirit throughout the night, the reality of cuts in HIV/AIDS funding was very much on the minds of many participants, including speaker guest speaker Dr. Jaime Martinez.
Martinez, who works in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Stroger Hospital, said he recently learned that his program, funded in large part by the Ryan White CARE ACT, would no longer have the monies to provide "primary care to over 302 young people, 13 through 24 years of age and they all have HIV." He spoke about how lack of health insurance among Latinos has made them the group most likely to get AIDS within a couple of months after being diagnosed with HIV.
Actor Wilson Cruz stopped by and viewed the exhibition "A year of Martorell in Chicago" by artist Antonio Martorell. The evening, emceed by Paul Lopez, featured a show by salsa dance studio Latin Rhythms and drag performances.