Boulder ChamberBoulder Business Insider

Your source for insight to policy and politics affecting Boulder's business community
 October 2009 Issue

The Front Burner

Boulder Chamber Board of Directors Takes Positions on Ballot Issues

The Chamber leadership formally supports ballot issues related to Boulder's general fund sales tax extension and the County's ClimateSmart loan program; in additon the Board strongly opposes the City's housing excise tax. At the root of their positions was the likelihood of these three issues to have direct impacts on the economic vitality of the Boulder area. Read more>>>
The Chamber has launched a special website with information on the November ballot issues and Boulder City Council race. Visit and comment today! 
Spotlight On: City Ballot Issue 2D
Boulder City Ballot Issue 2D asks if the current Housing Excise Tax of $0.49 per square foot be removed from all residential development and instead applied to only non-residential development - and also be increased to between $3.00 and 7.00 per sq. ft. based on building category (i.e. commercial office space, retail, institutional, etc.) Read the details>>>
The Boulder Chamber opposes this tax switch that places the burden of funding the city's Affordable Housing Program on a specific segment of the community - a program ostensibly with a community-wide benefit. While the commercial sector could be doing more to carry its own weight, the Board is concerned this measure could alienate partners in development and prompt them to build (and upgrade property) elsewhere entirely.
Consider as an example, a $7.00 per sq. ft. tax on a typical $200 per sq. ft. project is 2 - 3% of the total project budget - that is too much of an increase (and this is on top of other development fee and tax increases already this year). As the Affordable Housing Program is currently being reviewed as part of a 24-month process this tax change should be deferred until questions as to how the affordable housing program will spend the money are answered.
We strongly urge you to vote no on Boulder City Ballot Issue 2D.
The Big Picture
New City Department Aims for Efficiency Requirements on Businesses
Last month the City's new Department of Community Planning and Sustainability was formally announced. This re-organization places city staff from planning, environmental affairs, economic vitality and human services under one umbrella, with an intention to have each discipline inform the other throughout various projects and policy creation.
Of note to Chamber members is that in response to City Council direction the Dept. is researching an energy efficiency code which would require certain standards of energy efficiency and/or performance for existing commercial buildings in Boulder. The Chamber staff and several businesses and property owners are part of a technical team evaluating this concept. See details>>>
Chamber Candidate Questionnaire Provides Insight
We asked the thirteen Boulder City Council candidates their thoughts on topics such as employment taxes, energy efficiency mandates, budget priorities and the economic vitality program. Who is most aligned with your values and vision for Boulder? Check their replies before voting.
Be sure to check our special 2009 City of Boulder Election website for more details on the candidates and ballot issues.  
Building A Strong Local Economy
Comprehensive Planning Alert
In 2010 the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan will undergo a 5-year Major Update process. This will involve opening the entire document to potential changes in vision and goals. The BVCP guides any changes in land use throughout Boulder and the surrounding unicorporated areas in the County.
Regional growth and economic development issues are crucial aspects of this document and this Major Update will be a priority issue for the Chamber in 2010. Please contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122 if you are interested in this process.  
Council Candidate Survey
What should we be asking the next potential leaders on Boulder City Council? At election time we need your help to speak up and tell candidates about the issues and conerns you have for Boulder's economic climate and the challenges you face as a business leader.
Click to take our quick survey asking "What should the Chamber ask City Council Candidates?"
Related: See candidates' answers to the Chamber's questionnaire.
Legislation Watch
The Colorado Legislature's Fiscal Stability Commission has been working during the session interim to address the state's budget crisis and will be providing 2010 legislation suggestions in November. We remain involved providing testimony and other input to guide the conversation. We welcome Chamber members' questions on how the state budget concerns could impact Boulder. Contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.
How would you balance the state budget? Click the Backseat Budgeter logo above.
More You Should Know
Economic Data Online

The Boulder Economic Council has launched an updated website that includes the latest area industry data, economic development news and tons of resources for growing businesses. Defintely worth a look!

Trends to Follow
The Boulder County Civic Forum has released the latest Boulder County Community Indicators Report. This is a must-read for business owners wanting to understand the evolving demographics and issues of the region. Copies are free; visit online for details.
Suggested Reading
Financial and vocal support among Boulder City Council candidates has aligned with a recent vote restricting house sizes.Several incumbents and candidates are working behind the scenes to "support like-minded hopefuls", according to the Camera.
Get Involved
Help Fix U.S. 36 is a grassroots political campaign to advocate for increased funding for U.S. 36. If you, your family, customers or employees travel this road, your involvement is crucial! Learn how to help.  
The Boulder County Dept. of Health offers Guidance to Employers re: the H1N1 Flu concerns.
We Are Your Voice 
Thank you for supporting the Boulder Chamber!  

Your membership supports our advocacy efforts to create a strong local economy. 
Please contact us with your concerns and ideas and know we are working behind the scenes on behalf of the entire business community every day.
Not a member yet? Join today>>>
Dan Powers
Community Affairs Manager
Boulder Chamber
303-442-1044 xt 122