Pink Therapy

Pink Therapy News
Keeping YOU in the Frame
September 2009
In This Issue
New Clnical Associate
HIV and Sexual Health National Counselling Day
Study of Gay Fathers
Youth Domestic Violence
Job Vacancies at PACE
PACE Family Helpline
A Day In Hand
Polyday 2009
Pink Therapy on Facebook
Join Our Mailing List!

Welcome back from your Summer vacations, assuming you managed to get one?

I have been working on a Conference presentation this weekend at a  biennial International Transgender conference at the University of East Anglia TG09.
Dominic Davies
I've also been in discussions with Relate regarding a national conference on sexuality for next year and the feedback and ripples continue to come in from the successful conference we ran for UKCP.

We've been joined by a new Clinical Associate (see below) and I've handed over the relaunch of the Directory to Jack Holroyde who is joining us part time to oversee the development of this important new project. Which you will hear more about next month.

I think we're in for a busy Autumn!  Nothing new then!
Dominic Davies
New Clinical Associate
We are delighted to formally welcome a new Clinical Associate, to join our team of experienced clinicians and trainers.  Fedja Dalagija is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist who was involved at beginnings of the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis which is one of the leading training organisations to critique the heterosexism within psychoanalytic theory .  He has been involved in developing more sexuality affirmative perspectives through his writing and teaching. 

If you are looking for a consultation or supervision on a complex case from within a psychoanalytic framework, please do get in touch with him.
THT HIV and Sexual Health National Counselling Day
Saturday 26 September 2009 10am-4pm
Thinking_womanA day of talks and discussion to further our thinking about the issue of gender
and how we can work with it in therapy
The day will explore:
-Masculinity, sexuality and race
-The female identity
-Working with transgender
We are pleased to welcome our guest speaker on transgender, Christina Richards. Christina works as a psychotherapist in the NHS and hasresearched and published on various aspects of trans and sexuality.

Saturday 26 September 2009 10am-4pm

Venue: Lighthouse West London, 111-117  Lancaster Road, London W11 1QT
If you would like to register your place for the National Counselling Day, please email or


dad_and_baby Are you a gay dad?  Would you be willing to answer some confidential questions about your life and about your family?  The purpose of this study is to examine the many ways families headed by gay fathers have been created, explore how families function, and learn about the relationship between partners. 
The study consists of an online survey and will take approximately 25-35 minutes of your time.  To qualify for the study you have to identify as male, a father, and gay, bisexual or homosexual and have at least one child of any age; this child can be biological, adopted, foster, step, or other child. You do not need to be the child's legal parent to participate. This study has been approved by the University of Virginia IRB #2008-0407-00, Samantha L. Tornello working with Dr. Charlotte J. Patterson who is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia.
If you and/or your partner are interested in participating or want further information please contact Samantha L. Tornello (Principal Investigator) via email She will send you a web link that you can use to access the study.

Youth Domestic Violence Online Survey

domesticviolenceAs you know, our Youth Domestic Violence Online Survey can be completed at the following URL:

The survey must be completed by respondents aged 18 to 25 years old and gather data on their experience and awareness of domestic violence. At the end of the questionnaire (10 to 15 min to complete it), if they want to, respondents can be entered into a FREE PRIZE DRAW and grab their chance to win an Apple iPod Shuffle 1GB or a pop up Quechua 2 Seconds Tent! Third prize is a �10 Amazon voucher.

This online survey is funded by Nationwide Foundation and we are working with the NUS to promote it. It will be active until the 3rd week of September only, so do not hesitate to spread it out ASAP!

Job Vacancies at PACE

pace newlogo PACE is London's leading charity promoting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
They are now looking to recruit to the following posts:
Under 18's at Risk Counsellor
A new and innovative 3 year counselling project serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & questioning young people.
The post holder will deliver counselling interventions for young LGBT people up to 18 who present at PACE with high levels of distress or who are at risk in terms of suicide/self-harming behaviour.
Sessional Female Youth Worker
Experienced youth worker to support the Senior Female Youth Worker to co-facilitate weekly young women's youth group, Girl Diva.  The group runs every Wednesday from 6.30 - 9.30pm.
The post holder will co-facilitate the group and offer one to one support to young LGBT people attending the group.

Please note that both posts have a Genuine Occupational Requirement to recruit people who identify as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual under the Employment Equalities (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
Please email for an application pack or you can download one at; for informal enquiries please telephone 020 7700 1323.
The closing date for both applications is 5pm Wednesday 16th September 2009. Interviews are scheduled to take place week commencing 28th September 2009.

PACE Family Helpline
Extended Hours
The PACE Family Support Helpline has recently received additional funding to extend its hours. The Helpline is now open:
Monday Morning 9.30am-12.30pm
Monday Afternoon 3.30- 6.30pm
Thursday Evening 6.30 - 8.30pm

The PACE Helpline supports both LGBT and heterosexual partners/family members.
 It offers free:
-Ad hoc telephone support
-Telephone Counselling, of up to 6 weekly 30 minute sessions
-Email support

Phone: 0808 180 7223   Calls from landlines are free. Charges from mobile networks vary.

A Day In Hand launches (Same-sex hand holding) Sshh! Saturdays
Last Saturday of every month - Saturday 26th September 2009
a day in handA Day In Hand announces the first ever international Same-sex hand holding (Sshh!) Saturday on September 26th 2009.  On this day, same-sex couples and friends all over the world are encouraged to hold hands in public to support the visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans (LGBT) people.
Sshh! Saturdays will occur on the last Saturday of every month, publicised by A Day In Hand. This is a revolutionary way of encouraging and inspiring LGBT people to take responsibility for their equality and live their lives without fear or restraint. Sshh! Saturdays in major Western cities will eventually become regarded as an important time when numerous same-sex couples can feel confident in holding hands and being themselves.

How can I get involved? - (see contact info below) + useful links:
Send your public same-sex hand holding photos with a description to
David Watkins (A Day In Hand founder)                          
Available for A Day In Hand interviews & feature writing.             +44 (0) 7931 461810   

Polyday 2009: Celebrating and Supporting Non-Monogamy
Saturday September 26th- 13:30 to 22:30
Announcing Polyday - a one-day event celebrating polyamorous and open relationships on Saturday 26 September 2009, building on the success of last year's Polyday event, which had over 250 attendees.

From the threesome who have been living together for years, to the gay couple who go cruising together, to the swingers eager to talk to new people about the benefits and challenges of their lifestyle, many people throughout the UK and elsewhere are exploring alternatives to monogamy. On Sept 26th, this diverse group will have another opportunity to come together for talking, networking, music and fun, at Polyday in central London.

A one-day event for everyone who knows that happy and honest relationships don't have to be monogamous, Polyday will combine a day of discussions and an evening Pan-Sexual Cabaret of music and comedy, giving attendees an opportunity to meet others, to build our community, and to celebrate their varied lives.

Polyday builds on a growing interest in alternative relationships. "We're seeing an increasing understanding, in the media and among the public, that monogamy is not the only way to be together" said organiser Maxine Green. "But when we talk about these relationships openly we often get challenged by people who don't understand our lifestyle choices. I'm looking forward to a day where I can relax and socialise with like-minded people, and know that I'm understood."

Polyday will be held on Saturday the 26th of September at Dragon Hall in Covent Garden, a community centre in London's West End, London WC2B 5LT., starting at 1:30pm and running until 10:30pm.

For more information see the website on
Pink Therapy is on Facebook now.  We feel this could be a useful new way to promote the organisation and our various services, the self help video's we made for videojug and the revamped Directory of Pink Therapist when it's relaunched. 

Facebook has a large membership we think it's worth investigating these new fangled ways to network!

Add us to your friend list and you can follow the latest news, videos...
That's all for this month, thanks for your attention, and please do send us things that have a specific relevance to people working with gender and sexual minority clients.
Dominic Davies
Pink Therapy