Leopard, Leopard burning bright  | |
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Dear Ubuntu friends
2010 Has been a wonderful year with many highs, and a few lows. This was the year where South Africa hosted the 2010 world cup which helped boost South Africa's image abroad. A Blog I wrote, namely "World Cup Football meets Sangoma medicine" prompted various invitations to speak on radio programmes like the BBC World Service, SAfm - South African Radio, and Dublin's Newstalk Radio. Hence, bringing my vision about the importance of respecting South African traditional medicine, a step closer. I was deeply humbled and grateful by the warm response in which my message was received.
One of the biggest lows for me this year was the death and passing of one of my closest friends and biggest supporters in South Africa, namely Sydney Toto Peter. He passed away tragically in a car accident in South Africa on the 3rd August. He was the man who introduced me to my teacher in the 90's and helped integrate me into the local Xhosa community. Sid was the eternal optimistic, and he had a gift in making people smile and laugh around him. He will be remembered for his cheerful disposition.
My Ubuntu work thrived this year, with workshops in the UK, Ireland, USA & Mexico. I was pleased to see how willing people have been to hearing and learning about the old ways. The key theme here is the importance of respecting and remembering our Ancestors, and what it means to be human. Ubuntu means humanity, and it is an evolving process, depending on how we help and look after one another.
These Ubuntu workshops wouldn't happen without the support of a number of people. There are so many people to thank that I don't have the space to include all of them. I would like to thank everyone who has come to a workshop and taken the time to learn these ancient ways.
I would like to thank Richard & Katarina Diss in the UK for their help and support. In Ireland I would like to thank Henry Rowan, Carole Guyett & her husband Steve. I would also like to thank Hazel and Omo Lara. In America I would like to thank Jeff & Diane Baker. Jeff worked tirelessly in promoting my work last year and encouraging people to come to my Ubuntu workshops. He also wrote a wonderful article in the Sacred Fire Magazine, entitled The Lone Leopard. Julie Bete also needs a special mention in her encouragement, and support with my USA tour this year. She has very kindly offered to be my assistant and help with my admin duties.
I would like to give a hearty 'thank you' to Eliot Cowan and David Wiley, two Tsaurirrikames (Elder Shamans) in the Huichol indigenous tradition of Mexico. In the last 4 years they have acknowledged and supported me with my efforts in promoting indigenous South African medicine. Recently in November in Mexico, David Wiley made me an elder in the Sacred Fire Community, an international community dedicated to promoting indigenous medicine.
Working in an area like African shamanism (Sangoma medicine) means constantly communicating to the international community about Africa and African spirituality. I have found that most prejudice comes from ignorance, thus highlighting the importance of clear and concise communication. In this area I would like to thank my close friend and publicist Sally Turner. Sally has continually helped me with all media work, such as radio, Internet and magazine articles. Sally is a true believer in Ubuntu, in our shared humanity, and in our innate closeness through us all having red blood.
As always I would like to thank my Xhosa Sangoma community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. And in particular my beloved teacher, Mum Gwevu, her husband Tata Sukwini, and elder Tata Bongani. I have being constantly in touch with them this year, and they have stood by my side in my Sangoma work overseas. Thus helping to further our joint vision of 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu', the depth of humanity. Which is a humanity joined through blood, and superseding culture, creed and language.
Finally I wish All of you a Wonderful New Year filled with magic, beauty and love!
Ubuntu - Sangoma Township fund
| | At the beginning of the year, March 2010, my teacher Mum Gwevu asked if I could help her with funds for her Sangoma trainees' room & consulting room which is damaged due to rain and difficult weather conditions. I aggreed to help her.
The whole cost of repair is in the region of about $1000. So far I have raised about $500. If you beleive in promoting traditional culture and would like to help with this worthy cause then feel free to make a contribution via Paypal to email address john_leaf@yahoo.com with the title 'Ubuntu -Sangoma township fund'.
To all those who have already make a contribution to my Ubuntu fund, a heartfelt 'THANK YOU'.
USA Tour 2011
| I am planning on another USA tour from the end of May to the beginning of July. This tour will involve sacred fire talks, private divination sessions and a few Ubuntu workshops. I will be giving a workshop at the Blue Deer Center over the weekend 17th - 20th June.
If you would like a schedule or would like to discuss an Ubuntu workshop in your area then please email Julie Bete.
Mexico Tour 2011
| | I am planning on being in Tepoztlán, Mexico from the 4th-15th July. This tour will include private divination sessions, sacred fire talks and an Ubuntu weekend workshop. If you would like more information or if you have any suggestions for this time in Tepotztlan please contact Julie.
Heartbeat Meditation Cds
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To Facilitate Stillness & Inner Peace
| New copies of my dynamic Heartbeat Meditation CD's are ready, and cost $15 each.
I recommend using this as a way of helping to establish and deepen your daily practice of stillness.
Our heart-beat is dynamic & every changing and represents our connection to nature. When we are more in tune with our own heart-beat then we are more aligned with Nature & the world around us.
If you would like to order one contact Julie Bete. |