Universal Wisdom Fellowship
The Source Within Newsletter                                 
Our Father Is Always GoodOctober 2012
In This Issue
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Look Up At the Sky

If you have heard of Job in the Bible, you will know that he was very ill and had a long talk with God.

He was angry, but found that his anger could serve no real purpose.

When we realize this for ourselves, we will know also that the real purpose in life is to entertain God, Our Father and to choose all the wonderful gifts he has for us.

If you have ever looked up at the sky, you will see a beautiful blue, sometimes the rain clouds and sometimes the stars and moon.

Our life can be just as beautiful if we begin today to see the beauty by looking upward to the heavenly consciousness that always accompanies us.
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When someone asks how we feel, we may want to reply by saying that the times today are horrific.  However, we know we are handling things well. 

Yet, once we know that there is only One Power in the Universe, we can better answer anyone by saying,
"I am doing fantastic, for I know God is all there is." 
This is a true statement for that Greater Power is all there truly is.

However, because we have the freedom to be anything we want, to feel any way that we want and to live life the way we want, it may appear that this Power is not in control.

Freedom gives to us life on a platter and it is up to each of us to know just how to select the best parts for us and then to know just how to digest what we have chosen, what we want to do with what we have chosen or we can surely say, "Yes, these times are horrific."

Today, would be a great day to decide what you want out of life and then work toward bringing it into manifestation.  Just know:
With God, Our Father, all things are possible.

My Brethren count it all Joy when you Fall in various trials.  (James 1:2 NIV)

Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations?  Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow.
(James 1:2 Living Bible Edition)
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I Just Want to "Be" Somebody - Part III


The Real Values of Life  


It would be to our advantage in living a most prosperous life to concentrate on the "real" values of life.


We may have the idea that earning all the money we can, no matter whom or what it may hurt is what we want in life. Even being the most popular in our race or culture or becoming well-known in life may make us feel that would be the best and most wonderful thing and a wonderful value for us to obtain. However, this is an untruth.


Many of us may fall short in understanding that this is a "thought" world and that it is our thought that is the most important thing about this life. The "real" values in this life will never be money, fame or popularity, but those virtues that build character, integrity, personality and qualities that support us to return to Creator.


Do you know that there are many, many virtues that are really valuable for us to obtain and is what leads to success in life? Some of those "real" values are: faith, wisdom, strength, respect, compassion just to name a few.


Sometimes, those things that we do not want to do are the very things that will grow our Soul and bring the happiness for which we yearn. However, stepping out from the norm or what some call "the beaten track" and doing that which is different from our friends you may find to be difficult. As a result we have the tendency to give up and adopt the easy way out thinking that is what we are to do.


We are individuals and unless we understand that, we may end up following the life of someone else rather than our own.  


Thus, it would be difficult for us to see that our understanding may be a notch higher, not making us better, but simply understanding more on the Spiritual level.


As we learn to live a life of "real" values we begin to understand that it is to our advantage to trust The Father, because His way of living is the happiest life to live.


It truly is the happiest, but the one thing that we hesitate to do is to ask Him what is best for us at any given time. This takes "real" trust and faith because there are so many virtues to obtain.


Therefore, it means that we are to turn our life over to a Power we do not see other than through plants, minerals, the animals that walk this earth and what generally a Minister has informed us about or we have taken studies to learn.


A life other than living the "real" values could be compared to allowing the Soul to grow on the level of the Dinosaur Age - O please, do not throw darts at me yet, for there is much more to understand.


The Soul wants to grow, but we hinder it by accepting all the things that we want to do just because we want to do them or what our best friends are doing. These things are called "desires".


So, instead it might be wise to simply begin to boost the life of another rather than talk about them or slander their character.  


Learning to lift up the spirit of another rather than to deny them to have an opinion different from our own will certainly live as Jesus taught and we here at Universal Wisdom teach to "see only good." 


It may be wise to begin using "The Art of Praising".  We could praise another for whatever he or she has done to assist someone else in their Religion as long as it does not hurt or harm them or yourself.


We could certainly glorify Our Father because He asks us to praise Him. We certainly can think for ourselves and know that there truly is a Power Greater than ourselves and when that is firm in our hearts, nothing can move it out.


So, let us love Our Father because He is Creator of All Things and never love Him out of fear, for fear blocks The Good He has ready to come to us.  


Remember, He loves us dearly, wants us to be happy and He answers our every prayer request. So, choose wisely.


In Divine Love and Delight,

Rev. Pat


Join Us for Part IV Next Month 



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Be A Center of Divine Love


Our attitude counts so very much in portraying love in life. Knowing what you want to experience and visioning it is very important when it comes to goal setting and maintaining your vision.


We read in Proverbs, "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Solomon in all his wisdom recognized the importance of looking ahead at what was expected.


Dr. Ernest Holmes talked often about our ability to use our wonderful mind to plan our future, to overcome the anchors that hold us back from our happiness. He also said, "There is no plan for man other than the Divine Plan. The Divine Plan is for Goodness." We can have whatever we choose for our lives, so may I suggest we choose to be more loving and tolerant.


The beautiful truth about life is that we are created out of love, to love. Let's do itAs long as love is flowing everywhere, unobstructed and unreserved, we are warm with life and full of all its power.


Have you examined your attitude recently? Our attitude is how we think and feel about something. What is your attitude about? Does your attitude about life correspond with Jean-Paul Sartre when he said, "Man can do nothing unless he first understands that he is abandoned on earth without help. Life is absurd, love is impossible."


Or, does your attitude about life correspond with Plato's who believed that he lived in a friendly universe and that there was an intelligent plan which provided a good reason for everything that exists and everything that happens?


The love of God is the power to live life well and it is randomly given because the love of God is the entire nature of God.


Whatever our attitude is toward life will determine what life will give us. May I suggest you become a center of love? You will become a positive influence in your community. But more important you will be centered in a circle of protection.


In this awareness, no harm can befall us, for anyone coming into our space is lifted into the aura of our consciousness. Enough centers of love in our city and around the nation will help to evoke (I believe) wise actions by our government and bring the unified support of the people.


Enough centers of love around the world will build bridges of communication and peace. Love is the answer.


Remember that God is love and that God and the Universe are friendly and cooperative and that God's only true desire for us is good. Look for the good. Expect only good. Recognize God as the source of your good. Maintain this attitude through every day then give thanks and praise God for every good thing that comes into your life and affairs.


Your life and affairs will then overflow with everything that is good. The creative process of the Universe guarantees this.


In Love and Light,

Rev. Fred



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Upcoming Events  







October 2012

Join us for this wonderful Discussion on Chapter 22 in our SOM Textbook to be held in October 21, 2012 - Finding The Christ


No planned talk or inquiry, just an Opening Prayer, a 15 minute Meditation, the calling forth of His Angels and then a one hour Discussion of questions, answers, clarity of the subject and Spiritual Awareness on "Finding the Christ" which can lead to enlightenment.


When conversing with a fellow student on the steps of the beautiful building of the Institute of The Science of Mind and Philosophy, I recall that student of the First year of SOM Classes saying that she was tired of coming back to this plane of existence.


She made the decision that this would be her last time. Included in that decision was that she would enjoy this life, experience the highest level on the material, soul and Spiritual in life would be done.


However, mistakes were made. The thing forgotten was this: All fixations, illusions, delusions, mental blocks, habits that limit and fears, particularly fear of death must be removed from the conscious mind and stripped away from the subconscious mind. (Understand there is only one mind, but several divisions--ways that it acts)  


It is necessary and essential to waken the Christ within and in order to move to a higher level of living.


Thus, it is beneficial to clarify Chapter 22 in the SOM Textbook-no teaching-just a wonderful Discussion of what "Finding the Christ" really means on the Third Sunday in October.  


This is the way the Disciples taught after the Resurrection of The Lord.  


Those of you who took WSOM III and discussed topics there using Apatow's book, The Art of Spiritual Dialogue learned much on how to dialogue free from jeopardizing your own opinion and yet grew from the experience.  The first five attending will receive this book free. 


What a great way it might be to return to that old way that leads to Power of the mind and soul and to partner to Spirit, team up with It and link up-to truly connect.


We ask that you join us and this great art of dialoguing and discussing this topic on October 22, 2012 and other topics that you may choose on the Third Sunday of each month.






November 2012 Discussion


What Would You Like to Know and Understand?  You tell us. 




All Classes Begin Week of October 1, 2012


Wisdom of Science of Mind I


This is the basic teaching of New Thought, our Wisdom of Science of Mind.


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Extension Studies -- 2012


New Extension Study Class - Mastering Life Classes


Six Week Study -- Raising the Consciousness to Live Without Fear


Week 1      What Does Fear Do to the Body, Mind, Spirit?


Fear is tied in with anger, hate, guilt and/or worry. The nurses took the blood pressure of one of their patients and it was normal, but it did not meet the requirements of that first nurse. Arrogantly, she stated that the pressure (which was normal) was wrong and called forth 2 other nurses to take it. The patient became angry and of course the pressure zoomed. Her words, "There, that's better." This attitude still follows that patient today.


Week 2      Is There Such a Thing as Vague Subtle Unconscious fear?


Ask questions: Who am I? What am I? Dr. Holmes in the SOM Textbook says, "Know - without a shadow of doubt that as a result of your treatment, some action takes place in Infinite Mind. Infinite Mind is the actor and you are the announcer." (Treatment means scientific prayer)


Week 3      Fear Arises from Mental Attitudes


It is our attitude about life that is important. Your attitude shows what you are and what you believe about yourself and your world. Discover and realize that a pleasant attitude will bring forth pleasant actions.


Week 4      Methods to Raise the Consciousness


Some say that there are those who like to see things as either "black" or "white". There is one thing for sure, all doubt must be cleared from the mind if you want to raise the consciousness. There can never be a compromise with consciousness. God never negotiates or meet us halfway when reaching a higher level of consciousness. This is why some prayers are left unanswered the way we want them answered. 


Week 5      Security that Knows No Fear


The security that leads us to all demonstrations is the release of all doubt and fear, which has many names. This week, we study the Laws of the Universe. There appears to be many because we misunderstand, thus limiting the really only One Law. Therefore, it is to our benefit that we understand what we limit.    


Week 6      Destination Reached and Fulfilled


Are we there yet? A very valuable question. Children ask this question all the time. You can ask The Father, "Am I there yet?" Our answers will give us the Real Truth.


Text Used:  

Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes,  

Freedom from Stress, by Holmes,  

How To Live With Yourself, by Seabury, Recommended: Healing with Color and Light, by Theo Gimbel


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Please Check Our Website: www.universalwisdomfellowship.org

for additional classes offered-updates to be made beginning 10-01-2012


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Dear Beautiful Readers:

Our sincere thanks for reading our Newsletter The Source Within.  I was amazed to find that a major company had titled their Newsletter The Source.  It gave me a feeling that many are reading our Newsletter and I am grateful.  However, this Newsletter was named by Jennifer Klos (her maiden name) when we were WUC (World United Church) and it is so wonderfully true that there is a True Source, which is Greater than we are and is known by many names: The First Cause, God, Spirit, The Great I Am, Power, All Knowledge, Unity, Conscious Mind and many other names.  We thank you so very much.  May Our Father bless you with His Glory and cause you to Love Him dearly.


Reverend Dr. Fred Ogletree & Reverend Dr. Pat Ogletree, Founders & Team Minister
Universal Wisdom Fellowship
Web: www.universalwisdomfellowship.org
Tele: 203-916-8287
Email: uwfellowship@aol.com

God loves you and so do we.
for October

I stand steadfast with my eyes fixed on You, O Father, knowing naught but You Father and I see naught but Your love, life and Wisdom. Your Divine Spirit pervades me always. It surrounds me and abounds within and without me always. I know, O Father that this is not for me alone, but it is for all Thy children. I know, O Father that I have naught but that which they have and there is naught but God for all. I thank Thee, O Father. I let it be and so it is. Selah. Shalom. Amen.


Our Father Is for Us All Alike