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November 30, 2011  –  Cypress Benefit Administrators
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topWe enjoy bringing you information and reminders to help you stay abreast of new Cypress developments and industry compliance requirements. Please let us know how Cypress Solution eNews can be of further service to you.
In This Issue:
noticeAnnual Notices Reminder 
Cypress Benefit Administrators wants to make you aware of certain annual notice requirements that must be provided to employees who are covered under a group health care plan to ensure you are staying within compliance of the ERISA guidelines. These laws require employer-sponsored group health plans to provide the following notices, which describe guidelines for enrollment rights, treatment and care that pertain to:
  • Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA) 
  • Children's Health Insurance and Protection Act of 2009 (CHIP)
  • Notice of Privacy Practices
  • Medicare Part D Notices to those newly eligible

Learn more and access sample language and guidance

report2012 Employer Healthcare Cost Survey Report  
We are always looking forward at Cypress Benefit Administrators, and reviewing industry trends and predictions is an important facet of knowing how we can best meet the needs of our clients and consultants. Recently, our vendor partner, Benefit Informatics, prepared a compilation entitled 2012 Employer Healthcare Cost Survey Data. Some highlights include:
  • The average health care premium rate will increase approximately 7% in 2012.
  • We will see a spike in Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHPs) in 2012.
  • Many employers indicate they will continue to offer health care benefit coverage despite the introduction of state exchanges in 2014, with a greater interest in self funding

Learn more and see all survey findings.  

If you have any questions or are looking for solutions, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help!
Cypress Benefit Administrators