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Africa says THANK YOU to ICANN & DCA



Top-Level Domains Approved by ICANN means...


ICANN logo for dotafrica

"Good luck to all the new gTLD applicants and congratulation

to the ICANN Board for a job well done.  You are now entering the Wild West of the Web. You might not know what awaits you in the future;  don't listen to the naysayers (the .com domainers); march forward with hope and confidence and a good business plan.  As Obama says, Yes You Can"    ---Africa Domain


Link to full story...


Business Daily


This sounds good to the ears of marketers and will greatly help to find information online - if you want African companies (or companies operating in Africa)  you might need just to search (Google) companies whose web addresses are ending in .africa! Just that. 

    ---Business Daily 
Push .africa through:  
The .africa campaign by  DotConnectAfrica has been the strongest statement yet of Africa's determination to add its name to the DNS root thus giving one billion people an online identity; so instead of the bigwigs at the continental bodies scuttling the whole process, this is the time to give the organization and the initiative some impetus in order to see this pushed to conclusion. It will be a pacesetter,  allowing new African gTLD initiatives to sprout based on DotConnectAfrica model.
---Africa Domain 

The expanded gTLD space means that  Africa can too have its own gTLD like .africa.  But is this news? 

No!   An organisation going by the name DotConnectAfrica (DCA)  (  has been spearheading this venture for a while now.  

DCA has even been on social media, communicating their agenda and advocating for the .africa gTLD long before the ICANN announcement. 

It can be followed on  @  dot_africa   and on 


dotafrica fan page                                 ---Business Daily  
Link to full story...


Generation.Africa Thanks ICANN & DCA tees

It's almost a month since ICANN approved the new gTLD program in Singapore to great fanfare in the internet/ICANN community and the team is more than pleased to have witnessed and  contributed our small bit towards the historic change to the Domain Name system. was an idea conceived by the DotConnectAfrica Organization to inspire young people in Africa to take more active roles in the development of the internet in Africa, primarily through the dotafrica initiative. 


DotConnectAfrica seeks to put Africa on the digital map through a .africa Top level Domain. The internet is still very young in Africa and the campaign consists of people with passion for the internet, the willingness to learn the processes that govern the global internet and to give their bit towards a better internet in Africa. 


Young people in Africa have been given access to a platform and movement where we can contribute to fruitful debates on internet governance issues, network with each other, share ideas and more so drive the initiative to establish a dotafrica Top level domain name for African and Pan Africa communities. 


We have learnt a lot and have been inspired by DCA's introduction of dotafrica campaign which gave us the background of ICANN's six year multistakeholder consensus-driven odyssey to establish the newTLDs program, along with DCA being a portal to this great lesson in governance and decision making for institutions around the world but more so for Africa, a continent that's slowly building fledgling democracies from a past of dictatorships and impunity. 


And dotafrica is the instrument, an internet currency for Africa that represents the renewed vigour of a continent that's matching forward to make up for the lost time.  For young people, dotafrica is more than just a domain but a symbol of a rebirth, a renaissance.   It defines us.  It represents an Africa that is ready to move along with the rest world in various spheres of innovation because we, young Africans, have the same aspirations as young people across the globe. 


That's why the identifies deeply with a .africa and the entire newTLD process and DCA's mission and vision.  Our energies and restless anticipation were vindicated on 20th June, 2011 when the ICANN board boldly voted to establish the newTLDs program ensuring our generation will forever be identified as the DotAfrica generation, and DCA making the case for us at ICANN and the United States government really empowered us. 


       We are a unique generation that has witnessed the birth of a new age in the internet.  

                           It's something new, disruptive, innovative and exciting 

                                   and therefore it stimulates something in us.   


We pledge to keep the internet young by lending our voices to the policy-making process, now and in the future, at ICANN to ensure it's heard and also to ensure that the new floodgates of innovation in the domain namespace clearly benefit us.  

Young people are after all, the originators of unique ideas, of innovations. ICANN along with DCA has made it a democratic communityand has made this possible,
and for this, all we can say is Thank You for the newTLDs ICANN and Thank You for fighting for .africa, DCA. 

Full Press  Release


 Join our

  yes2dotafrica logo

In January 2012DotConnectAfrica will formally apply to ICANN for the delegation of the dotafrica gTLD.  Building on our past successes and representing your interests, we therefore ask you all  to join us in this final lap towards realizing our common vision of a unified internet presence for Africa through a dotafrica Top level Domain name. 

We have simplified your participation in ONE BOX!

Simply scroll down below and join our "Yes2dotAfrica" campaign, by following us on ".africa" social media, or filling out the petition, and/or simply sending us email for partnerships and proposals, and see how we can build this great Pan-African Nation we all dream about!



Our  Fulfilled Promise

 Our increasing successes and accomplishment so far!!


Taking Africa to the Promised  land! Country at a time!!


Join our PanAfrican Social Media followings: 


      Find us on Facebook DotAfrica;     DotAfrique;     DotAfriqya 

       Follow us on TwitterDotAfrica;    DotAfrique;   DotAfriqya
View our videos on YouTube DotAfrica Videos 

Sign the petition for "Yes2dotAfrica"  here



DotConnectAfrica  ...Connecting the dots in Africa  ...Bridging the Digital Divide


Our Campaign Archives                                                   

  Our Press Room                                                                                          [email protected]  


.  Enterprise Technology magazineKampalanames Sophia Bekele, the "Ethiopian Champion of .africa"  more..


 BizCommunity covers DCA's "yes2dotafrica" campaign: "Dot Africa campaign to brand continent" more...

Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Dotafrica Generation soon to be born: more... 


Sophia Bekele DCA founder and former ICANN gNSO policy advisor was noted by The Economist, Sept 15, 2010, as "leading the dotafrica initiative":  Can "Africa" get a make-over? more...


Brains behind .africa, Diplomat East Africa more...  


. DCA is endorsed by African Union (AU), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the Internationalized Domain Resolution Union (IDRU)   

DCA in the News more


About DotConnectAfrica:


DCA is a not-for-profit, non-partisan org incorporated in Mauritius Africa & will sponsor, establish & operate a TLD registry with global recognition & regional significance dedicated to the needs of Pan-African &African community. DCA Reg.ID.CT8710DCA90 


For Immediate Contact:   Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor, [email protected]