
NutriFact: The National Weight Control Registry consists of more than 6,000 individuals who have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 lbs. for an average of 5 years or more. It is estimated that one fifth of overweight and obese individuals in the U.S. have successfully lost weight and maintained their weight loss - and there are seven habits of these successful weight loss maintainers that are noteworthy.
1. High levels of physical activity. More than one half of NWCR members expend more than 2,000 kcal/week (which is the rough equivalent of 200 minutes/week of moderate-intensity exercise). What are you doing for activity these days?
2. Limit television watching: about 63% of NWCR members report watching less than 10 hours per week of television. How many hours of television do you watch per week? What can you do instead?
3. Low-calorie, low-fat diet: NWCR members report consuming 1,380 kcal day, with less than 30% of calories from fat.
4. Have a consistent diet: NWCR members tend to eat the same foods regularly and do not "splurge" on high-calorie foods on weekends, holidays or other special occasions. Sounds like the NutriFit approach, right? Consistency is key, as it is with most successful endeavors in life.
5. Eat Breakfast. At least 78% of NWCR members report eating breakfast daily, which may help curb hunger and over eating later in the day.
6. High dietary restraint and low disinhibition: NWCR members report exerting high levels of control over their eating, and they rarely overate in response to internal (translate - emotional) or external (translate - availability of highly palatable food) cues. The answer: NutriFit! Just the right amount of food, and enough of the great tasting items that keep you from "falling off the wagon".
7. Self-monitoring: more than 1/2 of NWCR members weigh themselves at least weekly and track their daily food intake.
Source: ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, Vol 15, No.2

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As Mighty as the Rest!

Mighty Muscle Mix™-
The new Deliciously healthy Mighty Mix
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What you eat, and when you eat it, impacts your performance, in addition to affecting your energy and weight management program. Adequate and favorable carbohydrates, found in the Mighty Muscle Mix™, are what fuel your muscles. The best results come from a mixture of quickly and slowly digested carbohydrates, with some healthy dietary fat, and protein in the post-exercise period.
A common myth believed by many is that the body needs extra protein; however, eating a high-protein diet does little to contribute to its energy needs. Even during prolonged exercise when stored carbohydrates are depleted, the body derives only 5-15% of its energy by turning protein into glucose. In fact, the liver converts other excess protein to fat (which takes longer to metabolize than carbohydrates and protein).
To fuel the muscles properly and optimize workout potential, NutriFit's Mighty Muscle Mix™ contains a blend of ingredients including: Whey Protein Crisps, Dried Bing Cherries, Oat Covered Dates, and Almonds
CLICK HERE to purchase your Mighty Muscle Mix™ today for ONLY $19.95/dozen.

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Color Up You Diet?... Close your eyes and visualize all the colors of the rainbow. Now think of the various colors of your dinner meal. What hues are represented?
March is National Nutrition Month, and this year's theme, Eat Right with Color! is ripe for painting a visual impression of abundance. Here in California, we are fortunate to have access to the best of nature's bounty all year around, so our choices are nearly limitless. So much variety, so little simple information - sigh ...
I propose making the choice based on synergy. The concept of synergy is simple, as some things work better in tandem. You can call them "power couples"; it's about nutrients working in concert to produce a health benefit that is far greater than the sum of its parts.'
As research progresses in the field of food synergy, more and more examples of this type of association between nutrients have been identified, and research is looking for additional dietary patterns all the time, rather than just investigating one variable.
How does it work? There are a number of ways - including simple concepts, like vitamin C increasing the absorption of iron, turning red foods, like peppers and quinoa, or strawberries and spinach, into power couples. Inulin, a type of carbohydrate found in bananas and other foods, serves as nourishment for beneficial bacteria, such as yogurt's Bifidus, which aids in digestion and boosts immunity.
For this reason, eating a range of foods (of various colors), is as important as eating the right foods, because there are, undoubtedly, hundreds of food synergies that are still undiscovered. Foods come in packages of nutrients, not just as single sources, so the benefits of the Mediterranean-style diet, for example, which includes many healthful patterns of eating, is a perfect example of food synergy on a grander scale. Recent studies have concluded that because it emphasizes olives and olive oil (highly monounsaturated fats), plant foods, whole grains, legumes and fish, following this diet may reduce the prevalence of both metabolic syndrome, and the cardiovascular risk that goes along with it.
Along with the specific "power couples" listed below, here are some additional benefits that have been uncovered in recent research:
- Vitamin C and the plant estrogens found in soy, legumes and some fruits and vegetables, work together to inhibit the oxidation of LDL "bad" cholesterol.
- Quercetin, (citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, tea, and red wine) and catechins (also found mainly in apples, green tea, purple grapes, and grape juice) worked together to help stop platelet clumping. Platelets are a component in blood that plays an important role in forming clots. Platelets' clumping together is one of several steps in blood clotting that can lead to a heart attack.
- Eating a little "good fat" along with your vegetables helps your body absorb their protective phytochemicals, like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark-green vegetables. A recent study measured how well phytochemicals were absorbed after people ate a lettuce, carrot, and spinach salad with or without 2 1/2 tablespoons of avocado. The avocado-eating group absorbed 8.3 times more alpha-carotene and 13.6 times more beta-carotene (both of which help protect against cancer and heart disease), and 4.3 times more lutein (which helps with eye health) than those who did not eat avocados, according to Elaine Magee, MPH, RD.
Enjoy a small serving (one ounce is a serving, and that's usually just a small square) as often as once a day - and visit Jackie's Health Blog today information on this and other delicious topics.
EAT WITH COLOR- We're celebrating National Nutrition Month with healthy colorful foods, facts, and flavorful recipes!
- Blueberries- Blueberries are a good source of dietary fiber & 1 serving contains about 14 mg or almost 25% of daily requirement for Vitamin C.
- Avocado- Avocados are a good source of potassium, which can help guard against circulatory diseases such as high blood pressure or stroke.
- Tomatoes-Tomatoes contain lycopene which has been shown to help protect against prostate, breast, pancreatic and intestinal cancers.
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