
E-Fit News

Issue No. 30March 2012
Perfect Your Form Class

push upLearn to use the proper exercise form to maximize workout effectiveness and help prevent injury.  The classes will be taught by Annie Q. Beck, CSCS. Sign up in the gym for a class:

Seaton: April 4, 5:15 p.m.
Alumni: April 5, 5:15 p.m.  

Bullding a healthy household

By Annie Q. Beck, CSCS, UK Health & Wellness Graduate Assistant



familyThere are many ways to keep a household healthy, but it can still be a struggle for many families. At times there can be certain barriers that make building a healthy household tough. These days a lot of families have both parents working full time, or have a single parent having to run the show. This can make meal planning difficult, and cause parents to resort to fast food for convenience. Some parents have to work extra just to make ends meet with our struggling economy, which can make it hard to build a healthy household. With the obesity epidemic in full swing we must work even harder to make sure our families are maintaining healthy habits. Considering these issues, maintaining a healthy household must be a team effort. Working together can bring multiple new and innovative ways to stay healthy. Some very important healthy family staples are proper diet, exercise/physical activity, and sleep. These staples are common areas of health and wellness discussion. Hopefully this article can give some new perspective of healthy habits.


Having a well-balanced diet is a key element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If your family can work together to plan dinners a week ahead and create a corresponding grocery list; this can cut out on last minute fast food choices. Another tip can be to pack parents and children's lunches. Packing lunch can be cheaper and control food choice and portion.


Exercise/physical activity is also an important component in a healthy household. There are many ways a family can be physically active together. Family bike rides or family basketball games at the park can be inexpensive and quiet enjoyable. For children that do not enjoy traditional sports there are still many ways they can be active. Exercise doesn't have to be built around traditional sports. For example: dance classes, Zumba, yoga, personal training ( with a certified and educated trainer that knows how to work with youth), dodge ball leagues, swimming, running clubs, group exercise and many more. Parents that have babies or toddlers can try to find a gym that has a day care. Even taking family walks at night can improve cardiovascular health and create a family bonding time.


Sleep deprivation has been a major topic in the health and wellness world recently. According to the Institution of Medicine of the National Academies, "The cumulative long-term effects of sleep loss and sleep disorders have been associated with a wide range of deleterious health consequences including an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke." A few issues that interrupt our sleep can come from one device that most of the family has- even the children; that is the cell phone. The cell phone tends to be at the center of Americans lives. This device is a great tool, but can also be a cause of sleep interruption. Most people keep their phones by them constantly. This can lead to disruption in sleep if an individual receives a message or call. A simple solution for this problem can be a cell phone basket; have a basket that stays in the kitchen and at a certain time everyone in the family puts their phone up for the night. This will keep children and teens from playing on Facebook or texting all night.


These are just a few ways to build a healthy household. Always stay tuned to University of Kentucky Health & Wellness programs to learn more.  


Have questions? Get answers!


abNew to the Body Shop? Have questions? March's Membership Specialist, Annie Q. Beck, CSCS, a Graduate Assistant for Health & Wellness, is here to help you. Feel free to ask her questions, offer suggestions, or set up a time to get oriented to the Body Shop facilities. You can find her in both facilities. Click here to read Body Shop staff profiles. 
Health & Wellness Events   


Free Grocery Store Tours
March is National Nutrition Month, and we're celebrating by offering free grocery store tours led by our registered dietitians. Get expert advice on how to make smart choices, as we lead you aisle-by-aisle through the store. It's a unique opportunity that you don't want to miss.

Register now.


Tour dates:

  • Weds., March 7, 5:15-6:30 p.m., Kroger Marketplace, Beaumont Ctr.
  • Fri., March 16, Noon-1 p.m., Kroger, Chinoe Rd.  

Get Moving for Better Sleep - Free Lunch & Learn 

Learn how exercise can improve the quality of your sleep and learn about the connection between obesity and sleep apnea. Join us for "Get Moving for Better Sleep," Weds., March 28, from 12:10-12:50 p.m., 127 Commons, Wethington Bldg. FREE. Register now


Mindfullness Practice - Health Smart Conversation About YOUR Health
Learn to be present in the moment instead of living in the past or worrying about the future. "Mindfulness Practice for Everyday Living," presented by - Federico "Felito" Aldarondo, Ph.D., Thurs., April 19, from 12:10-12:50 p.m., 110 Mining and Minerals. FREE. Register now  


Get a FREE Exercise Consult

A UK Health & Wellness Health Fitness Specialist is available for private consultations to assist you with your exercise and fitness goals. She can answer your questions, provide guidelines, and help you get started on your personalized path to fitness. It's FREE for all UK employees, retirees, spouses and sponsored dependents! You do NOT have to be a Body Shop member. If you have special considerations, she can help you find the fitness path that is right for you. Click here to schedule an appointment.   

Welcome New Members!
Nancy LynnFreeman
Christine EvaLi
Rebecca JoleneStamper
*Only University of Kentucky employees, retirees, spouses, and sponsored dependents are eligible for UK Health & Wellness services and programs.
In This Issue
Bullding a healthy household
Nutrition Corner
New Members
Please note:

Saturday hours at Alumni have returned to normal schedule, from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

About Fit News
Fit News is a monthly e-mail newsletter provided to members of Body Shop Fitness.

Editor: Melanie J. Sparks
Useful Links

UK Health & Wellness

Body Shop Fitness 

Group Fitness Classes

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UK Wildcat Wheels Bike Library