Pasteles on
Sale Now!
NBHRN Sale to benefit Campaign to free Puerto Rican Political Prisoners! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be November 21 and 22. To order, contact |
PRCC part of media access coalition
Local Residents Urge City to Hold Public Hearings on CAN TV's Future The Committee for Media Access (CMA) is calling on all Chicagoans committed to an independent, open public forum on cable to sign an online petition urging City officials to hold citywide public hearings on CAN TV's future. CAN TV channels are the public's most direct benefit from franchise agreements that permit cable companies to operate in Chicago. RCN wants the City's approval of a new franchise. But despite a warning from 46 Aldermen that they would oppose any agreement until CAN TV's needs are met, RCN's franchise expired on September 30 with no deal in place for the public. While RCN continues to pay 9 percent of cable revenues to the City, it has paid nothing to CAN TV since June. RCN's new franchise will set the precedent for Comcast and WOW, up for renewal in the next few years. It's important to get it right. CMA is calling on Chicagoans to help protect the public's channels. Sign this Petition today seeking citywide hearings for public input on the enforcement of cable company obligations to secure the future of CAN TV.
Help make Chicago a Torture-Free City
In the fall of 2011 the Chicago City Council will debate whether or not it will pass a resolution against torture. The resolution calls on the City of Chicago to "hereby stand against all forms of torture and inhumane treatment and does proclaim Chicago to be a torture free city."
The petition says:
"(1) I support the Chicago City Council Resolution against torture. (2) I want to live in a city that opposes torture. (3) I want to reaffirm the importance of everyone's civil and human rights. (4) I don't want to have to spend one penny for the defense of torturers, as the City of Chicago has done in the multi-million dollar law suits involving Burge and other police officers."
Click here to add your name!
Unknown Boricua: Streaming
A new video by Juan Sánchez. View it here.
"La Crucifixción de Don Pedro" Mural restored
"One of the country's oldest outdoor murals covers a storefront on Chicago's Northwest Side. People who care about the 40-year-old painting are finishing a facelift. The mural restoration is doing more than brightening up a gritty stretch of North Avenue. It's got Puerto Ricans in the Humboldt Park neighborhood talking about their heritage."
Hear or read this four-minute report here.
Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739 W. Division Street PASEO BORICUA Chicago, IL 60622 773-342-8023 (main)
Welcome to our eNewsletter!
Welcome to the re-designed Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center newsletter. This is a bi-weekly newsletter that will gather the latest in news from the Humboldt Park and Paseo Boricua Community, as well as the different projects of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School and the National Boricua Human Rights Network. Enjoy!
Calendar of Events
FRI NOV 4, 2011 - Youth Alternative Fair - 3pm to 7pm. Clemente High School, 1147 North Western Avenue.
FRI NOV 11, 2011 - Puerto Rican Political Prisoners Film Series - 4pm. Three centuries of Puerto Rican Political Prisoners 1821-2011. DePaul University, McGaw Hall.
SAT NOV 12, 2011 - USCA Community Reception - 6pm to 10pm. IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.
THUR NOV 17, 2011 - Diabetes Empowerment Center Open House - 12pm to 4pm. 72 Blocks, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN NOV 19/20, 2011 - Celebration of the discovery of Puerto Rico. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave.
NOV 21-22, 2011 - Pasteles on sale now! Vegetarian and Traditional Pork. Pick up will be November 21 and 22. To order, contact
THUR DEC 1, 2011 - World Aids Day Vigil and Program. Vigil begins at 5:30pm at La Casita de Don Pedro. The program begins at 6pm at the Diabetes Center, 2753 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 3, 2011 - Book signing of Poetry Book, Pasto Malza; El Hombre Montaña by Adolpho Colon (in Spanish only). IPRAC Theatre Room, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT/SUN DEC 3/4 - Navi Craft Sale, A Puerto Rican artisanry Christmas sale. Support IPRAC and your local Puerto Rican artisans, buy your Christmas gifts at the craft sale! IPRAC, 3015 W. Division St.
SAT DEC 10 - Navi Jazz Concert - 6pm. Come enjoy an unforgettable night of Latin Jazz music with your family. Club Mambo, 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave.
SUN DEC 11, 2011 - National Boricua Human Rights Network Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Prisoner Commissary - 9:30am to 12:30pm. Casa Puertorriqueña, 1237 N. California Ave. (sliding scale of $10-$25)
Haunted Paseo Boricua Ghoulish Success!
Try using stories, recent events, or examples of how your organization has made an impact to your cause and community. Include materials from the news, area experts, supporters or people that have been touched by your work.
Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School Open House
On Friday, November 18, 2011, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School will hold its first open house/report card pick up of the new school year. Teachers and staff will be available to meet with parents and guardians from 12-8pm. There will also be a host of activities for parents and students, so we hope parents can stick around after picking up grades.
PACHS & Roberto Clemente HS Community Planting Collaboration Pictures
Students from Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School and Roberto Clemente Community Academy came together on October 27 in an ongoing collaboration to beautify Paseo Boricua. Five teams of students, each composed equally of students from the two high school, refresh all of the planters in Paseo Boricua with beautiful winter hardy flowers. View more photos on their Flickr site here.

LUCHA Community Forum Update
On Wednesday, November 3, 2011, Humboldt Park residents gathered at a community church, La Casa Del Carpintero, in support of LUCHA's affordable housing initiative that will bring 40 scattered, affordable units in the 26th Ward. Humboldt Park is one of the communities in Chicago that has suffered the most home foreclosures during this country's economic crisis. The Puerto Rican Cultural Center and the ¡Humboldt Park NO SE VENDE! campaign support LUCHA and this initiative to provide affordable, stable housing to Humboldt Park residents.
13th Annual Cuatro Festival!
The Puerto Rican Arts Alliance is proud to announce the 13th Annual Cuatro Festival celebration to be held at the Harris Theater, 225 E. Randolph, Chicago, IL 60601. We will be featuring Andres Jimenez, El Jibaro; and talented cuatristas direct from Puerto Rico! For tickets $25-$75, call 312-334-7777. More info here.
IPRAC "Navi-Jazz" Concert
Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC) presents the 3rd Annual Navi-Jazz Concert featuring Edgar Abraham & His Latin Jazz Project (Endel Dueño, Paoli Mejias, y Antonio Quijano). Saturday, December 10, 2011 * @7pm/doors open at 6:00pm * Club Mambo 3336 N. Milwaukee Ave. * Tickets $25.00. More info and tickets here.
