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Dear Ubuntu friends
Welcome to my first newsletter. I will be keeping Ubuntu friends informed of recent developments & upcoming workshops.
It's an exciting time for me as I have just been a guest on Radio 4, BBC, Saturday Live programme. To listen please click on the link on the Left and choose the programme from the 5th September.
I just completed a special Southern African Blessing ceremony at the Abbey in Sutton Courtenay (Fri 4th September) with Linos Wangara Magaya & Tim Dziva Lloyd on the Mbira. It was a very powerful and enjoyable evening filled with music, dance & ceremony. Please click on my web site to view photographs.
Please have a look at the latest upcoming workshops in particular The Healing Retreat (25 Sep), and Ancestral Celebration/ Kraal Closure (2nd Oct) at Pip Waller's home, Hafotty Gelynen. Many of you have experienced the profound and life changing benefits from these Introductory Ubuntu Workshops at Hafotty Gelynen, and we hope to see you again to celebrate the final kraal weekend.
For those of you who don't know, the 'Kraal' is an ancient ancestral space/doorway which we use in the Xhosa way to communicate with our ancestors.
I will be attending the 2009 UK Shamanic conference in Dorset, Gaunts house this week from Thursday 10th - 13th September where I will be leading the conference in the Sacred Xentsa - Xhosa Dance of the Ancestors.
I will be doing a tour of the United States from 13/14 October for 3 weeks. Please see workshops below for more information.
My trip home to South Africa is scheduled for the 9th December for 3 months and I will be returning to the UK around the 1st week of April 2010.
This is an extremely exciting and postive time for me and the Ubuntu UK community as we rediscover connecting to the old ways and our ancestors through using sacred Xhosa techniques. Many of you have reported wonderful ancestral dreams and life-changing experiences. To continue this process I will be arranging a special Ancestral re-connection weekend at Stonehenge & Avebury next year.
The more we come together in community, and honour & praise our ancestors and one another the more we can realise 'Ubuntu', our humanity. In so doing we are able to move closer to our own destinies, and thereby bring more light into our world.
This is a new email system if you receive this email twice please let us know. If you do not wish to receive these newsletters, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list using the links at the bottom.
Xhosa Sangoma songs on Myspace |
 John released a triple album of 3 cd's containing Sacred Sangoma songs known as 'Ingoma's'. The title of the Album is 'Ubuntu Ubunzulu' - The depth of Humanity. His intention behind this is to give a portion of the sale of these cds back to the sangoma trainees who helped him work on it, and thereby assisting them with further Sangoma training.
These cds are extremely sacred as the songs & rhythms contained within them are hundreds of years old. Some sample tracks are available on My Space. Follow the link on the left.
They are available to buy for anyone who has attended a minimum of a one day workshop. The album containing 3 cds is a special price of £45.
If you have completed an 'Ubuntu' workshop and you would like an album please email
In the news |
Ancestral Shaman from the Xhosa tribe in South Africa live on Radio 4, BBC 5th September, Saturday Live Show.
One-to-One Sessions |
I am working from a lovely new healing centre in Abingdon, 20mins from Oxford, called 'The Natural Healing Centre. If you would like an individual divination session with me please email, or phone me on 0782-614-4746. I charge £70 for a one hour session, but I am open to giving concessions to people who have worked with me before.
UK Ubuntu Community Monthly Gatherings
Caroline will be organizing monthly 'Ubuntu' gatherings once John goes. The first one will be in January 2010, date to be arranged. The gatherings will involve a day of singing, dancing, rhythm work, dream work, meditating, and just being together in community.
If you would like more information about this and you would like to be involved please contact Caroline on 07545393629,
Heartbeat Meditation CDs almost ready |
New copies of my Heart Beat Meditation CD are almost ready, and cost £15.
I recommend using this as a way of helping to establish and deepen your daily practice of stillness.
If you would like to buy one, contact me directly via email on:
Upcoming workshops and events |
Friday 18th - Monday 21st September
Songs and Dream Work Collingwood House, Hawkhurst, Kent
Friday 18th - Evening Blessing & Sacred Sound Journey. £20, 8pm to 10pm.
Saturday 19th - Workshop Songs and Dream Work. £75, 10am to 5pm.
Sunday 20th & Monday 21st - Private Appointments Healing or Divination. £70.
Bookings: Call Ann Pattihis on 01580 753993, or 078100 43937, email
Friday 25th - Sunday 27th September
Ubuntu Healing RetreatHafotty Gelynen, near Corwen, North Wales A time to relax, re-energise & re-clarify your life path.This retreat will provide time to re-connect with yourself & nature, as well as:
- meditation,
- cleansing herbal treatments,
- Individual consultation with Sangoma
Energy Exchange: £200 - Includes accomodation, wonderful home cooked meals & Shamanic instruction.Participants will also have an opportunity to go for wonderful walks in the Welsh countryside.
The group size will be kept small, so please book early to avoid dissappointment!
Friday 2nd-Sunday 4th October
Ancestral Celebration - Kraal Closure Hafotty Gelynen, near Corwen, North Wales
This is our last chance to gather on this beautiful land. The weekend will include powerful ceremonial work.
£200, including meals and accommodation.
****** November
London Saturday 28th November - one day 'Ubuntu' Workshop.
Sunday 29th November - private consultations with Sangoma.
For more information please contact Sally Turner,
****** December
Friday 4th - Sunday 6th December
Ubuntu Shamanic Practitioners workshop Hafotty Gelynen, near Corwen, North Wales
A level 3 Ubuntu Workshop for experienced shamanic practitioners including students from this years Ubuntu Shamanic practitioners course.
Cost: £200 including accomodation, vegetarian food, and Sangoma instruction.
Bookings: Call Caroline on 0754-539-3629, email
****** Wednesday 9th December
John returns to South Africa!
April 2010
John returns to UK!
***** Stonehenge & Avebury "Ancestral reconnection retreat" This will be a 3 day workshop aimed at reconnecting more strongly to our celtic, anglo-saxon ancestors. We will be going to the inner-circle of Stonehenge where we will be doing sacred ceremony.
Dates to be decided, possibly one of the last weekends of April. Places will be limited so if you think this workshop is definately for you then please let Clint know. Clint can be contacted on
Saturday 29th May - Sunday 6th June
7 day UBUNTU healing retreat Cleansing our Ancestral Lineages
Penquoit Centre, Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire
This will be a full weeklong retreat on a beautiful 300 acre organic farm, allowing us time and space to go deeper in a gentle and safe way. Being together for a whole week gives us time and space to come together joyfully as community.To include:
- Stillness and meditation
- Shamanic yoga practices
- Sacred sauna
- Ancestral celebrations - party time!
- Rhythm and dance
- Sea ceremony
This workshop is suitable for people who have done deep shamanic ceremonial work. John will teach further techniques to deepen ones' connection to their ancestors. Part of this process will involve deep cleansing & purification. However this does not need to neccessarily be a painful experience, and John will show us how this process can be incredibly joyful through using rhythm and song.
Energy exchange: £701, All inclusive. £200 Deposit.
Open to students who have worked with John before. Students need to apply in writing to John before doing this course.
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