News from FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Public Schools
Celebrating 25 Years of Support for Volusia County Public Schools
 5 Reasons to Join the FUTURES Foundation

1. Outstanding Teachers Should Be Recognized

2. Giving Students Extra Help with Schoolwork

3. School Budgets Can't Cover Everything

4. College Scholarships

5. Great Schools Equal a Good Economy, Jobs

  FUTURES Education Foundation
FUTURES was established in 1985 to increase business and community involvement in public schools and to provide programs and activities beyond the financial capabilities of the school district. FUTURES is the only nonprofit foundation that provides assistance to all public schools in Volusia County.

Volusia County Schools

Volusia County Schools 

Upcoming Events
9/15: FUTURES Board Mtg.
9/16: School Matching Grants announced
9/22 - 9/24: Educator Intern
9/22: Mini-Grant applications due to principals
9/23: Tomorrow's Leaders applications due                 
9/29:  Mini-Grant applications due to FUTURES
9/29: Tomorrow's Leaders Selection Committee
10/14: School Matching Grants due at FUTURES 
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Building a Stronger Economy Starts with Education
25th Logo

The Volusia County economy needs a boost. A high performing school district produces an educated workforce, increased productivity and high tech skills. 

That is the goal that the FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County public schools was founded on 25 years ago. 
FUTURES support comes from our local business and civic community, whose members make up the FUTURES Board and raise money year round. It comes from the sale of the License for Learning license plate in Volusia County. It comes from those Volusia County schools' employees who donate from every paycheck. It comes through the individual efforts of people from all walks of life right here in Volusia County like you.

Join FUTURES in helping to build a more high performing public school system!
Local Business Leaders Intern at Volusia County Schools
FUTURES Foundation welcomes the following community and business leaders to spend the day shadowing selected Volusia County School District principals and administrators as part of its Educator Intern program Sept. 22-24.  
Heather Vargas  and  Mark Watts, Cobb & Cole
David Jimenez, Kennedy Space Coast Federal Credit Union
Erick Palacios, RBC Bank
Brad Gordner, The Daytona Beach News-Journal
Bob Fitzsimmons, Gallery Homes
Michelle Bruce, Outstart
Diane Holland, District Advisory Committee and Fund Education Now Volusia

Also participating are Volusia County teachers Alan Canetti, Yvonne Cook-Scott and Kelly Conway.

The goal of Educator Intern is to demonstrate the daily operations of the school district and provide an avenue for community members to share their  ideas and suggestions for improving public education. FUTURES will host another session of Educator Intern Feb. 16-18, 2011. If you are interested in taking part, contact Beth Butera at (386) 255-6475 ext. 50730.
New Regents Club Membership is All Inclusive

The FUTURES Board has created a new level of Club Membership that delivers all-inclusive benefits to businesses and organizations. The Regents Membership ($5,000 annually) ensures that your business receives sponsorship benefits for all the Foundation's events including Mini-Grants, Caribbean Party, Turn Around program, Tomorrows Leaders program, New Teacher Breakfast and the annual Bowl-A-Thon. Deliverables include:

  • Logo & listing on all FUTURES promotional materials
  • Business name/logo/link on FUTURES website
  • Recognition and feature in FUTURES e-newsletter, which reaches 7,500 people
  • 8 tickets to Caribbean Party and inclusion in slide show
  • Named Mini-Grant and opportunity to select your grant recipient
  • Corporate Team Building opportunities through Bowl-A-Thon
  • Volunteer opportunities for business employees
  • Rewards for sponsor employees such as tickets to Caribbean Party

Other Club Membership levels and individual event sponsorships are available. Contact Beth Butera, FUTURES Director, for more information at (386) 255-6475 ext. 50730.