Latest News from Project Apis mAugust 2012
PAmCC with UrL 

A 12 Month Seasonal BMP Guide Available

Project Apis m. now has a 'Seasonal Guide of Best Management Practices' brochure available in PDF form online (click here) or upon written request for your beekeeping club meetings.  Contact us at  Focusing on honeybee health and colony strength for pollination services, this comprehensive pamphlet covers Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.  Nutrition, pest and disease control, colony and business management are just a few of the topics covered in the guide.


YouTube Features NEW PAm Video

TRANSPORTATION:  Guidelines for Beekeepers Transporting Colonies to California for Pollination Services 

PAm has posted a new BMP video on YouTubeFeaturing PAm scientific advisor, Dr. Gordon Wardell, this 5-6 minute video covers the topic of honeybee colonies entering California to pollinate almonds and other crops. Border inspection stations and how to prepare for mandatory inspections are some of the issues addressed.  The Transportation video joins  Honey Bee Nutrition, Nosema and Varroa Control clips. To view these educational posts click here, our BMP page, and select the topic you would like to view.

Honey bee Colonies on Interstate 5 - CA  Photo by Meg Ribotto 2011


Heartland Apicultural Society Conference

Draws Big Crowd

The 2012 HAS Conference was held July 12 - 14th on the University of Missouri (UMSL) campus in St. Louis.  PAm had a booth in the vendor area and it was a great opportunity for Meg Ribotto, Education and Outreach Manager, to meet beekeepers from MO, IL, KY, and OH to name just a few 'heartland' states.  BMPs to help beekeepers manage their colonies were passed out to the 250 attendees. Christi Heintz, PAm Executive Director, gave the keynote address on Friday morning with a focus on pollination and the need for more beekeepers.  Jerry Hayes, Monsanto Corp and PAm scientific advisor, spoke on 'Monsanto's Commitment to Honey Bee Health'. Dr. Zachary Huang, MSU, was another speaker at the conference.  His current research on the amino acid content of pollen of CA and ND forage plants is funded in part by PAm.

Dr. Zachary Huang in the Beeyard  Photo by Meg Ribotto 2012


Improving Queen Stock

Melanie Kirby and Mark Spitzig of Zia Queenbee Co. are practicing sustainable beekeeping management techniques using survivor queen stock.  PAm recently visited their operation in New Mexico.  Zia's is located north of Santa Fe in a beautiful area of abundant floral diversity.  Among the meadows of northern New Mexico, Melanie spoke with PAm reps, Christi Heintz and Meg Ribotto, about the importance of queen raising and the critical role of proper nutrition for honey bees.

Melanie Kirby of Zia Queenbee Co. & Christi Heintz

Truchas, New Mexico

Photo by Meg Ribotto 2012


      Pollination Contracts - Don't Procrastinate!

Have your almond pollination contract in place by the end of summer at the latest.  By securing a contract you will know what to invest in making your colonies healthy and strong by almond bloom - February 1st, 2013.  A signed contract protects both growers and beekeepers.  PAm has a pollination contract 'template' at  Click here. 


            Driftwatch - Working Together

While at HAS, PAm learned about a website that helps protect honeybees.  Driftwatch is an online registry that helps pesticide applicators more effectively protect sensitive habitats.  With this tool, applicators can be certain about the whereabouts of beehives in an area and can contact those hives owner when spraying is scheduled there. This will give the beekeeper the time they need to protect their colonies from the chemicals to be applied.  Go to or click here to learn more.  This 'working together' approach is being adopted by more and more states.


Recently published in PLoS ONE was an article 'Learning Impairment in Honey Bees Caused by Agricultural Adjuvants'

Click here to read the research conducted by the Dept. of Entomology, PSU.

            Elearning Modules on PAm Website  
PAm has developed and implemented an outreach program of sustainable Best Management Practices (BMPs) for beekeepers.  Modules can be accessed online for Nutrition, Varroa Control, Nosema & other areas.  Click here to view the modules.  These short, fun and educational models are designed for honey bee enthusiasts of all levels.  Start learning today!
                   Bee Forage Resources 
 PAm is building honey bee populations by building food resources.  We are looking at wildflower mixtures and oilseed crops as a means of providing sustainable nutrition for bees.  Click here to view PAm's forage resource page.


Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Beekeeping Conferences 
EAS -   August 13 -17, 2012 University of Vermont
WAS -  October 4 - 7, 2012 Seattle, WA
CSBA - November 12 - 16, 2012 Cabazon, CA
ABF -   January 8 - 12, 2013 Hershey, PA
AHPA - January 8 - 12, 2013 San Diego, CA
The Almond Board of California celebrates its 40th Anniversary December 11 - 13, 2012 at the Sacramento Convention Center.  A 'Pollination Pavillion' will be featured again this year at the conference.
For more info on all these events click here.
             Reading The Beekeeper's Lament?    
If not, NOW is the time to purchase the book.  Why?  $5 from every Beekeepers Lamentsale will go to PAm to fund honey bee research.  This critically acclaimed and national best seller by Hannah Nordhaus can be purchased by clicking on the image.  Read about PAm board member John Miller, a 4th generation beekeeper.  Find out what it takes to pollinate crops to feed the nation. 
Honey Bees Teach Us the Importance of
Social Interaction
Scientists at Arizona State University have found that older honey bees effectively REVERSE brain aging when they take on nest responsibilities usually handled by much younger bees.  Honey bees may teach us that 'social interventions - changing how you deal with your surroundings - is something we can do today to help our brains stay younger'.  To read the full article click here 
In This Issue
BMP Seasonal Guide
2012 HAS
Improving Queen Stock
Pollination Contracts
Elearning Modules
Bee Forage Resources
Event Dates
Novel: Beekeeper's Lament
ASU Research

Quick Links

E-Learning Modules

Lab Directory

BMP's for Beekeepers

Sample Pollination Contract

Bee Conference Dates

Cummings Report


Donate NOW to PAm.  Why? Because PAm funds bee research that is selected and guided by beekeepers.  Use the "Donate Now" button on p 1 of our website
If you were a Paramount beekeeper for almonds or pomegranates, let us know with your donation and Paramount will match! 
PAm is a 501 (c) (5) non-profit organization.