In This Issue
Mother and Son Tackle their First 5-K
Try New Exercises with the Stability Ball and Resistance Bands
Like Us on Facebook
Exercise Physiologist Welcomes a Baby Boy
New Advisory Board Forming
Farmer's Market on Hospital Hill
FREE Wollam Gardens Tour- May 18
Congratulations to Our Members with 500 Visits!
Healthier Key Lime Pie
What type of recipe would you like to see in June's issue of Living Well?
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The flowers are in full bloom, warm weather is upon us, and May is a perfect month to join us at the Wellness Center. This month we will be taking a free tour through Wollam Gardens. Details can be found inside this issue as well as the freshest key lime dessert you will try this season!
Getting Personal

Mother and Son Tackle their First 5-K


Attending the Wellness Center has become a part of Matt and Pat's daily routine.

One year and 65 pounds lighter, Pat Woodward and her son, Matt Sharp, crossed the finish line for their first 5-K.


Pat and Matt joined the Wellness Center last January during the Make One Change Program, but it wasn't until over a month later that they enlisted the help of Exercise Physiologist Molly Abraham. Pat said, "I was overweight, and I did not like that. I knew I needed to make a change and needed the help of a professional. Molly pushed us, but she gauged how much we could do within a safe zone. Now I can't imagine not coming to the gym."


Click here to read Pat and Matt's story.

Ask the Experts 
Exercise Physiologist Denise DeCarlo uses resistance bands in her Body Sculpt class.

Q: How can I revamp my exercise routine this spring?


Last month we featured the weight bar and its many uses. This month we will focus on the stability ball and resistance bands.


Stability Ball Benefits:

  • Improves flexibility
  • Improves spinal stability
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Helps alignment and balance
  • Targets abdominals and lower back for improved posture
  • Increased functional movement
  • Forces strengthening of numerous muscle groups

Stability Ball Balance Exercises: 

Beginner Level - Sit on the ball with your feet flat, knees bent, legs hip distance apart and hands on your lap or on the ball. Lift your right leg and hold for three to five counts, then lower your leg. Switch and do the same with your left leg. Do this with each leg eight times.


Moderate Challenge - Sit on the ball. As you extend your right leg in front of you, raise your arms out to the side, then raise your arms over your head. Return to the start position and repeat with the left leg. Do eight times with each leg.


Advanced Challenge - Follow the moderate challenge (above) but add three- to five- pound dumb bells. 


Stability Ball Core (Abdominals and Back) Exercise:

Moderate Challenge - You are seated on the ball, roll out so that bottoms of your shoulder blades are on the ball; shoulders, neck, and head are off the ball. With your fingertips behind ears and elbows wide open, slowly crunch upward. Imagine sliding your ribs into your hips. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.


Resistance Tubing Benefits:


Resistance bands are lightweight, elastic strips that come in a variety of colors; each color represents a different level of resistance. Used alone or with special accessories such as door attachments or handles, the tubing can give you a wide variety of exercises. The main benefit is their transportability; they easily can slide into a suitcase or stashed in an office drawer. Throw in a set of bicep curls, three times throughout the day and you have completed three sets of strengthening moves before you know it! One important safety tip with bands is that you should always check them for any nicks, fraying or other wear and tear before each use. If you find any signs of wear and tear don't use that band.


Resisitance Tubing Exercises:


Bicep Curls - Place tubing under both feet, or one foot for more of a challenge; feet should be in a staggered, narrow, or wide stance. Hold the handles so that wrists are facing upward, elbows at your side. Slowly raise your hands toward your shoulders and keep wrists in line with forearms. Slowly return to the start position. Do 8 to 15 repetitions.


Side Raises (shoulders) - Stand with tubing as described above, slowly raise arms laterally so that knuckles lead and palms face downward, no higher than shoulder height. Pause at the top for one count, then return to the start position. Do 8 to 15 repetitions.


Triceps - Place tubing under one foot while the other foot is behind you. Grasp handles with both hands, lift elbows up behind your hips and with arms bent at a 90 degree angle, move forward from the hips. Straighten the arms while keeping the elbows stationary and return to the start position. Do 8 to 15 repetitions.


The Wellness Center has these tools. Please stop by and ask any of the staff members for assitance with these exercises or ask about some new ones to add to your regiment! We are here for you!


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And Baby Makes Three



 The Wellness Center would

like to congratulate exercise physiologist Molly Abraham and her husband, Adam, on their new baby boy, Miles. He was born Monday, April 16.  

New Advisory Board Forming

The Wellness Center is currently forming a Member Advisory Board. The mission of this board will be to help improve member services and member retention.


Advisory Board members will be selected from current Wellness Center members and those who are not current members but were within the last 18 months. Additionally, those who have received specialized services over a period of time without membership, such as diabetes education or cardiac or pulmonary rehab, will also be considered for membership.


Obligations will include in-person meetings, no more than two to three times a year at the Wellness Center, brief online surveys and occasional e-mail communications. Members will also be expected to receive and read our monthly e-newsletter in order to stay informed of the latest news.  Board members should believe in the mission and goal of the Wellness Center but have ideas for improvement. The length of term will be two years.


To be considered for membership, please e-mail with the subject line ADVISORY BOARD and a brief explanation of why you would be a good choice.


Farmer's Market at Fauquier Hospital
The Warrenton Farmers Market debuts Wednesday, May 2 for the season on Hospital Hill. Every Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., you'll be able to pick up fresh fruits and veggies, meat and bread.
Wollam Garden Tour - May 18

Join us for a FREE tour at Wollam Gardens on Friday, May 18 at 1 p.m. We will meet at the Wellness Center at 12:15 p.m. Wollam Gardens is an 11-acre commerical flower farm. Their flowers can be purchased for a special event or simply to decorate your coutertop.


The tour normally costs $15 a person but for one day only it will be free to Wellness Center members. To sign up or for more information, call the Wellness Center, 540-316-2640.


For more information on Wollam Gardens you may visit:


Congratulations to Our Members with 500 Visits!

Every six months we will recognize the members who have reached the 500+ visits, congratulations to the following members!
Healthy Eating, Healthy Living 



Looking for a delicious yet simple sweet treat? Try this refreshing, low-fat 
Healthier Key Lime Pie Cups. They are great for a light evening snack or as individual desserts for entertaining.
Email us your own favorite summer recipe for a chance to win a prize.
Member Feedback

1. What type of recipe would you like to see for June's issue of Living Well?

a. Breakfast

b. Lunch

c. Dinner


2. What ingredients would you like to see incorporated?


3. If you have a favorite recipe, please share.


Click here to respond. 

For more information, call 540-316-2640. 
Fauquier Health Wellness Center