Transitions E-Newsletter
Archdiocese for the Military Services,USA

July 2012
Welcome Jos� Amaya!

Jose Amaya The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA and the Office of Evangelization welcomes a new Director for the Office of Faith Formation.  Jos� Amaya joins the AMS staff with experience in both parish and diocesan catechetical  ministry.  Of special note is his work with catechist formation, Hispanic catechesis, parish catechetical visitations, leadership development and curriculum implementation training. He is an Animator for the Forum on Catechesis with Hispanics (FCH) of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL).  Please join the AMS in welcoming Jos�!  He will be reaching out to religious education coordinators to introduce himself and to seek input about catechetical needs.  The contact information for the AMS Office of Faith Formation is:  


Director, Jos� Amaya 

Phone: 202-719-3623


This office will coordinate support for faith formation, religious education resources, and catechist certification.    

Catechetical Sunday 2012
Catechetical Sunday 2012
Catechetical Sunday 2012
Resource links to support Catechetical Sunday, September 16, 2012 have been posted on the AMS web site.  This year's theme is:

Catechists and Teachers: Agents for the
New Evangelization

Resources provided by the USCCB include:
  • Promo materials
  • Theological reflections
  • Catechist in-services
  • Parish resources
  • Faith in action
  • Family resources
  • Retreat
  • Liturgy resources
  • Printed resources

Make Catechetical Sunday a priority as the Catholic Faith Community launches a new year of religious education by celebrating the commissioning of catechists during Mass.  

Year of Faith
Year of Faith 
Year of Faith

The Holy Father Benedict XVI has proclaimed a Year of Faith which begins October 11, 2012 and concludes November 24,  2013.  It will mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II and the 20th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

The Vatican has launched a new Year of Faith web site.  Please share this web site link in your area and with and colleagues.    The archdiocese has several plans for the Year of Faith that will be shared in the coming months. 
Catholic Youth Ministry
Archbishop Broglio listens to youth.
The summer months bring opportunities for Catholic youth to gather and celebrate their faith.  In August the tenth anniversary of the European Catholic Youth Conference will take place in Schoenstatt, Germany for U.S. military-connected youth living in Europe. 

Life Teen sponsors Inspiration at Six Flags which will be held in San Antonio, TX in August and Los Angeles, CA in November, both will have a gathering for military-connected youth too. 

Please keep the youth, their parents, volunteers, and coordinators in your prayers.  Young people that go on retreat, service projects or youth rallies in the summer have much to share about how they have grown in faith.  Take some time to affirm and encourage these young witnesses!

Office of Evangelization

Serving Catholics in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, V.A. Medical Centers, and Government Services Overseas

Become a supporter of  the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

Find resources and other information on our web site. 
Points of Contact
Mark Moitoza, D.Min.
Director, Evangelization

Jos� Amaya
Faith Formation

Margaret Betit

Office of Evangelization
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The Office of Evangelization provides resources and services to assist Chaplains, Lay Leaders, Volunteers, Young Adults, Parents, and Youth to develop Catholic youth ministry, Catholic young adult ministry, and Catechist Certification within the Military Catholic Faith Community.