Pro Bono Partnership 

NONPROFIT LAW 101:  What Every Attorney Should Know When Representing or Serving on the Board of a Tax-exempt Organization

Date & Location: 
April 16, 2010, 9AM to 12PM
PepsiCo, Purchase, NY  
Nonprofit Law 101:  This program is an overview of state and federal law applicable to nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, including charitable solicitation rules, disclosure requirements, rules regarding lobbying and political activities, fiduciary obligations of the Board of Directors, conflicts of interest (including intermediate sanctions rules), ongoing compliance obligations and more.          
This program is designed for attorneys who provide (or want to provide) legal services to nonprofit organizations and/or who serve on the boards of nonprofits.
New York CLE Credits:  3 Transitional and Non-Transitional CLE Credit Hours, 1 Ethics/2 Prof. Practice
Richard S. Hobish, Esq.:  Executive Director, Pro Bono Partnership
Maurice K. Segall, Esq.:  Director, Fairfield and NY County Programs, Pro Bono Partnership
Registration Information 
Charge:  $40.00/person if payment received prior to April 9th; $60.00/person thereafter; Nonprofit Employees and Paralegals, subtract $15.00 from the foregoing amounts; No charge for members from Pepsi
To Register:  Contact Lee Cushman at 203-461-9004 or [email protected]
For More Information
Contact Maurice Segall, 914-328-0674, ext. 323
Workshop Registrants:  By registering for this workshop, you agree to join our mailing list.  If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, you can do so with SafeUnsubscribe which is located at the bottom of every e-mail we send. 
Workshop In-Person Attendees:  By enrolling in this workshop, you hereby: (1) give consent for Pro Bono Partnership, Inc. to use your photograph or image in its print, online and video publications; (2) release Pro Bono Partnership, Inc., its employees and any outside third parties from all liabilities or claims that you might assert in connection with the above-described uses; and (3) waive any right to inspect, approve or receive compensation for any materials or communications, including photographs, videotapes, website images or written materials, incorporating photos/images of you.
Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.
The Pro Bono Partnership provides nonprofit organizations in Connecticut, New Jersey and New York with free, expert business legal advice they cannot otherwise afford, enhancing their capacity to improve local communities and provide essential programs for the poor and disadvantaged.  More    

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