Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
Ecumenical Stations of the Cross
Good Friday Offerings
New Clergy to Diocese
Celebration Honoring Charlene Fabian
2nd Century Eucharist
Safeguarding God's Children Training
What Our Congregations are Doing for Holy Week
Acolyte Festival Recap
15th Annual Dallas Benedictine Experience
St. Mary's Bake Sale
Holy Monday Gathering
St. David's Book Study
General Convention and Budget
Christian Formation Webinar
Vital, Healthy, and Growing Congregations Workshop
SOUL Conference
New Hope Sunday
Episcopal Youth Leadership Academy
ECW Annual Meeting and Bishop's Day
Retired Clergy and Spouses Events
Second Half of Life
New Resources for the Hunger Games
It Isn't Easy Being a Parent
Closing Prayer



April 1 - Palm Sunday

St. Paul's Cathedral, OKC 


April 2

Renewal of Clergy Ordination Vows and Blessing of Oils

St. Paul's Cathedral, OKC

10:30 a.m.


April 6

Ecumenical Stations of the Cross

"Jesus Wept" Statute 



April 7

Easter Vigil

St. Paul's Cathedral


April 8


St. Paul's Cathedral


Upcoming Diocese Events


To register or for more inforamtion please go onto the Dicoesan Web Site  below or call the local congregation:


March 31

Safeguarding God's Children

Trinity, Tulsa 

April 15

Safeguarding God's Children

St. Michael's, Norman

1-4 p.m.


April 16 - 19

The Hope of Our Calling

Oklahoma City, OK


April 16-17

Retired Clergy and Spouses Event

St. Crispin's


April 17

Mind, Body, and Spirit in the Second Half of Life

St. Augustines of Canterbury


April 22

Safeguarding God's Children

St. Thomas, Pawhuska

April 26-29

Co-Ed English Speaking Cursillo

St. Crispin's


April 27-28

ECW Annual Meeting and Bishop's Day

All Souls' Episcopal Church


May 18 - 19

Vital, Healthy, and Growing Congregations

St. Augustine of Canterbury, OKC

June 1- 2

Vital, Healthy, and Growing Congregations

St. John's, Tulsa

June 16

Diocesan Christian Formation Training Event

Celebremos la Fiesta

Let us Celebrate the Feast!

9:30 - 3

Santa Maria Virgen Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City

September 27-30

Co-Ed Spanish Speaking Cursillo

St. Crispin's



The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma


 Link to Our Web Site



Companion Diocese Uruguay


     two bishops



Holy God, source of healing and of peace, bless with your grace the companion dioceses of  Oklahoma and Uruguay. Through our partnership one with another may we grow in mutual affection and communion, seek a more profound experience of truth, build up the Church in unity and give glory to Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.



New Web site:




The Next Issue of this Newsletter will be on Friday, 
April 6, 2012.

We Are Epiok.org

March 30, 2012

Issue 13


News, Events, and Offerings 

Ecumenical Stations of the Cross


On Good Friday, beginning at noon, there will be an ecumenical Stations of the Cross beginning at the Jesus Wept Statue located on the corner adjacent to the Oklahoma City National Memorial next to St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Bishop Ed and other faith leaders from Oklahoma City will be a part of this event, and you are invited to participate.

Good Friday Offerings


Each congregation is encouraged to earmark their Good Friday offerings for the support of ministries, education, health care, and peace-building throughout the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. This year marks the 90th annual collection of the Good Friday Offering. Our support, according to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, "is a unique spiritual opportunity to continue Jesus' work in the land of his birth and earthly ministry." There are Good Friday Offering materials available for free and download at www.episcopalchurch.org/goodfridayoffering.

New Clergy to Diocese 

Bill Carroll



We are pleased to welcome The Rev. Bill Carroll as Rector of Emmanuel, Shawnee, effective March 25. Bill and his wife, The Rev. Tracey Carroll, and their two children come to us from the Diocese of Southern Ohio.

Celebration  Honoring Charlene Fabian


  Charlene and BishopCake

            Charlene and Bishop Ed                                              Celebration Cake


A celebration of the ministry of Charlene Fabian as the Diocesan

Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving was held on Thursday at the Diocesan Offices. Charlene's last day will be April 5th, and she will be assuming a new position shortly thereafter.

2nd Century Eucharist


st pauls eucharist

On Sunday, March 25th, St. Paul's Cathedral celebrated the 2nd Century Eucharist. This annual event, put on by the St. Genesius Guild, invites parishioners and guests to attend a service and agape dinner in the tradition of early Christians. In those days there were no formal churches and Christians were persecuted because of the practice of "eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ." At great risk, Christians often met secretly in private homes to worship. To remember the struggles and bravery of these early Christians, the St. Genesius Guild and St. Paul's members participate in an interactive worship similar to what early Christians experienced. The worship includes a "discovery" of the service by Roman soldiers. The 2nd Century Eucharist serves to remind us not only of the persecution of Christians throughout history but also the continued persecution of peoples of faith around the world today.

Safeguarding God's Children Training


Safeguarding God's Children training is being held at Trinity Episcopal Church this Saturday, March 31, from 9am to 12noon.  Please email Becky Moseman at bmoseman@trinitytulsa.org  if you plan on attending.


Another training opportunity will be held on April 22 at St. Thomas, Pawhuska. Please contact Mother Andrea if you would like to attend - bnaokies@cox.net

What Our Congregations are Doing for Holy Week and Beyond


St. Paul's, Altus  

April 4 6:30 p.m.  Seder meal

April 8 following the worship service Easter Egg Hunt 


St. Paul's Cathedral, OKC

April 1  Taize at 5 p.m.

April 7  Great Easter Vigil 7:30 p.m. Bishop Ed presiding

April 8  Easter, 8, 9 and 11 Bishop Ed presiding 


St. Augustine of Canterbury, OKC

April 1  Palm Sunday Procession with a colt  10:30 a.m.

April 8  Easter - Butterfly release at conclusion of 10:30 a.m. service


Grace, Ponca City

April 5  Holy Eucharist, Solemn Stripping of the Altar, and the Setting of the Vigil Watch at an Altar of Repose - Altar of Repose near the columbarium.


St. Mary's, Edmond

April 5-6  The Watch - beginning on the 5th at 8:15 a.m. until Friday, the 6th at 11 a.m.


All Souls', OKC

Easter Crosses (for your yard) are for sale in the Parish Hall or church office during the week for $5.00 each. We have a very limited quantity available. Stop by and pick up your Easter Cross.

st andrews  stillwater holy week 


Acolyte Festival Recap


acolyte festival group shot

 Special thanks to Brandy Brackett of McAlester for taking our group picture

With almost 150 people in attendance, this year's Acolyte Festival was the best one yet! This number represented 17 congregations from across the diocese Tabret makingand allowed time for fun, fellowship, and food. Workshops included: Tabret Making, The Match Game and What Not to Wear, Meeting with the Bishop, Native American Spirituality, To Bow or Not to Bow and how to use Bells and the Lavabo Bowl properly, Olympics, and a workshop on where'd all this stuff come from. Adults who work with acolytes had an opportunity to meet with Patricia Riden who discussed the National Acolyte Festival at the Cathedral in Washington DC. A special thanks to all who worked in the workshops and made this such a success. Each participant went home with a newly designed medal on a purple ribbon. Bishop's bowl




Congratulations to this year's winner of The Bishop's Bowl - St. Dunstan's, Tulsa.

15th Annual Dallas Benedictine Experience


The 15th annual multi-denominational Dallas Benedictine Experience will take place at The Catholic Conference and Formation Center in Dallas from Wednesday, June 20 through Saturday, June 23, 2012. This monastic experience is presented by The Friends of St. Benedict, Washington, D.C. and is open to both men and women, laity and clergy of all denominations. Participants will live on the campus of the center for four days, forming a temporary monastic community to experience the balanced way of life of The Rule of St. Benedict as it divides each day into private and group prayer, study, work, and leisure. Four Benedictine Offices (Lauds, Sext, Vespers, and Compline) will be chanted each day in English in Gregorian Chant. There will also be two classes each day on Benedictine spirituality. Please call 214-339-8483 (10:00 AM - 10:00 PM in Dallas) or e-mail heepspence@aol.com for more information.


The monastic experience will be led by two extraordinarily talented religious figures. Sister Mary Donald Corcoran, O.S.B.Cam., is the Superior of Transfiguration Monastery (Roman Catholic) in Windsor, New York. A Camaldolese Benedictine nun, Sister Mary Donald holds the Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University. She has directed the M.A. program in spirituality at St. Louis University and has taught in the summer spirituality program at Fordham. The co-author of the book Spiritual Sisters and numerous articles, she serves on the Board of Directors of In the Spirit Foundation, and is a well-known teacher, writer, and leader of Benedictine retreats all over the country. This year will be her seventh time as a leader of the Dallas Benedictine Experience.


Father Daniel Forsythe, a Byzantine Catholic priest of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh, is the Pastor of St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church in Irving, Texas. Ordained to the priesthood in 2009, Fr. Daniel has also served as the pastor of four Byzantine parishes in central Pennsylvania. He is the director of the Metropolitan Cantor Institute, which is charged with training congregational cantors in the Byzantine tradition. He holds a B.A. in Classical Languages from Franciscan University and a Master's in Divinity from Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Seminary. Fr. Daniel has spoken on a range of spiritual and Biblical topics at retreats, conferences, and teen events. This will be Fr. Daniel's first time as a leader of the Dallas Benedictine Experience.

St. Mary's Church Bake Sale


st marys bake sale

Cursillo April 26-29, 2012


Cursillo (coor-see'-oh) is a Spanish word which means "a short course."


Cursillo is a movement within the Church which is intended to help Christians know God's love and grace and to help these same Christians discover and live out their personal vocations in the world.

The movement offers small group meetings which help us in our life of Christian Ministry. The movement also includes a three day weekend during which participants listen to talks by clergy and lay persons, and participate in worship, music, fellowship, prayer and other activities. Go to http://www.epiok.org/digital_faith/events to register.

Holy Monday Gathering Renewal of Clergy Ordination Vows and Blessing of the Oils


The service of liturgy for the Blessing of Oils, Renewal of Ordination Vows, and Holy Eucharist will be on Holy Monday, April 2, 2012, at St. Paul's Cathedral, 10:30 a.m. This event is open to all people of the diocese, and you are invited to be a part of this ancient service.


In the course of Christian history oils blessed for the purpose have come to be used in many ways for the setting apart of people and things for a special place in the life of the Church, for Bishops and priests at their ordination, and for churches and altars at their consecration. During the service two oils will be blessed -  the oil of Chrism, and oil for the anointing of the sick and those close to death. The oils will then be distributed to the attending clergy to take back to use in their parishes. 


Clergy must register and can do so online at www.epiok.org by clicking on the "Calendar/Events" tab, then, "Event Registration" and scroll down to Holy Monday Gathering and click "register now." You can also call or email the Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary, Diane Ellsworth via phone at 405-232-4820 or by email at dellsworth@epiok.org. Only the altar party needs to vest. The deadline for registration is March 26.

St. David's OKC Book Study


Any and all folks interested in reading and discussing Diana Butler Bass' new book Christianity After Religion are encouraged to gather at St. David's Episcopal Church in Oklahoma City (3333 N. Meridian) beginning Monday, April 16th, at 6:30 pm. Come ready to discuss through Chapter One! You are assured of a lively, engaging discussion about the past, present, and future of our understanding of church. Please contact Pastor Tammy at tammywooliver@gmail.com for questions

General Convention and the Budget for Christian Formation


If you are a delegate to General Convention and have had a chance to look at the proposed budget, you will see several glaring sections missing - Christian Formation and EYE (Episcopal Youth Event) in particular. There are many dioceses who are not fortunate enough to be able to have someone in place for Christian Formation and they, along with the information they disseminate to us here in our diocese would be missing a great deal of recourses. There are numerous on-line groups discussing these budgetary omissions but in particular Forma (formerly NAECED). Start with this site to get a better understanding of what's going on. http://buildingthecontinuum.wordpress.com.

Christian Formation Webinars


Just an FYI . . . Sharon Pearson from Church Publishing will be offering some webinars over the next 2 months. Please let her know if you are interested in attending - they are free, but only a limited number of participants can be accommodated for each session. spearson@cpg.org if you are interested and I will add you to the list!


Making the Most of Online Curriculum

Thursday, April 12 - 8PM ET

Thursday, April 19 - 3PM ET

Vital, Healthy, and Growing Congregations

Applying the Five Keys


A Workshop for Clergy and Lay Leaders of the Diocese of Oklahoma

Lead by The Very Reverend Kevin Martin

Author, Speaker and Dean of St. Matthew's Cathedral, Dallas


At a time when many Episcopal Churches are in decline, is it possible to create vital, healthy and growing congregations? Yes it is, and Dean Kevin Martin will be with us to help our congregational leaders improve insight and skills in leading congregations for the New Millennium. Dean Martin has taught church leaders and consulted with congregations for over 15 years, and he is the author of two books and numerous articles on leadership and congregational development. Participants will learn:


* Why doing church the way we have always done it does not work today.


* How the culture is changing and demanding new missionary efforts from our congregations.


* What you can do as a leader to help your congregation respond to the challenges of a Post-denominational and Post-modern world.


Drawing applications from his book 5 Keys for Church Leaders, Dean Martin will give practical information on steps all leaders can take in becoming more effective leaders for today's Church.


Location of Workshops

The two day work shop will be offered both in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.


May 18-19, St. Augustine of Canterbury Church, OKC

Friday, May 18th, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for Clergy and Program Staff

Saturday, May 19th, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for Vestry and Lay Leaders


June 1-2, St. John's, Tulsa

Friday, June 1st , 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for Clergy and Program Staff

Saturday, June 2nd, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for Vestry and Lay Leaders


Registration information

To register, please visit the diocesan website www.epiok.org and click on the "events tab" and scroll down to "Healthy and Growing Congregations" and click "register now."


You can also email the Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary, Diane Ellsworth at dellsworth@epiok.org. Questions, call Diane at 405-232-4820 or 800-584-0823.

The Hope of Our Calling

The National workshop on Christian Unity
will be held in Oklahoma City, April 16 - 19. This event will offer seminars and presentations on critical ecumenical issues, meetings of denominational networks, a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II, a visit to the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum, and ecumenical worship services. Bishop Ed will be a part of this event serving as a joint celebrant in accordance with the interim agreement between the Methodist and Episcopal churches on Tuesday, the 17th, at St. Paul's Cathedral, OKC.

SOUL Conference - Youth


Thursday, July 5, 2012 - Sunday, July 8, 2012
Location: Indianapolis, IN


The SOUL Conference is an annual event that provides a protective place for Youth and Young Adults of African Descent from across the church to meet and grow together in relationship with one another and with Christ.   Activities include: Worship and Bible Study, Leadership Skills Development, Advocacy Training, Fellowship, and an experience of General Convention. 


Application deadline: April 9


Gary Williams 

(800) 334-7626 ext 6055

New Hope Sunday - May 6

MayNew Hope3 6 will be New Hope Sunday for the Diocese of Oklahoma. New Hope began as a ministry of the Diocese in 1992, providing a summer camp experience for children who had a parent in prison. Today, New Hope, as a non-profit corporation, continues to provide services to Oklahoma children with incarcerated parents, and while those services have expanded, summer camps remain a primary focus. For the last 20 years, New Hope's success has been closely tied to the support we have received from Episcopal churches and individuals, who have donated money and time generously.


The New Hope residential camp for children aged New Hope28-11 will again be located at St. Crispin's, July 22-27. Two other residential camps for children aged 12-13 and 14-15 will be located at a camp facility near Guthrie, June 10-15 and July 8-13. Day camps for children in the Tulsa area will be held June 18-22 and June 24-29. New Hope, with your help, will serve about 200 children this summer from around the state. Your support of New Hope is much appreciated.


New Hope1If you would like to coordinate New Hope Sunday for your church, contact Judy Gann, judy@newhopeoklahoma.org or 918-361-3903. To donate, please visit New Hope's web site. http://www.newhopeoklahoma.org. To volunteer, contact Phillip Bowman for a volunteer application by e-mailing phillip@newhopeoklahoma.org. If you know children in your area who qualify for one of New Hope's camps please contact Lindsay Fry-Geier, Lindsay@newhopeoklahoma.org for applications.


We are pleased to announce the launch of the Episcopal Youth Leadership Academy (E.Y.L.A.) for the Diocese of Oklahoma. This program is open to youth grades 6 - 10. It will provide opportunities to learn to be a leader not only in your congregation, diocese and beyond but these skills will apply to school and other organizations. Go to:

http://www.epiok.org/Christian%20Formation/e-y-l-a-launches-2012-13-program.html and download a brochure! 


EpiscoPosse - Tulsa

A city wide youth group for Episcopalians and their friends 6th-12th grade.  This group meets weekly for worship, formation, service, and fun from 4-6pm!


April 1: Lenten programming, St. Dunstan's 4-6

April 8: No Episcoposse due to Easter

April 15:  Easter Celebration, Good Shepherd 4-6

April 22:  Vidalia onion fundraiser/community picnic, St. Patrick's 4-6

April 29:  Trip to the zoo, meet @ St. Dunstan's time TBA


May 6:  Program night, Christ Church 4-6

May 13: No Episcoposse/Mother's Day

May 20: Program night, Good Shepherd 4-6


The Youth Commission and members will be a part of the Christian Formation training event on June 16 at Santa Maria, OKC. The three workshops include: Small group facilitation, The Abundant Life Project from ERD (Episcopal Resource and Development),  and Camp Crafts (making friendship bracelets and God's eyes/lanyards.) If you would like to be a part of this training event, please contact the dioceses.


MIQRA - Save the date. Next January 19-21, as we offer our first MIQRA. What is MIQRA? It is an event to youth and adults who want to participate in reading the Bible from beginning to end! That's right - three days of non-stop Bible reading - but wait! There's more! There will be games, movies, activities, quite time, and much more going on at the same time! This will be held at St. Mary's Church, Edmond.


NEXT YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING - May 5. Would you like to join us? We will begin at noon at the Diocesan Offices. Hope to see you here.

ECW Annual Meeting and Bishop's Day
ECW 2012
Additional forms and information are on line at:


Retired Clergy and Spouses Events 


The Retired Clergy and Spouses event is scheduled for April 16-17, 2012, and we're going wired! The program theme is "Protecting yourself on the Internet." Mr. Greg Harper who is an IT Specialist @ Jane Phillips Medical Center  in Bartlesville will be the guest speaker. Greg has many years in this industry, and well versed in modern technology usage. A part of the presentation will include a "power point" presentation of the history of communication technology beginning with the Victrola to present-day "gadgets".


As booking procedures have changed at St. Crispin's, please contact Bob or Georgia NO LATER THAN March 16 so they  can give information to camp with regards to  meals and room needs.


All information regarding this event has been sent in a recent letter. However, if you have any questions,  contact Bob or Georgia at (918)335-0929 or gatageorge@aol.com or frb426@aol.com.


The other dates below reflect the next Retired Clergy and Spouses retreats at St. Crispin's!


October 8-9, 2012

April 15-16, 2013

October 7-8, 2013

Second Half of Life 


  Mind, body and spirit


Mind, Body, and Spirit for the 2nd Half of Life Registration on line! The Diocese and the Senior Ministries Committee are pleased to offer our first program for all ages! This is not just for Seniors but for people of all ages. Go to:  http://www.epiok.org/ministries/older-adults.html for registration form.


The event will be April 17, from 9 - 2, at St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church, 14700 North May Avenue, OK. Workshops offered:


Graceful Transitions - Bruce McIntyre, Church Life Minister, Quail Springs Church of Christ.


A Healthy Start: Breakfast/Brunch for 1 or 2 - Becky Varner, Nutritionist for Buy for Le$$


Better Balance with Tai Chi - Robert (Sam) Lackey, PhD,


Your Right to Decide: Oklahoma's Advance Directive and Other Health Care Planning Tools - Catheryn Koss, JD, Executive Director Senior Law Resource Center


Be Still and Know - Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation, Diocese of Oklahoma


Using Medications Safely - A Key Ingredient to Your Health - Mark A. Stratton, Pharm.D. BCPS, CGP, FASHP, Director, Institute for Geriatric Pharmacy, OU College of Pharmacy.


Lunch will be catered by Nunu's Mediterranean Cafe and Market.


Lunch speakers are:  Sharon Presley, Triad Coordinator, Oklahoma City Police Department and Donna Reed, Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General, Consumer Representative, Don't Call Registry, discussing How Not To Get Scammed.


Cost is $10 and registrations forms are on the diocesan web site.

Christian Formation Resources
New Resources for The Hunger Games


With the release of The Hunger Games on film, many youth leaders are looking for resources to discuss the film and book with their group. Check out these sources:

The Hunger Games and the Gospel: Bread, Circuses, and the Kingdom of God" for Kindle and it's $4.99. 


Easter Walk


The Diocese of Texas has an Easter Walk Script on their web at: http://www.epicenter.org/formation/easter-walk-script which might be something you want to look at for your congregation.

Easter is Fifty Days


Just a reminder that Easter doesn't end on Sunday night and the season of Easter is another fifty days. In order to help remind us of this, here's a link to a 50 Days of Easter symbols calendar and their meanings. Click here to download.

It Isn't Easy Being a Parent 


Parenting can be difficult and unpleasant. Most parents experience moments (or months, or years) of feeling overwhelmed. There's a lot of information out there about what we "should" do to raise "good" kids.

In reality, there are no surefire methods for ensuring we and our children will be happy, healthy, and successful, but there is plenty of research and anecdotal evidence showing that parents can make a significant, positive difference through a number of simple approaches.


Since the 1950s, Search Institute researchers have studied the effects of various influences in young people's lives. They've found that the 40 Developmental Assets clearly relate to good things -- like doing well in school, serving others, engaging in the community, and forming healthy habits.

It's important for grown-ups to help young people experience the Developmental Assets, but parents can't do it alone. However, there are nine specific parenting strategies that help. Focusing on these nine research-based strategies provides guidance and direction in the uncertain world of parenting. And that's something parents should feel good about. Below are the 9 Parenting Strategies that we've come up with based on the Developmental Assets research. Click on each icon for tips. 

Click here for the steps.   

Closing Prayer




God of the seasons, thank you for the many signs of spring - gentle rains, warmer weather, first buds from trees and flower, and birds singing. May You guide us into a season of new life and promise as we welcome the joys of spring. In Your loving and precious name, Amen.

Contact Information

Sabrina Evans