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   November  2011 CTA Newsletter
Individual Training Certification Program Begins in February
CTA Welcomes Leo McGilvery as New Fellow








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Our work introducing the NMT continues,  New NMT logo
reaching more groups and clinicians all over the world. As part of that process we felt it was important to give The Neurosequential Model its own face.

Meet our new NMT logo!  We will be using this logo to label all of our NMT-related materials.  This month's newsletter offers information about those training opportunities - our NMT Case-Based Training Series and our Individual and Organizational NMT Training Certification Programs.  We also want to introduce you to a very special man and our newest Fellow - Mr. Leo McGilvery.  We are thrilled to welcome him to our group and honor the perspective and wisdom that he brings to working with children and families.  In a recent conversation with Leo, he reminded us that we need to always celebrate life - which is so true.  It is so easy in our work to focus on the negative, but it is equally important - and perhaps more so - to focus on and celebrate the life of each and every person we serve.   
Registration Open for 2012 NMT Training Certification Programs to Start in February

CTA expanded the NMT Training Certification Programs this fall, and we are pleased to now run TWO start dates per year - September and FEBRUARY!  Apply today and begin the training program on February 6, 2012.


Our Individual Training Certification Program begins with a Phase I curriculum that includes

access to 10 specialized Case-based training conferences, CTA training materials (DVDs, Multimedia and Reading materials), access to a full year of our NMT Case-based Series Staffing recordings, live, interactive case discussions with Dr. Perry on a quarterly basis, and monthly support calls with Dr. Christine Dobson.  For Training Certification for Organizations, there will be a specialized Case-based Training series and a monthly opportunity for cross-institutional discussion and conversation. 




**Please note:  Participants must meet application criteria, including participation in at least 1 Case-based Staffing Series.  If you have not yet been part of a Series, it is not too late to sign up and receive recordings of our Fall 2011 NMT Series and begin Training Certification in February. Click here to register! 

CTA Welcomes New Fellow Leo McGilvery


Leo McGilvery is from Saddle Lake Cree Nation, a reservation located 150 km northeast of Edmonton, Alberta. He is a composer and singer of traditional Cree songs and music. He was raised in a traditional Cree family where he learned the teachings and ceremonies of his Cree culture. Leo currently holds a leadership position within the Saddle Lake Cree Nation as a band Councilor. Leo has also worked at Blue Quills College as a facilitator where he continues to provide his knowledge, experience and teachings as a speaker, singer, and traditional ceremonial holder and helper.   From 2000 to 2010, Leo worked with students in Saddle Lake Kihew Asiniy (Eagle Rock) High School and Amiskwaciy (Beaver Hills) High School Edmonton, Alberta teaching culture and songs to his students. A major component of his work with students was assisting in the learning process through a holistic approach that helped students through emotional, physical, spiritual and mental blockages that inhibited growth and learning. Through the use of the drum, rattle and song, he has established a linkage in working with individuals who have experienced trauma.

     The Gift of Song is a powerful tool that Leo utilizes when he is working and in his daily life as a father, grandfather and a community leader.  The first song that came to him was the Grandmother Song, a powerful, healing song that was selected for the 2010 Winter Olypmics.

    CTA is honored to have Leo joining our group of Fellows - read his complete bio here.

Winter 2012 NMT Case-Based Training Series Begins February 3  - Sign up NOW!


Our next NMT Case-based Training Series begins February 3, 2012 - ENROLL TODAY!   There are two ways to participate in this 10-week series - LIVE via the web or through Recordings Only.  


This training experience is part of an ongoing clinical case conference series offered by the CTA.  This teaching model has been useful for helping clinicians and front-line staff better understand the neurodevelopmental principles involved in many of the primary symptoms as well as strengths in the children they serve.  This practical teaching model provides an opportunity for ongoing capacity building within an institution or for individuals.


We recommend this series as a complement to any more intensive training/program development projects that our partners have with the CTA. However, individual and institutional participation does not require any other program development activities or projects with the CTA and can serve as a good introduction to viewing maltreated and traumatized children through the "lens" of neurodevelopment. 


See Winter 2012 Series Schedule & Enroll here.

We have several onsite presentations coming up this winter.  Check out our schedule of events open to the public on our website's Training page.  
Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D.
The ChildTrauma Academy