News From K9COLA
November 2011
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Parks Update


A new gate to the main yard at Cheyenne, nearer to the entrance, will be installed soon.


Construction has started on the new Squaw Creek Park.

volunteeers needed

We are always in need of volunteers to take out the trash at the park as well as for other tasks. Please contact Jill at volunteer@k9cola.org. 

I Can Get What From My Pet?!?
Ball Launcher
Most people know that wild animals can give rabies to people, but what they may not realize is that pets like cats, dogs and birds can pass diseases to people. That may sound scary, but prevention isn't all that hard. Read More.
Dog Intelligence
Ball Launcher
Dog trainers, owners, and researchers have as much difficulty agreeing on a method for testing canine intelligence, as they do for human intelligence. Read More. 



Welcome to the November 2011 edition of the K9COLA newsletter! We appreciate your support, because the off-leash areas in Cedar Rapids couldn't exist without it! Thank you!

Holiday DeLight Parade
Ball Launcher
Steve writes: K9COLA will be walking in the Holiday DeLight Parade on Saturday December 3rd at 6:00 pm. We are looking for people and their dogs to join us. This is a chance to dress up your dogs and yourself in your holiday outfits. If anyone can dress their dogs as Santa or reindeer that would be great. They make battery operated mini-lights that I hope to use on Syd. The more lights we use the better. They also recommend the use of glow sticks. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Hope a lot of you will join us. It is always fun walking with the dogs in the parades.
Trash Volunteers
Ball Launcher

Hello everyone! Happy almost holidays. I'm sure everyone is extremely busy making plans for the upcoming months, but
please don't forget the dog park still needs our attention during this season. I am looking for trash volunteers for the month of December and then starting into 2012.  If you are interested, please let me know. Here are the dates:

December 3/4
December 10/11
December 17/18
December 24/25
Dec. 31 / Jan. 1
January 7/8
January 14/15
January 21/22
January 28/29

Thank you everyone for your generosity and help during a busy time!

Jill Rowe,  
Volunteer Coordinator K9COLA
Pack Leaders
Ball Launcher

Congratulations go out to our K9Splash! sponsor Pack Leaders Dog Training for its new endeavour. Pack Leaders will be merging with Apple Creek Kennel. The two organizations will be hosting a Grand Opening in mid-November at the new facility west of Wal-Mart in Marion.  The new venture will allow Pack Leaders to offer expanded services, including Doggy Day School and Board and Train Programs. For more information on this opportunity please contact Angie Scharpf at 319-350-3230  or at packleadersdogtraining@gmail.com.
From The Chair
Ball Launcher

K9COLA holds its election for members of the Board of Director in November. At our meeting, the following people were elected to serve two-year terms, and I would like to extend my congratulations and thanks to them:
  • Kelly Ennis, Secretary
  • Kate Getty, Fundraising Coordinator
  • Colleen Martens, Treasurer
  • Kelly Ennis, Public Education Coordinator 
  • Shannon Day and Ken Ennis, At-Large directors
Kelly will be taking care of the responsibilities of the Public Education Coordinator while we search for a new candidate. If you are interested in this position please e-mail info@k9cola.org for more information. Thanks to all for your support and service.


Marie Appel 

Thanks again for your support of the off-leash areas, and we'll see you out & about this month!


K9COLA Board of Directors