David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

Proclaiming The Gospel of Jesus Christ To The Nations!  






"Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 




May 30, 2011




Today, on Memorial Day, Amy and I are grateful for so many of our friends and family who have selflessly served our country in the United States military.   We thank God and praise Him for miraculously preserving the life of our nephew, a Navy SEAL, who was gravely injured in an enemy RPG (rocket propelled grenade) attack in (country name withheld for security reasons,) when shrapnel slammed into his skull.  Surgeons on the field and at Bethesda Naval Hospital were astounded that a warrior with such wounds as his became a walking, talking miracle - they could not explain how he survived!  But we know that it is because the mighty hand of Jehovah-Rapha, The Lord Our Healer, covered and protected him, and preserved his life.  He is continuing in his recovery, and recently married the love of his life.  


We are also thankful for and ask your prayer for one of our other nephews, a West Point graduate and Army captain, recently under mortar fire in (country name withheld.)  We thank God for our other nephew and niece, also serving in the Navy.  Thank God for my father, Vernon Stockwell, Sr., who served in the Navy during World War II.  Thank you to my brother, Vernon, Jr., my best friend, who died while on active duty, only twenty-two years old, a few weeks after graduating from West Point.  Dad and Vernon, I miss you today.  I'll see you soon enough.

Thank you, my brother, Tom, retired Air Force, for protecting us as you served.  Thank God for Keith Koerlin, my son Sean's father-in-law, retired Navy. Thank God for friends like DSEA Board Member Paul Martin, a Korean War-era fighter pilot; thank God for our friends, Billy Wareing, who has been in the reserves, ready to serve, and Staff Sergeant Conrad DeGrace, called up from the reserves, then disabled, still recovering, and wanting to go on one of our missions soon.  I am sure I am leaving out someone.  Our deepest gratitude and thanks to all who have served, and who are serving, our country.


To the clueless who hate our military:  you have no idea what it would be like if we were living under Nazi or Japanese or Soviet or communist domination, or if our borders were more overrun, and we had no police protection in our neighborhoods, and the thugs controlled everything.  Thank God today for the military, police, and firemen who protect us, and who have put their lives on the line for us. 


Without a free and prosperous America, our ability to freely travel the world and tell the Good News of Christ would be severely limited.  Thank God today for the Lord Jesus, Who willingly gave His life for us, was tortured, shed His blood, and died a horrible death on the cross.  When I repented and trusted the risen Christ, He changed me and gave me eternal life.  Amy and I are ready to GO and TELL, and give our lives if need be, for this noble cause.  Why?  Because people are going to Hell forever without Christ, and He COMMANDED us to GO TELL!  What a privilege to go in His Name!


Thank you for praying with us as we prepare to go on mission with God in Uganda next month.  Your love, friendship and support means so much to us.


With love and gratitude, your friend and partner in the Gospel,




David Stockwell


Romans 1:16 ~ "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation, for everyone who believes..."




David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

P.O. Box G, Katy, TX  77492 USA


[email protected]






David Stockwell Evangelistic Association

Proclaiming The Gospel Of Jesus Christ To The Nations

PO Box G, Katy, Texas 77492 USA 281-391-8777
[email protected]
