Leopard, Leopard burning bright  | |
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Dear Ubuntu friends
We live in wonderful times. I am pleased to report a growing interest in Sangoma medicine. Recently I wrote a blog, Fifa World Cup Football & Sangoma Medicine, which was well received and I have been inundated with media requests for interviews. I spoke on SA fm, South African national radio about the traditional role of the Sangoma in particular our role in blessing soccer players in the run up to the World Cup. This opened up a wider discussion to the role of Sangomas generally. I was fortunate enough to also speak on Outlook - BBC world Service in London, and then Newstalk - Irish Radio, followed by Talk Mzantsi, a Johannesburg radio Station.
It was heart warming to hear how open my fellow South Africans were to hearing about Sangomas and our role in healing. I mentioned that we are the traditional monks & nuns of Southern Africa, and we bring through a connection to our ancestral heritage in Southern Africa. I would like to thank the producers and interviewers of the radio programmes I was involved with. They were professional, kind and courteous. A sign of our changing times and the renewed interest in nature based forms of healing.
I recently completed a workshop in East Clare, Ireland. It was very well attended. I would like to thank Carol Guyett, her family and her community for their generosity and open heartedness. Just before I left I had the wonderful opportunity of working with Tommy Hayes, a well known Baldron, percussionist in Ireland. We were exploring a rhythmic communication between Ireland and South Africa. I danced the Xhosa Xentsa (trance dance) while Tommy played his Baldron (traditional Irish drum). A wonderful synchronicity of rhythm developed. I look forward to working with Tommy again in September.
If people have testimonials they would like to share from previous Ubuntu workshops please can you email them to me so I can publish them on my website. Much thanks!
Please read my upcoming workshops for summer talks & workshops.
Sangoma Divination Sessions
| | If you would like an individual divination session with me please email john@african-shaman.com, or phone me on 0782-614-4746. I charge £70 for a one hour session.
I also do phone and skype sessions for people who cannot travel to see me. I have found skype a wonderful medium of communication, and I have enjoyed a number of counselling/divination sessions this way.
I give divinations as well as shamanic healing, counselling/ psychotherapy & medicinal herb foot baths. If someone wants to work through a particular issue that is longstanding I recommend at least 3-6 sessions. All healing takes time and commitment, there are no quick fixes! If money is an issue I am willing to negotiate a lesser amount if people book ahead for a few sessions.
UK Ubuntu weekly June Gatherings in Oxford
| | Ubuntu is all about community. An individual can create rhythm but a group can create a 'symphony'! Stuart turner and I are working on starting a weekly 'Ubuntu' -South African Shamanic group in Oxford that will focus on rhythms, dancing, singing, dream interpretation & always honouring our Ancestors and uThixo (the Great Spirit).
Three week course in June starting Tuesday 15th, 22nd & 29th, 7:30-9:30pm. Exchange: £36
The course will involve:
- Heart-beat Meditation
- Creating ancestral healing space
- Learning the trance rhythms & 'ingomas' (Xhosa Sangoma ancestral songs)
- Discussing dreams, and how to distinguish between a normal dream and a white/ancestral/ prophetic dream.
Each week will build on from the last. In order for participants to get the most from the course they should attend all 3 evenings.
The course is dependent on numbers. If you are interested to take part then please contact Stuart at stuartlandart@googlemail.com or 0796-845-1730.
Upcoming workshops & events
*** These Workshops are known as 'Khanya Umsebenze' - Shining Work, because they are geared towards re-connecting people to their Ancestors. White is the colour of Ancestors & Ancestral work. All participants are encouraged to wear white or use a white sheet for important aspects of the work like the 'blessing ceremony'.
12th June 5-7pmSangoma Talk / Blessing Ceremony in London, Neals Yard, Covent Gardens. £12 - The talk is open to the public and will involve a discussion on the traditional Sangoma/ African Shamanic path.
- It will also include drumming & singing.
- People will have an opportunity to ask questions.
13th June Sangoma ClinicPrivate one to one Divination sessions. £70 To book the Talk & Private Sessions please phone Neals Yard 0207-379-7662, or email therapyrooms@nealsyardremedies.com. *******
25th - 27th JuneIntroduction to 'Ubuntu', BedfordClophill Fruit farm, Befordshire, MK45 4BT 'Ubuntu' is central is Southern African spirituality. It means humanity, and is widely believed that we realise our humanity through the quality of our interaction with one another. 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu' means the depth of humanity, and these include the sacred Xhosa Sangoma teachings which I will be talking about over the weekend. - Friday 25th -Talk & Blessing ceremony,7:30-9:30pm, £15
- Saturday 26th - One day Workshop,10-5pm,£75 Involving a traditional 'Kraal' ceremony.The Kraal is an ancient structure or 'doorway' used to connect more deeply with our ancestors. It is the only one of its kind outside South Africa.
- Sunday 27th - Private Divination Sessions. £70
To Book the Talk, One day workshop and private Divination session please call Richard Diss on 01525-862278 or email him on richarddiss1950@tiscali.co.uk. *******
July9th - 11th July Songs & Dreaming Workshop in Oxford- Talk & Blessing ceremony Friday 7:30-9:30pm, featuring a live drum & trance dance performance with John. Exchange £15
- One day Sangoma workshop, working with dreams, songs, trance rhythms, ceremony, stillness meditation. Exchange £80
- Divination sessions on Sunday by prior arrangement, Exchange £70
Please contact Stuart Turner, 0796-845-1730 to make a booking. |
In the news | | Please watch out for the June edition of Spirit & Destiny magazine in the UK for an article about my work.
I am also in the latest Sacred Fire magazine in the USA with an article entitled Lone Leopard (Click on link to view article).
Xhosa Sangoma songs on Myspace |
| I just released my latest song called 'masembo' on my website, and also on 'Myspace'. It means 'let us bring back the old ways'. It is a beautiful trance song. When the Sangoma trainees asked me recently at a ceremony,"what song would you like to sing Cingo?" I said 'Masembo'. It is full of lightness, strength & beauty. We finish by laughing and crying out 'umoya phezulu, umoya phezulu'. Which means 'the spiritual energy or holy spirit energy is very high'. Please see my new web page, Sangoma Music to listen to it.
Sangoma music is hundreds of years old and form the bedrock of sangoma ancestral practice. The simple drum beats encourage a relaxing trance state which help to facilitate dreams, visions and connecting with the ancient ones.
In my time in South Korean as a zen student I found strong parallels
between Korean chanting monks and my Sangoma colleagues.
Sangomas are the monks & nuns of Southern African. Their songs are called Ingomas, and their repetitive rhythmic nature make them similar to chanting monks in the Far East like South Korea and Tibet. Some songs you can sing for hours. For instance 'umoya, wam, thulula moya, moya wam'. My spirit, pour forth my spirit. I will be teaching songs like these in my forthcoming workshops.
I made an album containing 3 cds, 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu', called depth of humanity, featuring Sangoma songs, Ingomas. I recorded them live whilst working as a Sangoma in the Eastern Cape.
Heartbeat Meditation CDs ready for purchase
| | New copies of my Heartbeat Meditation CD are ready, and cost £15.
I recommend using this as a way of helping to establish and deepen your daily practice of stillness. If you would like to buy one, contact Rebecca via email on:
rebeccaimber@gmail.com |