This Week on the Mountain

for the week of Sunday, October 30, 2011

SJOTM B&W Sketch 

Quick Links

October Newsletter
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Stained Glass Window Art Gallery


SJOTM Calendar


Diocese of NJ 


The Parish Directory 
is now available electronically.  To submit your request email

or stop by the Parish House to pick-up a copy.  They're hanging from the bulletin board in the first floor hallway.
Mon-Thurs 9am - 5pm
Mon-Thurs 8am - 3pm
Monday & Wednesday

Announcements & Events

A Weekend to Remember!!!


Join us Tonight

Art Show Wine Tasting & Jewelry Sale 

Friday, October 28th 7pm-9pm 

Wine tasting with 56 Degree Wines and hors d'oeuvres,

 along with the opportunity to purchase handmade artisan jewelry 

from Talaverica.  $35 per person payable at the door.


Please Join us on Saturday at 3pm as 

The Right Reverend George E. Councell 


The Reverend Susan R. Ironside

 as the Seventh Rector of 

St. John on the Mountain

Reception to follow

Childcare provided


Join us this Sunday at 4pm

As Music in the Somerset Hills presents: 

Soundscapes for Cello & Organ

The Mountain Art Show closing reception follows the concert.  

Yale-educated organist Brian Harlow joins forces with Robert Deutsch, former member of the Houston symphony, to present a program of 

beautiful works for cello and organ. 

A variety of works from J.S. Bach to the present day will frame a rare performance of Karl H�ller's Improvisation on "Sch�nster, Herr Jesu."

 In this work, H�ller takes the listener on a colorful tour of scenes exploring different moods and aspects of a well-loved German hymn.

 Enjoy a feast for your ears as well as a feast for your eyes at 

the annual Mountain Art Show!

Admission by donation at the door.


The 31st Mountain Art Show Exhibit Hours 

Saturday, October 22nd 10am - 6pm 

Sunday, October 23rd 12-4pm 

Monday, October 24th - Friday, 

October 28th 10am-6pm Saturday, October 29th 10am-4pm 

Sunday, October 30th 12-3pm

Click here for more information.  


All Saints' Day 2011 

During the Sunday services on Nov 6th we will remember in prayer the names of those who have been buried from SJOTM during the past year. This is referred to as the necrology.  In addition to reading the necrology, we would like to include in print the names of those who have gone before whose lives have especially touched or influenced you in your journey of faith.  Dedication forms are available in the Parish Office and at the door to the Parish Hall or click here. Please submit your dedications to the Parish by Monday, October 31st.


Holy Baptism

We baptize primarily on those dates set aside for baptism, as listed in the Book of Common Prayer.  Since the presence of the community of faith is essential for welcoming the newly baptized into the church, baptisms take place in the principal service on the appointed Sunday.  The next date for Holy Baptism is Nov 6th, All Saints' Sunday. Questions about baptism? Please contact Mo. Susan at


Pies, Pies, Pies 

On Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 10:00am service, the Youth Group will once again be making and selling pies for Thanksgiving.  This is our one big fundraiser for the year which allows the High School Youth Group to be self-supporting and supporting of others. We will be making Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, and a delicious frozen Peanut Butter Pies. Please help us to take orders during coffee hour on Sundays, November 6th and 13th. For more information, please contact Diane Morash at Community Service hours will be given.


November Ladies' Luncheon

The Ladies' Luncheon will be held on Thursday, November 17th at 12 noon at the home of Wendy Argent-Belcher in her new dining room, 55 Seney Drive, Bernardsville. Please bring a sandwich.  Beverages and dessert will be provided. Mark your calendar!  Please RSVP to Wendy at 908-766-1011.  


Food Bank Network of Somerset County

SJOTM parishioners will staff the Food Bank Pantry each Saturday in November from 9:45am to noon at the United Reformed Church, 100 West Main Street in Somerville. All are invited, including older children, to help interview clients, bag and distribute food. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. For more information, contact Pete Ackerman or (908) 537-9905.


Parishioners have the opportunity to buy and deliver ingredients for an uncooked meal to a needy family, for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. For more information, contact Pete Ackerman or (908) 537-9905. 


Stock Donations

We would be happy to accept stock donations this year for any type of  pledge payments. Contact St. John on the Mountain's bookkeeper, Lisa Keenan, in the Finance Office at (908) 766-2282 x13 or to learn how.


St. John On the Mountain

Weekly Calendar 


October 28, Friday 

  Mountain Art Show 10am-7pm

 10:00 am      Grace Soup Kitchen, Plainfield

   7:00 pm      Mountain Art Show Wine Tasting Event

October 29, Saturday

  Mountain Art Show 10am-4pm

   3:00 pm     The Institution of The Rev. Susan R. Ironside, with reception, 

                      Church & Parish Hall

October 30, Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

  Last Day of the Mountain Art Show 12pm-3pm

   8:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am     Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                       Rite 13, 2nd Floor Parish House

                       Parish Choir rehearsal, Choir Room

                       Cherub Choir rehearsal, Acolyte Room

 10:00 am      Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Church

                       Sunday School

  11:15 am      Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                        Altar Guild Meeting, Chapel

   4:00 pm      Soundscapes for Cello & Organ & Reception

October 31, Monday

   Mountain Art Show Pick-up Day

November 1, Tuesday

   7:30 pm      Parish Choir, Choir Room

November 2, Wednesday

  Mountain Art Show Clean-Up   

    8:15 am    Men's Bible Study, Meeting Room

November 3, Thursday 

  10:30 am      Knitters, Meeting Room

  12:15 pm      Men's Luncheon, Morristown Club

November 6, All Saints' Sunday

    8:00 am      Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

   9:00 am       Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                         Rite 13, 2nd Floor Parish House

                         Parish Choir rehearsal, Choir Room

                         Cherub Choir rehearsal, Acolyte Room

  10:00 am      Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Church

                         Sunday School

  11:15 am       Healing Service, Chapel

                         Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

Contact Us

St. John on the Mountain

379 Mount Harmony Road

Bernardsville, New Jersey 07924
