This Week on the Mountain

for the week of Sunday, June 5, 2011


Artwork by Nancy Robinson

 Announcements & Events

Quick Links




Diocese of NJ





New Email Address
Alana Cooper 



Views Newsletter
To have a copy mailed to your home, please call the office at 


Parish Directories

Call the office or stop by the Parish House to pick-up the latest  version



Prayer List

If you would like to have someone added to the Prayer List, please call or email the Parish Office 908-766-2282 or



Sign-Up for Our Weekly Email

Click here to download the

June Newsletter

(be patient  as it  may 

take a few seconds to load)


Awards' Sunday - This Sunday!

This Sunday all the Sunday School Children will receive a collectable pin for completing a year of Sunday School.  In addition we recognize and thank all of the teachers and volunteers who work with our children.  Thank you to: Louise Asper, Tressa Baird, Julie Bottini, Emily Carifa, Janette Carlucci, Debbie Hennel, Katherine Hermes, Sally Hespe, Heather Leef, Pam Mayer, Kelsey McKeon, Robin & Jeff McKeon, Diane Morash, Katie Morash, George Mullen, Jim Porter, Michelle Ray, Courtney Schum, Constance Silverman, Trish Sullivan, Patty Vollmar, & Valerie Zanardi.


Plant-Waterers Needed

Help us to keep our new plantings alive and well.  Please volunteer to water the plants.  A sign-up sheet is posted outside of parish hall. For more details, pleas contact Beirne Donaldson at 973-543-2633 (home) or 973-476-0410 (cell)


Grass-Cutters Needed

Please help us save over $3,000 this summer by volunteering your time to cut the grass.  We are in need of weekly volunteers.  You can cut the grass any day of the week, as long as it is cut by Sunday in preparation for the Sunday services.  A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the hallway near parish hall.  For more information, please contact Beirne Donaldson at 973-543-2633 (home) or 973-476-0410 (cell).


Music Survey

As we prepare to call a new organist, please take a moment to fill out our Music Survey to help us better understand your musical wants and needs.  Forms can be found in the narthex, or click here to download a survey.


50/50 Raffle Fundraiser for Playground Equipment - Drawing to be held on Sunday, June 12th 

Don't miss out on your chance to win big, while helping us to create an outdoor play space for the kids of St. John on the Mountain. Tickets will be sold for $10 a piece or three for $25.  All proceeds will be split 50/50.  Our goal is to raise $2,000.   Tickets can be purchased on Sundays during coffee hour or stop by the office Monday-Thursday between 8:00am - 3:00pm. The drawing will be held during the Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 12th.


Parish Picnic 

Mark your calendars in ink and plan to attend the Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 12th following the 10 am service.  This event will occur rain or shine!  We will be breaking out the grills and cooking up hot dogs and hamburgers!  Parishioners are asked to sign up on the poster outside of the Parish Hall denoting how many family members will be attending and what side dish you will be bringing.


St. John's Night 

Will be celebrated on Saturday, June 25, from 6pm-10pm, beginning with Evening Prayer at 6:30pm, at the home of Mikael and Beth Salovaara located at 170 Dryden Road, Bernardsville.  BBQ and beverages will be provided.  Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share.  Invite your friends.  The famous Morash/Ray BBQ roast begins cooking mid morning; stop by any time to share the day with the cooks.


VBS Summer Camp returns to SJOTM - SAVE THE DATE for June 27th - 30th

Join us Monday - Thursday, from 9:30am - 12:00pm.  Kids will get-together to create, connect, and journey together down Main Street where they will play sports, games, hear music, make snacks, listen to Bible stories, and make cool crafts!  The cost is $60 per child pre-k through rising 4th grade.  Space is limited.  For more information, download a flier here and a registration form here.


Diocesan Trip to Ecuador

This year, we will work with our brothers and sisters in Puyo, a jungle town of 25,000 on the eastern Andean slope at the edge of the Amazon basin.  There is work to be done on the farm and restoring the roof of the Episcopal parish.  As is our custom, we will toil side by side with our hosts, our fellow Anglicans whose lives are intertwined with ours, seeking to do what our Lord asks - serve each other.  We will meet, work and worship with various indigenous groups, including an Amazon Shuar Indian community.  Join us as your diocese continues its journey in faith with our Ecuadorian companions.  Estimated cost is $1390.90.  Act quickly as space is limited to 20.  For more details on the trip, contact Pete Ackerman 908-310-5202 or click here.



St. John on the Mountain

Weekly Calendar 

June 5, The Seventh Sunday of Easter

              8:00 am   Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

              9:00 am   Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                               Last Day of Rite 13, Parish House

                               Parish Choir rehearsal, Choir Room

            10:00 am    Holy Eucharist Rite II, Church

                               Awards' Sunday

                               Last Day of Sunday School 

            11:15 am   Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

                               Healing Service, Chapel

June 7,Tuesday

              6:00 pm   Outreach Committee, Meeting Room

June 8, Wednesday

              8:00 am   Men's Bible Study

             4:00  pm   Fencing Class, Parish Hall

June 9, Thursday

            10:30 am   Knitting Needles & Thread Party, Meeting Rm

            12:00 pm   Pastoral Care Meeting, Meeting Room

June 10,Friday

             9:00 am     Nursery School Graduation, Church, Atrium &                                      Parish Hall

June 12, The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday 

             8:00 am     Holy Eucharist Rite I, Chapel

             9:00 am     Nursery Care, Room 2 Lower Level

                               Adult Formation, Meeting Room

                               Parish Choir rehearsal, Choir Room

           10:00 am    Holy Eucharist Rite II with Holy Baptism, Church

                               Children's Lesson 

           11:15 am     Parish Picnic, Parish Hall

                               50/50 Drawing, Parish Hall

                               4:00 pmFencing Class, Parish Hall

Summer Sundays on the Mountain 

June 19 - September 4, 2011

The summer worship schedule begins on Sunday, June 19th. Throughout the summer months, we will offer one service each Sunday; Rite II, Holy Eucharist with music in the Church at 9:30am. 


Professional Nursery Care will be offered on Sunday mornings from 9:15am-10:45am in Room 2 of the lower level.


A Simple Lemonade Hour will be offered each Sunday following the worship service, please sign up on the bulletin board to host.

Contact Us

St. John on the Mountain

379 Mount Harmony Road

Bernardsville, New Jersey 07924



Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm