Dear Spiritual Partner,
Oprah Winfrey is the gift to all of us that keeps on giving. I believe that is what made her show remarkably successful and what will make her new network, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), the most groundbreaking network in the history of television because of its commitment to assisting individuals in their growth from unempowered to empowered, from pain to joy, and from fear to love. As special as Oprah's energy appears on television, it is even more intimate and caring in person. After my first talk with Oprah (see below), she invited us to walk across the street and see a live show with an audience. The first thing I noticed was how connected she and the audience were. Over one hundred of us were in it, including Linda and me, and all of us felt connected personally with Oprah.
In my opinion, this is what propelled Oprah from an unknown talk show host into the most recognized person on television. Everyone knows when he or she is recognized and cared for, and everyone loves it. Oprah does this by grace and intention. I have learned so much from her, and I hope that I have shared with our audiences as much as I have received from her show.
Now that show has returned in a special way. Our very first conversation became my very first appearance on an Oprah Winfrey Show. This story is below. Oprah recently rebroadcast that show and added new comments, and also archived it on Oprah.com. Click here to watch at your convenience. I hope you enjoy it often.
Oprah and I discussed the things that are most important to me and, I believe, to millions of us - how to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life - how to live lives of joy and fulfillment.
The Seat of the Soul Institute will always support you in doing that, which is creating authentic power and spiritual partnerships.

Here is a gift from Oprah and me:
Here is the backstory: In late fall 1998 one of Oprah's producers called me - would I like to come to Chicago for a short interview with Oprah? Oprah and I had spoken by phone a few times over the previous years. The first time she called to say hello. I didn't recognize her name because I didn't watch TV, but that call put us on a journey together that we continue today. At the moment her producer invited me to Chicago, I felt like a surfer in the ocean. A perfect wave had arrived. I didn't need to paddle to catch I and I didn't need to wait for it. All I needed to do was stand up and ride. I had never surfed (I grew up in Kansas), but perhaps this image came to me because I love seeing surfers dance with waves. In any case, it was a very appropriate image.
Linda and I met Oprah for the first time in an small apartment near the Harpo studios. It was a wonderfully joyful encounter. We embraced, joined in a circle, set our intentions, and sat down to talk. There was no audience - just the two of us. At the end Oprah said excitedly to her Executive Producer, "I am going to give this interview to my audience as a Christmas gift." She did. The show based on our intimate talk aired Christmas Eve afternoon, December 24, 1998.
Oprah told me soon after that my life would change, but I didn't notice any changes at first. Then The Seat of the Soul came onto the New York Times Bestseller list. Oprah called again a few months later. "We are going to do another show on authentic power," she told me. "Wonderful!" I replied, "I am looking forward to seeing it." "No, Gary," she laughed. "You are going to be ON it." The show aired in April 1999. It was my first with an audience. The Seat of the Soul became Number One on the New York Times Bestseller list and stayed there three years. Oprah and I just recently discovered that I have been on The Oprah Winfrey Show more than any guest! This surprises and delights us both.
Our first show has now been re-broadcast on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network, and this time with powerful new comments by Oprah. It touches me now even more deeply than the original. It helps me experience how deeply we are all connected, not only Oprah and I, but all of us. Oprah has also archived this show on her website - something that was not possible when we recorded it. Now you can see it in its entirety anytime anywhere. So here is this special show again, updated beautifully by Oprah. It will be archived only for a limited time. I hope you enjoy it and share it often while it is available.
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The three most important things I have in common with Oprah are:
- We are both souls
- We have a deep resonance with what is in The Seat of the Soul
- We share what we feel are the most supportive things that we can share to support others in transforming their lives into meaningful, joyful, authentically powerful lives.
I met Oprah and Gary because of these three things, although when I met Gary in 1993 and we created our spiritual partnership, the third one was not apparent yet. However, it soon became clear that supporting others in creating authentic power and spiritual partnerships was something we would do together.
In September of 1998 I was in San Diego visiting our family when Gary got the call from a producer at Harpo to invite him to Chicago. He called to ask me if I would like to join him. I was at the airport preparing to fly home to Mt Shasta, and I knew that I indeed wanted to join him so I flew to meet Gary in Chicago instead.
I was excited to go to Chicago and meet Oprah but, to my amazement, I felt that Oprah was even more excited to meet Gary. It was clear to me even from the first few moments of our meeting that The Seat of the Soul was as important to her as it was to me. I was and always am thrilled to meet others who also resonate as deeply with The Seat of the Soul as I do. I knew that our meeting and the talk Gary and Oprah had that day was very special, but I had no idea what an impact it would have.
I remember as we left the apartment where Oprah and Gary had their talk that became the basis for the show that aired Dec 24 1998, Oprah said to us that our lives would never be the same. I didn't understand what she meant then, but I always remembered her words, and over these years since that first meeting it has become more and more apparent that our precious Oprah has been one of our deepest colleagues in sharing with our human family the Universal Truths that Gary wrote in The Seat of the Soul.
And now in 2012 this first meeting is now being shared even more globally because it can be streamed by anyone anywhere for a limited time. All you need to do is click:
So the gift that Oprah gave to all of her millions of viewers on December 24, 1998, is now being shared wherever someone has a computer and an internet connection. This is so powerful and positive. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and that you share it often while it is available.
Thank you Oprah for following your guidance and continually sharing what is most valuable to us as a human species. It is a joy to have you as a colleague in the Earth school
Thank you Universe, Divine Intelligence, for allowing Gary and me in sharing these Universal truths so that all of us can create with love always and in all ways.
With Love,

"Every personality in the Earth school has lessons to learn and gifts to give."
-- Gary Zukav, Soul to Soul
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