¡Adquiérela ahora!
¿Quien Mato a Pinto Gandía?
(Who killed Pinto Gandía?)
A novel by writer and poet Carlos Quiles, based on the disappearance of the Puerto Rican Nationalist leader Julio Pinto Gandía in 1976. Precio de venta $10.00. Spanish edition only.
Information: tallerdelpueblo@gmail.com 787-614-0088

Fundraising campaign
"Isabel Rosado: Nacionalista"
Dear Friends and Family:
I'm Melissa Montero, the director and producer of the documentary: Isabel Rosado: Nacionalista (working-title). I've launched a fundraising campaign online through indiegogo.com, which is a crowd funding website. I have set to raise for a goal of $10,000 and have 42 days left on my campaign. So far I've raised $1,160 online.

On the campaign home page, you can read further on what the film is about and what exactly I will be using the funds for and of course you can view the trailer. You will also see what the perks are for donating. Any contribution amount truly makes a difference and goes a long way. From $5 to $500 it will all be greatly appreciated.
Here is the link to the site where you can watch the trailer, learn about the campaign and film and make your donation:
Below is a synopsis on the film:
Isabel Rosado: Nationalist (working title), is an hour long documentary that features the life and times of Isabel Rosado, a centenarian, who at 30 years of age joined the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party and dedicated her life to the Puerto Rican independence movement. Through her story-- as a Party member Isabel collected funds, sewed flags, delivered messages, cared for the stricken leader Don Pedro Albizu Campos, and took up arms in the fight for independence. We learn about the colonial relationship between Puerto Rico and the US and Puerto Rico's struggle for independence. Isabel, spending approximately 12 years in prison, has become a revered symbol of colonial resistance in Puerto Rico. Her life is a testament to the island's unresolved conflict with political status, economic development, and a century-long struggle for independence. Isabel Rosado:Nationalist, chronicles the life of a woman of humble means who risked it all, endured persecution, and had her civil rights violated. Not only does her story highlight the central problem of colonialism but it also represents a marginalized community who for many years struggled for their nation's right to self determination and sovereignty. It's important to make this film and document our unknown Puerto Rican history. The story of Isabel and the Puerto Rican Nationalist party is very much hidden part of our history. I'd like to make this film in order to contribute to our educational awareness and also to share Isabel's legacy.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.
Congratulations to Compañero Luis Sanabria!
Luis Sanabria, long-time activist and compañero from Philadelphia, has been chosen by the Fuego Dance Company to receive the 2012 City Impact Award for his leadership and contributions to the city of Philadelphia, including his presidency of the Philadelphia Chapter of the National Boricua Human Rights Network. He will be awarded this honor at the upcoming 16th Annual Latino Gala of 2012 (the first in Philadelphia) on Saturday, February 4, 2012. He will be sharing this honor with, among others, Phillies left fielder Raúl Ibanez.
Congratulations, Luis!
Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 juliou@prcc-chgo.org 773-342-8023 (main)
LATISM 2011 in Chicago
Last week, Alejandro Luis Molina, Secretary fo the Board of Directors of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center presented as part of a panel at LATISM 2011-the Latinos in Social Media Conference that took place at Navy Pier over Nov 9-11. The panel was titled "Plugging Youth into Social Media" The panel members were Abraham Velázquez Tello, Founder, Gozamos.com, Adriana Gallardo, Former Director of Youth Media at Radio Arte, Program Specialist at After School Matters and Brian Cockman, President of Rooster Communications.
The workshop explored the conceptual underpinnings, findings and successes of a new media programs for Latino youth. We talked about the success of a few programs, how we're teaming together to empower Latino youth to take an active role in creating a voice in the media and giving them an opportunity to be the next generation of media leaders. Takeawaysl included tips on how to follow our blueprint to give Latino youth a chance to become the movers and shakers of tomorrow by giving them a voice in the media today. View the broadcast of the workshop here. 
NBHRN part of Nov 5 Conference against Repression
Chicago, IL - Over 150 people gathered here, Nov. 5, for the first national conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.
Conference organizer Tom Burke said, "The national conference was a grand success. We united movement leaders from Florida to San Jose, from New Jersey to L.A., in opposing political repression, Islamophobia and the criminalization of whole communities. We dedicated ourselves to a campaign in solidarity with the famous Chicano leader and anti-war activist Carlos Montes, demanding "Drop the charges!" We discussed how, with the upsurge around the Occupy Wall Street movement, we are joining in efforts to lead protests while also popularizing the Carlos Montes solidarity campaign. With local police, directed by the FBI, arresting thousands of Occupy Wall Street movement protesters, there is an opportunity to organize thousands against political repression and to support Carlos Montes. If we go out and organize, we can beat these attacks."
Sarah Smith of the Chicago Committee Against Political Repression opened the conference. She was one of the 23 activists subpoenaed to a grand jury because of her solidarity with Palestine. Tom Burke of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, who was also subpoenaed, welcomed people to the conference.
This conference brought together supporters of the 23 activists, along with Carlos Montes, whose Los Angeles home was raided on orders from the FBI this past May as part of the same witch hunt, as well as family members of Arab and Muslim political prisoners in the U.S.
Carlos Montes, the Chicano movement leader, anti-war and immigrant rights activist whose home was raided and ransacked by the FBI and L.A. County Sheriffs, spoke in the morning about his activism and the repression he is facing. Montes, who faces six felony charges, is mounting a vigorous political and legal defense.

Speak Out Against Repression
The next panel was the most moving of the conference, featuring family members and friends of people imprisoned for their ideas and political activism. Alejandro Molina of the National Boricua Human Rights Network spoke about the ongoing imprisonment of Puerto Rican independence activists.
Ali Al-Arian spoke about the case of his father, Dr. Sami Al-Arian. Al-Arian has been through a years-long ordeal of imprisonment, isolation and multiple grand juries which he refused to speak to. Sharmin Sadequee spoke movingly about the case of her brother Shifa Sadequee. Noor Elashi also spoke movingly on the case of her father Ghassan Elashi and the Holy Land 5. The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Muslim charity in the U.S. and sent humanitarian aid to Palestine as well as other places. In Palestine they sent money to the same community organizations that the USAID and other international agencies also sent money to; after 9/11, the Holy Land Foundation was shut down and the directors ultimately jailed for terms up to 65 years for 'material support of terrorism.' Mrs. Asmaa Ashqar spoke of the case of her husband Dr. Ashqar, who was one of the first people jailed under the 1996 anti-terrorism laws. Finally, Hatem Abudayyeh of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network spoke. He is one of the 23 solidarity activists raided last September and has been an outspoken advocate of Palestinian national unity and liberation.
Pasteles for Human Rights!
ON SALE NOW NBHRN Sale to benefit Campaign to free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners and Holiday Commissary Drive! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be Wednesday, November 23. To order, contact pamb@boricuahumanrights.org |
Paseo Boricua Parranda Puertorriqueña Saturday, December 3, 2011 4:00pm
Begins at at Teresa Roldán Apartments on Paseo Boricua, 1154 North Campbell Ave on the corner of Division and Campbell
This year's parranda will end at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, where the Navi-ART Fest will be open. Sale items to include hand-made jewelry, paintings, figuras or ceramics, books, photographs, dolls, and other artisan works. The Navi-ART Fest will also be open on Sunday, December 4, 2011 from 11am - 8pm. For more info: juanitag@prcc-chgo.org
Calendar of Events
SAT NOV 19, 2011 - Diabetes Empowerment Center Open House - 12pm to 4pm. 72 Blocks, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN NOV 19/20, 2011 - Celebration of the discovery of Puerto Rico. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave.
WED NOV 23, 2011 - Pasteles on sale now! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be November 23. To order, contact pamb@boricuahumanrights.org
THUR DEC 1, 2011 - World AIDS Day Vigil and Program. Vigil begins at 5:30pm at La Casita de Don Pedro. The program begins at 6pm at the Diabetes Center, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 3, 2011 - Book signing of Poetry Book, Pasto y Maleza; El Hombre Montaña by Adolfo Colon (in Spanish only). IPRAC Theatre Room, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN DEC 3/4 - Navi Craft Sale, A Puerto Rican artisanry Christmas sale. Support IPRAC and your local Puerto Rican artisans, buy your Christmas gifts at the craft sale! IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 10 - Navi Jazz Concert - 6pm. Come enjoy an unforgettable night of Latin Jazz music with your family. Club Mambo, 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave.
SUN DEC 11, 2011 - National Boricua Human Rights Network Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Prisoner Commissary - 9:30am to 12:30pm. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave. (sliding scale of $10-$25)
Navi-Art Holiday Artisan Sale!
Holiday Arts, Crafts and Music... for the entire family! Saturday, December 3, 11-4pm
Sunday, Deceember 4, 12-5pm
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture
3015 W. Division St.
Fore more information, 773-486-8345
or visit: http://www.iprac.org
PACHS Scores 100% on CPS and School Works Audit!
Focusing mainly on the area of "teaching and learning", CPS and School Works (an educational consultant contracted by CPS to conduct the audit) left our school stating "I would send my child here!" Each area of the audit protocol was not only "met", as they described in the debrief at the end of the long day, but "met resoundingly well." In fact, the visitors shared that if they were to consider adjusting their audit protocol, they would use Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School as a model. The visitors spent the entire day, from 7am to 7pm visiting classrooms, meeting with teachers, mentors, administrators, parents, students and alumni. Some comments that they shared were that they were "impressed", they were "blown away", they were "able to see the high level of academic rigor", they heard students talking about "the importance of social emotional learning in their lives", and that "what is happening in this school is a beautiful thing." Students, staff, family and community should be proud.
Haunted Paseo Boricua Ghoulish Success!
Humboldt Park CAC's vision highlighted
Community Action Councils present their vision of local schools
Imagine this: A community that is viewed as an expansive campus, home to elementary schools that specialize in all sorts of things from Montessori to math and science to language. Parents don't have to apply and pray to win the lottery, but are guaranteed a seat for their child if they live in the neighborhood.Read the complete article here |
IPRAC "Navi-Jazz" Concert
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) presents the 3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert featuring Edgar Abraham & His Latin Jazz Project (Endel Dueño, Paoli Mejias, y Antonio Quijano). Saturday, December 10, 2011 * @7pm/doors open at 6:00pm * Club Mambo 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave. * Tickets $25.00. More info and tickets here.

Humboldt Park is a Smart Community!
Humboldt Park is one of five Smart Communities in Chicago - a pilot program that aspires to enable full participation in meaningful digital-technology activities by households, businesses and institutions to increase local knowledge, expand economic and educational opportunities, and enhance connections among residents and businesses. The program is tied to the City of Chicago's Digital Excellence Initiative and is administered by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation/Chicago (LISC/Chicago) through the New Communities Program (NCP). Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation is the lead agency for Humboldt Park's Smart Communities Program.
View the Puerto Rican Cultural Center video here.

The Smart Communities Program is charged with implementing the Humboldt Park Smart Communities Plan, a set of goals developed by community leaders and stakeholders in 2009. Since the development of the plan, a group of community stakeholders have met regularly as the Smart Communities Program Steering Committee, a group that guides the implementation of the Smart Communities Program in Humboldt Park.For more information, go to the Humboldt Park Portal here.
 Top: Hector Rodriguez: FamilyNet Coordinator (Association House), Keith Muhammad, Outreach Worker (Bickerdike), Marc Smierciak, Associate Dean (Wright College Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center), Christy Prahl, New Communities Program Director (Bickerdike), Tom Otto, Economic Planner (WHPDC), Edgar Ramirez, Associate Executive Director (Chicago Commons)
Bottom: Rishi Desai, Smart Communities Program Manager (Bickerdike), Enrique Salgado, Smart Communities Tech Organizer (Bickerdike), Alejandro Luis Molina, Social Media Coordinator, ASPIRA of Illinois