Pasteles for Human Rights! Order by Sun, Nov. 20
ON SALE NOW NBHRN Sale to benefit Campaign to free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Holiday Commissary Drive! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be Wednesday, November 23. To order, contact |
¡Adquiérela ahora!
¿Quien Mato a Pinto Gandía?
(Who killed Pinto Gandía?)
A novel by writer and poet Carlos Quiles, based on the disappearance of the Puerto Rican Nationalist leader Julio Pinto Gandía in 1976. Precio de venta $10.00. Spanish edition only.
Information: 787-614-0088

At Columbia, UIC and DePaul
"300 Years of Political Prisoners" Film Series and Lecture
On November 10th & 11th the Latin@ Coalition, a group of Latino student organizations from different Universities around Chicago that work together, toured a film series, along with guest speaker Dr. Hugo Velazquez, across three different Universities in Chicago, Columbia College, UIC, and DePaul. The event, titled "3 Centuries of Political Prisoners" screened 3 films, the first "María Mercedes Barbudo: The Road of No Return" is about María Mercedes Barbudo the first Puerto Rican independentista who fought against colonialism in Puerto Rico. The second film "The Nationalists" is about the four Puerto Rican Nationalists that in 1954 went into the House of Representatives and fired at the ceiling in order to gain attention to the colonial status of Puerto Rico, all four spent more than 20 years in prison. The final film is a short student documentary "for those who struggle. . ." about Oscar López Rivera a Puerto Rican political prisoner that is currently serving his 31st year in prison for seditious conspiracy to overthrow the US government in Puerto Rico by force.
The series was an eye opener for the majority of the students present at the events, unaware that the United States has political prisoners. After the film series, Dr. Hugo Velazquez from Guadalajara University in Mexico spoke about Mexican Political Prisoners, and the Detained/Disappeared, elaborating that there are currently 1,300 current Political Prisoners in Mexico and that many people have disappeared (their whereabouts are unknown to their families and the authorities) amidst the "Dirty War". Dr.Velazquez has written several books on the topic. At the end of the event, a panel and open Q&A was held consisting of Dr. Velazquez, Alejandro Luis Molina (representative from National Boricua Human Rights Network), Ricardo Jimenez (former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner of 20 years), and Jan Susler (lawyer of Oscar López Rivera). Thanks to the Latin@ Coalition for organizing such an event that was able to educate curious students on a topic that normally is untouched and unknown.
On November 14th Batey Urbano took its talent, old and new, to DePaul University where the newly founded OYE P.R. student organization hosted an open mic that featured Batey. In addition to OYE P.R., representatives from student organizations such as U.P.R.S. the UIC chapter and the Northeastern chapter, also the Latino Alliance from Columbia College Chicago. Forty students filled the student center at DePaul, and dozens participated in this richly diverse night mainly performing pieces about life, faith, Puerto Rican colonialism, Humboldt Park, immigration, and issues about social indifferences. With a charged atmosphere Jessie Fuentes program director of Batey Urbano introduced the space followed by Judy Diaz the first performance to open up for Batey. The event all in all was intriguing, inspiring and very much entertaining.

Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 773-342-8023 (main)
Annual Pancake & Waffle Breakfast and Artisans Holiday Bazaar
To Benefit the Campaign to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Holiday Commissary Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:30am -12:30 pm Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California For more info contact Michelle at

LATISM 2011 in Chicago
Last week, Alejandro Luis Molina, Secretary fo the Board of Directors of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center presented as part of a panel at LATISM 2011-the Latinos in Social Media Conference that took place at Navy Pier over Nov 9-11. The panel was titled "Plugging Youth into Social Media" The panel members were Abraham Velázquez Tello, Founder,, Adriana Gallardo, Former Director of Youth Media at Radio Arte, Program Specialist at After School Matters and Brian Cockman, President of Rooster Communications.
The workshop explored the conceptual underpinnings, findings and successes of a new media programs for Latino youth. We talked about the success of a few programs, how we're teaming together to empower Latino youth to take an active role in creating a voice in the media and giving them an opportunity to be the next generation of media leaders. Takeawaysl included tips on how to follow our blueprint to give Latino youth a chance to become the movers and shakers of tomorrow by giving them a voice in the media today. View the broadcast of the workshop here, and see the slideshow presentation here. 
Diabetes Awareness Month Open House at the Diabetes Empowerment Center
12-4pm, 2753 W. Division St.
* Cooking Demonstrations &Appetizers * Muévete: Zumba & Dance-Aerobics * Health Screenings and Information * Give-A-Ways and Raffles * Entertainment
(773)-342-0855 www.
Paseo Boricua Parranda Puertorriqueña Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:00pm
Begins at at Teresa Roldán Apartments on Paseo Boricua, 1154 North Campbell Ave on the corner of Division and Campbell
This year's parranda will end at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, where the Navi-ART Fest will be open.
Navi-Art Holiday Artisan Sale!
Holiday Arts, Crafts and Music... for the entire family! Saturday, December 3, 11-4pm
Sunday, Deceember 4, 12-5pm
Sale items to include hand-made jewelry, paintings, figuras or ceramics, books, photographs, dolls, and other artisan works. The Navi-ART Fest will also be open on Sunday, December 4, 2011 from 11am - 8pm. For more info:
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture
3015 W. Division St.
Fore more information, 773-486-8345
or visit:
Calendar of Events
SAT NOV 19, 2011 - Diabetes Empowerment Center Open House - 12pm to 4pm. 72 Blocks, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN NOV 19/20, 2011 - Celebration of the discovery of Puerto Rico. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave.
WED NOV 23, 2011 - Pasteles on sale now! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be November 23. To order, contact
THUR DEC 1, 2011 - World AIDS Day Vigil and Program. Vigil begins at 5:30pm at La Casita de Don Pedro. The program begins at 6pm at the Diabetes Center, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 3, 2011 - Book signing of Poetry Book, Pasto y Maleza; El Hombre Montaña by Adolfo Colon (in Spanish only). IPRAC Theatre Room, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN DEC 3/4 - Navi Craft Sale, A Puerto Rican artisanry Christmas sale. Support IPRAC and your local Puerto Rican artisans, buy your Christmas gifts at the craft sale! IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 10 - Navi Jazz Concert - 6pm. Come enjoy an unforgettable night of Latin Jazz music with your family. Club Mambo, 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave.
SUN DEC 11, 2011 - National Boricua Human Rights Network Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Prisoner Commissary - 9:30am to 12:30pm. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave. (sliding scale of $10-$25)
IPRAC "Navi-Jazz" Concert
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) presents the 3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert featuring Edgar Abraham & His Latin Jazz Project (Endel Dueño, Paoli Mejias, y Antonio Quijano). Saturday, December 10, 2011 * @7pm/doors open at 6:00pm * Club Mambo 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave. * Tickets $25.00. More info and tickets here.

Series Premiere Cine Latino: Festival of Short Films
The best of Latino cinema from around the world is coming to the small screen in Chicago. Hosted by Pepe Vargas and Maria Lopez of the International Latino Cultural Center, Cine Latino: Festival of Short Films celebrates the diverse themes and genres of Latino filmmaking. New Episodes Every Saturday at 8 p.m. on CAN TV 21