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Wenzel Coaching Newsletter November 2008

It's almost here, THE HOLIDAY SEASON! Beat the excess with our Survive the Holidays guide by Head Coach Kendra Wenzel. Also be sure to check out Associate Coach Liz Varner's article on Adding a Multi-Sport Event to Your Season next year. If you've ever wanted to add a triathlon or duathlon to your competitive mix, now is a great time to get started on it.

This month we welcome coach Ron Castia of Livermore, California, specializing in mountain bike cross country, 24 hour racing and road racing.
And as always we have the Resource of the Month, Quote of the Month and Client Successes!

Help us make this newsletter most meaningful to you. Please send your comments, article ideas, race stories, and questions to to
newsletter@wenzelcoaching.com or call 503-233-4346.

~ Kendra Wenzel, Scott Saifer, and the Staff of Wenzel Coaching
In This Issue
Holiday Survival Guide
New Coach Profile: Ron Castia of Livermore, CA
Quote of the Month
Resource of the Month: Keeping Up With Cross
Client Successes
Featured Article: Adding a Multi-Sport Event to Your Season
Holiday Survival Guide
by Head Coach Kendra Wenzel
By popular demand, it's back, the strategy to survive the holidays with training goals and waistline intact. Each year I try a different approach to controlling the holiday excess, but this year I'm again telling it like it is. Starting Thursday, I'm going to eat too much turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie, and wine, and possibly not in that exact order of excess. I'll feel guilty about it Thursday night and then try to ride on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then the struggle is over until the next event, the next party, the next holiday dinner. Or is it a struggle? It all depends on my goals.

New Coach Profile: Ron Castia of Livermore, CA
Wenzel Coaching would like to welcome new Coach Ron Castia of Livermore, CA.  Ron has been racing road and mountain bikes for 12 years and is the founder of East Bay Cyclists.  He is also a NCNCA Mentor and has worked with novice members of his own team to help develop race tactics.  Ron also understands the demands of the everyday athlete, having juggled a demanding career as a transportation engineer, family, a full race schedule and managing a Masters race team.

Quote of the Month
"Winning is about heart, not just legs. It's got to be in the right place."

~Lance Armstrong, Seven-time Tour de France Winner
Resource of the Month:  Keeping Up With Cross
Are you interested in keeping track of all the cross racing going on but tired of visiting numerous sites to get all the info?  No problem, crossresults.com does all the work for you.  You can search for individual riders and see how they stand against the competition, find out who their biggest rivals are and even find out who is predicted to win the big race this weekend.

The websites found in the "Resource of the Month" are in no way associated with Wenzel Coaching and we are not responsible for any information they contain.
Client Successes

Tim Butler takes 1st overall at the 2008 Cross Crusade Series and takes 1st in race #7 and 2nd in the final race, Master Men A

Sue Butler takes 1st at Cross Crusade #7 and wins the gold bikini at the Single Speed CX World Championships, Women A
Erika Krumpelman takes 1st overall at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series, Women A 

Travis Monroe takes 1st at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series, Men B and takes 1st at the Montana State Cyclocross Championship, Junior Men
Coach Jenni Gaertner takes 1st at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series Race #5, #7 and #8 taking 2nd in the Series and takes 1st at the Montana State Cyclocross Championship, Women A

Wendy Stredwick takes 1st at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series Races #6 and #8 and takes 3rd overall in the Series, Women B

Tom Butler takes 1st overall at the NYCROSS Cyclocross Series, Master Men 45+
Mike Gaertner takes 1st at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series Race #5, Men A and takes 1st at the Cross Crusade #5, Masters Men 35+ A

Joe Miller takes 1st at the 2008 NorCal Cup MTB Series Single Speed, Men Sport and takes second at the Lagrange MTB Race, Men Sport Single Speed.  He also takes 1st place at the Sacramento Series CX #3, Master Men B 35+
Coach Nitish Nag takes 2nd overall at the West Coast Conference Collegiate Mountain Bike Series, Men A
Chance Raver takes 2nd at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series Race #7, Junior Men

Wendel Woodford takes 2nd at SoCal Cross #3, Cat 4 Men
Randy Opp takes 2nd at the Inland Northwest Cyclocross Series Race #7 and 2nd overall in the Series and takes 3rd at the Montana State Cyclocross Championship, Men B
Wenzel Coaching thanks you for your business!
Featured Article: Adding a Multi-Sport Event to Your Season
by Associate Coach
Whether you are a runner or a cyclist, adding a multisport race (duathlon/triathlon) is a great way to cross train, refresh a season or just try something a little different. Most triathletes use bike, swim and run events as preparation for the triathlon race season. It helps to learn pacing and build strength in each sport, but also to keep the entire season interesting. So it makes sense that cyclists and runners could benefit by using multisport events as a training tool especially if you have many years of semi-repetitive seasonal training for a singular sport and specialty.

Announcement:   Advanced Track Cycling Skills Clinic
Join former professional and Wenzel Coach James Hibbard and National Champion medalist Giovanni Rey for a weekend of skill building at Hellyer Velodrome in San Jose, CA.  The two day clinic runs December 13-14 and will cover skills necessary for advanced endurance and track racing.
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More Client Successes

Robert Schultz takes 3rd at the  Kansas State Cyclocross Championship, Masters 30+

Kari Studley takes 3rd at Dam Cross UCI C2, Elite Women

Mac Carey upgrades to Cat 3 on points

Sue Butler takes 4th at the New York Super Cup Cyclocross, Elite Women

Kumar Shanmugam completes 5-hour rides despite a history of heart attacks and has increased his speed over 5 hours by 3 MPH