e January 2012, Vol. 6, No. 1
Annual Business Meeting, Used Book Sale and Volunteer Reception | Saturday, January 21, 2011, 1:00 p.m. (Book Sale 12-4) CGS Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA
| The Annual Meeting of the California Genealogical Society will be held on the third Saturday of the new year. The meeting has been pushed back one week, away from the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, to Saturday, January 21, 2011, at 1:00 p.m.
Please join President Stephen Harris for this important session. The agenda includes approval of the society budget and the nomination and election of new board members. The Library Committee will hold a used book sale from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Learn more at the blog.
Ancestral Homelands: A Monthly Spotlight Series for Beginners
| Classes on Fourth Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Oakland California Family History Center, 4755 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, CA
| The California Genealogical Society and the Oakland California Family History Center are developing a new series of classes designed to help you find where your immigrant ancestor came from and the kinds of resources available for that part of the world. Each month will focus on a different country or region. Details for future sessions are still being finalized. Watch the blog and website for the final schedule and series flier. Classes are $10 each.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012: Beginning Research in Sweden, Wade Olofson. Register online. Tuesday, February 28, 2012: Beginning Research in England, Jeremy Frankel. Register online. |
New Winter Series - Best Genealogy Websites: Tips & Tricks
| Classes Begin Thursday, January 26, 2012, 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Oakland California Family History Center, 4766 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, CA
| Continuing a four-year tradition, the California Genealogical Society is teaming up with the Oakland California Family History Center (OCFHC) to present a winter series of genealogy classes. This year's offering is Best Genealogy Websites: Tips & Tricks - eight classes on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the OCFHC.
Download the series flier for schedule and information. Register online to reserve your space now!
How to Go Home: Scanning Photos with 1000 Memories
| Saturday, February 11, 2011, Two Sessions: Choose Morning or Afternoon CGS Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA
| The California Genealogical Society is pleased to be partnering with 1000 Memories to present two free scanning workshops for members. Bring your photos, documents, and videos for unlimited scanning and for a short class on uncovering the family stories hidden in your shoeboxes and closets. |
Coming in March
| Save the Date!
|  3/24 Getting Ready for the 1940 Census: Searching without a Name Index, Steve Morse
3/28 Ancestral Homelands: Beginning Research in Norway, Gloria Hansen
Announcing the 2012 CGS Salt Lake City Tour to the Family History Library | Sunday to Sunday, April 22-29, 2012 Accommodations at the Shilo Inn, 206 West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah
| Past-president Jane Lindsey is leading her twelfth California Genealogical Society Salt Lake City Tour to the Family History Library April 22-29, 2011. Research Director Nancy Peterson returns to help lead this very popular trip.
Download the tour flier for full information.
Register online and reserve your space now!
California Ancestors: From Here, There, and Everywhere!
Photo Tributes to the CGS Family
Edited by Lorna Wallace
Member Grace Frontin contributed this month's photograph of her great-grandfather, Patrick J. White, and his family, of San Francisco.
 | [Left to right] Patrick Joseph White, with James, on his lap; [standing] William V. (my grandfather), Mary, Harry; Mary Jane Kelly White, with David Augustus on her lap; [seated in front] Joseph and Grace; [center] fraternal twins, John and Katharine. |
This photograph of my great-grandfather, Patrick Joseph (P.J.) White, and his family, was taken circa 1875-1876. Patrick was born in Utica, New York, raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, and came west for the Gold Rush. He served as sheriff of Sierra County, 1860-61, and sheriff of San Francisco for one term. His wife, Mary Jane Kelly, was born in Brooklyn, New York.
Two of the children shown died young. First born, Mary, died 29 Sept. 1878, of meningitis, at age 16. Little Grace died 13 Jan 1877 of diphtheria. The family continued to grow with five more children born after the photo was taken, three boys and two girls.
Twins John and Katharine both entered religious life. John became a Dominican friar and was ordained a deacon. He died at age 22 after an accident playing baseball. Katharine became a nun and died at age 86.
The infant in the photo, David Augustus, served as San Francisco Police Chief for nine years. He died in office in 1920 and had a grand funeral at St. Mary's Cathedral.
-Grace Frontin
Call For Submissions - Are you member with a great family photo to share? If you would like to pay tribute to your ancestor in a future edition of the eNews, please email Lorna Wallace and send your image with a brief narrative.
Kathryn Doyle, eNews Editor email me