Leopard, Leopard burning bright  | |
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Dear Ubuntu friends
I hope you are all enjoying this warm English weather, I know I am! I have had a wonderful few months teaching. I feel deeply honoured with my work in been able to hear so many personal stories, and spend time in peoples' homes listening to what is most important to them. I have felt truelly touched by peoples' openheartedness and willingness to embrace nature and traditional ways of connecting with spirit.
Through listening to people I have noticed 3 important themes or processes along the spiritual or medicine path. They are 1 - Searching for a spiritual path or technique that will facilitate spiritual growth. 2 - Spiritual practice & Listening - A deep inner listening to what is happening right here, right now. And 3 most importantly, the ability to 'Take Action'. In order for our lives to benefit from spiritual practice we need to listen to our inner guidance and 'take action'. That action might mean moving home, staying off sugar, going to the Doctor, a new excercise routine, or taking part in workshops, retreats etc. Spiritual practice is not a passive exercise. In order for our practice to feed us and make a difference in the world we need to 'take action'. And with that be bold, and courageous and believe in ourselves.
Dreaming. We all dream and have visions, but many of us forget them. Remember to buy a dream journal and record your dreams. That way your unconscious life will start to become more conscious, and you will start to remember more of your dreams.
I will be conducting my last Ubuntu workshop in the UK for the summer and possibly the year next week in Oxford. I look forward to seeing some of you there. I am also happy to be going to Ireland again in September and America in October. For more information please have a look at my upcoming workshops.
Testimonials. If you have experienced an Ubuntu workshop, talk or private session and you would like to share your experiences, feel free to email me and I can put them on my website, thank you. |
Sangoma Divination Sessions
| | If you would like an individual divination session with me please email john@african-shaman.com, or phone me on 0782-614-4746. I charge £70 for a one hour session.
I will be moving back to the Abingdon area again, and I will be available once again to work from the lovely centre in Abingdon called 'the natural healing centre', (about 20-30mins from Oxford).
I also do phone and skype sessions for people who cannot travel to see me. I have found skype a wonderful medium of communication, and I have enjoyed a number of counselling/divination sessions this way.
I give divinations as well as shamanic healing, counselling/ psychotherapy & medicinal herb foot baths. If someone wants to work through a particular issue that is longstanding I recommend at least 3-6 sessions. All healing takes time and commitment, there are no quick fixes! If money is an issue I am willing to negotiate a lesser amount if people book ahead for a few sessions.
Upcoming workshops & events
July in the United Kingdom
9th - 11th
The Way of the Sangoma - in Oxford
- Talk & Blessing ceremony Friday 7:30-9:30pm, featuring a live drum & trance dance performance with John. Exchange £15
- One day Sangoma workshop, working with dreams, songs, trance rhythms, ceremony, stillness meditation. Exchange £75, (£80 if a person attends talk + workshop).
- Divination sessions on Sunday by prior arrangement, Exchange £70.
Please contact Stuart Turner, 0796-845-1730 to make a booking.
23 - 25 JulyHerbFest - A Celebration for HerbalistsBringing People & Plants together. This beautiful eco-friendly festival is situated 4 miles from Worcester in a lovely field on an organically grown farm with a river and mature trees. John will be giving 2 lectures at this special festival. Feel free to join him and other herbalists for a celebration of the natural world. To find out more click on the HerbFest 2010 Website. *******
12 - 16
Sacred Fire reunion Dance with the Ancestors
The sacred fire community is a community dedicated to preserving indigenous knowledge.
To book a place at this worthwhile festival or to find out more please have a look at theSacred Fire website.
September in Ireland
10 - 13
Irish Ancestral Re-Connection Workshop An Ubuntu weekend in beautiful East Clare, Ireland
Friday 10th 8-10:30pm -Public Talk & Blessing Ceremony
John will give a brief talk on South African Sangoma culture followed by dancing, drumming and storytelling. He will be assisted on the Bodhran by Tommy Hayes, a legendary traditional Irish musician who toured with riverdance in the '90's.
Saturday 11th 9:30am - Sunday 12th 1pm - Workshop
This weekend will focus on:
- Learning about medicinal plants for protection & blessing.
- Connecting with our Ancestors, cleansing Ancestral lines.
- Dreamwork, listening to our souls
- Heartbeat meditation, stillness practice
- Trance rhythms, songs & dance
Irish speakers will be encouraged to speak their language during prayer circles.
Cost 120 Euro
Monday 13th -Private Divinations sessions by Appointment. To book call or email Carole 061-924268/924182 (international code for Ireland +353 & drop the '0') October in America
If you would like me to give a talk/perform a blessing ceremony for your community, workshop or give private divinations then please contact Julie Bete to see if we can arrange something.
John will be giving talk, workshop & seeing private clients for divinations. Workshop date & talk to be finalised.
Please contact Jeff Bakerfor more information.
15-18 October
15-17 The way of the Sangoma Workshop
For flyer and information please contact Julie Bete. Margaretvill, New York State
28-31 October For bookings and enquiries please contact the Blue Deer Center above. To book for private divinations please email Julie Bete. |
In the news | | Please have a look at the last June edition of Spirit & Destiny magazine in the UK for an article about my work.
I was also in the latest Sacred Fire magazine in the USA with an article entitled Lone Leopard (Click on link to view article).
Heartbeat Meditation CDs ready for purchase
| | New copies of my Heartbeat Meditation CD are ready, and cost £15.
I recommend using this as a way of helping to establish and deepen your daily practice of stillness. If you would like to buy one, contact Rebecca via email on:
rebeccaimber@gmail.com |